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How can an architect in Denver, Colorado explain his design to an engineer in Houston, Texas while a construction project manager for a petroleum refinery in Saudi Arabia ensures that the design meets his criteria?
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers announced this week that it is accepting volunteers for its Membership Implementation Task Force, which will help establish a membership base from which nine of ICANN's 19 directors are elected.
Number one UK Internet service provider Freeserve PLC announced plans yesterday to develop mobile Internet services with BT Cellnet, a mobile network owned by British Telecommunications PLC.
Pan-European online auction site QXL.com (Nasdaq: QXLC) further expanded its distribution reach across the continent today, as the London-based company announced deals to create co-branded auction pages with Web portal Excite.
Online real estate brokerage zipRealty.com announced today that it has raised $16 million (US$) in a second round of funding led by venture capital firm Benchmark Capital.
Amazon.com announced today that a U.S. federal district judge has granted a preliminary injunction against barnesandnoble.com in a patent battle between the rival online book sellers.
Red Hat, Inc. (Nasdaq: RHAT) grabbed media headlines and international attention when its high profile August IPO took the Linux movement into a new arena.
According to a new report by Forrester Research, Inc., pressure from consumer advocates will force lawmakers to pursue a privacy bill of rights in 12 to 18 months.
America Online (NYSE: AOL) and job search/recruitment site Monster.com announced today that they have forged a four-year, exclusive $100 million (US$) deal to offer Monster.com's career-management resources to AOL users across seven AOL brands.
A variant of the notorious ExploreZip worm hit the Internet this week, infecting corporate systems and threatening holiday shoppers who are moving online for a record e-commerce shopping season.
Privacy has been a hot topic for e-commerce companies lately, but there is now an even hotter "P" buzzword rattling throughout the industry: "Personalization."
In the mad scramble to be the flashiest, biggest, and most dynamic Web site in cyberspace, many retailers are losing sight of the most important prize - the bottom line.
In an effort to maximize its customers' ability to download products quickly and efficiently, Internet software retailer Beyond.com (Nasdaq: BYND) will market digital subscriber line (DSL) service from NorthPoint Communications (Nasdaq: NPNT) on its Web site.
In a direct reply to Amazon.com's launch of a home-improvement section earlier this month, America Online and HomeWarehouse.com announced an agreement Wednesday that will put home-improvement products and expert information on AOL's shopping sites.
Online music company Launch Media, Inc. has inked a deal with EMI Recorded Music to showcase EMI's vast inventory of music videos.
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