Polls Archive

Posted May 4, 2020 through May 11, 2020 (75 Votes)

Where would you most like to see robots used more?
  • Autonomous parcel delivery systems (17%, 13 Votes)
  • Caregiving assistance (9%, 7 Votes)
  • Customer service in retail stores (12%, 9 Votes)
  • Restaurants and food services (7%, 5 Votes)
  • Self-driving taxi services (13%, 10 Votes)
  • Surgical procedures (5%, 4 Votes)
  • Nowhere (37%, 27 Votes)

Total Votes: 75

Poll Open: May 4, 2020Is there a topic you'd like us to poll?Let us know.

Posted April 27, 2020 through May 4, 2020 (67 Votes)

How has the pandemic most sharply affected your purchasing habits?
  • I order groceries online and have them delivered. (7%, 5 Votes)
  • I'm more inclined to stock up on staples. (16%, 11 Votes)
  • I now purchase clothing and other personal items online. (1%, 1 Vote)
  • I buy much less in general. (31%, 21 Votes)
  • I've put off several major purchases. (6%, 4 Votes)
  • I wear a face covering and social distance when I shop. (18%, 12 Votes)
  • I shop as usual where I can, and I'm eager for more stores to open. (21%, 13 Votes)

Total Votes: 67

Poll Open: April 27, 2020Is there a topic you'd like us to poll?Let us know.

Posted April 21, 2020 through April 27, 2020 (141 Votes)

How do you feel about contact tracing as a tool to fight the pandemic?
  • It's essential -- the U.S. should not reopen without it. (25%, 35 Votes)
  • I support it on a voluntary basis, with reasonable privacy protections. (11%, 16 Votes)
  • I would use a completely anonymous system. (19%, 27 Votes)
  • I strongly oppose any contact tracing for privacy reasons. (35%, 49 Votes)
  • I doubt it would be effective. (6%, 8 Votes)
  • I don't think it's necessary. (3%, 4 Votes)
  • I don't know what contact tracing is. (1%, 2 Votes)

Total Votes: 141

Poll Open: April 21, 2020Is there a topic you'd like us to poll?Let us know.

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