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Results 1981-2000 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

ISPs Aim to Choke Child Porn Traffic

Three Internet service providers have agreed to be more proactive in policing the dissemination of child pornography across their networks. ...


Customer Bloggers Pumping Up the Volume

As we've said here before, blogs have been an excellent leveler of the playing field for consumers. Had a poor customer service experience or are just feeling aggrieved with a service provider? Complain to management, yes, but then blog about it. While such posts are generally considered to be the realm of consumers, occasionally a practitioner in the industry takes a stand as well. Denis Pombriant, principal with Beagle Research, vented about American Airlines in his post. He didn't have a bad experience, but does have his reasons to target American...

Comcast’s Bandwidth-Throttling Experiment: Wave of the Future?

Comcast has launched a trial this month in parts of Pennsylvania and Virginia to see how well its new approach to bandwidth management works ...

Did Industry Hue and Cry Prompt FCC to Delay Spectrum Auction?

The Federal Communications Commission has decided to put off a vote on a controversial wireless spectrum auction that had been scheduled for June 12 ...

Jigsaw Aims to Open Web 2.0 Treasure Trove

Jigsaw, a provider of corporate information, sales and marketing leads, is providing some of its contacts for free to customer relationship management vendors under a newly launched Open Data Initiative. ...


Happy Birthday, Cluetrain Manifesto

The Cluetrain Manifesto, written 10 years ago by Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls and David Weinberger, has won over a sizable number of devotees with a simple premise: As the Internet introduces new levels of communication among consumers -- and between consumers and companies -- those companies are going to have to respond with intelligent and direct communication.

Adobe Acrobat Swings Into Web 2.0

Adobe has released a new version of its flagship Acrobat product -- v. 9 -- that offers native support of Flash, as well as a beta of online tools designed to enhance collaboration. The dual releases exponentially expand the company's support of Web 2.0 technologies. ...

Having SaaS Your Way: Configuration Sophistication

There was a time when customizing enterprise software was a long, drawn-out, often painful affair. Then along came Software as a Service, recalls Dan Druker, senior vice president for Intacct, an on-demand financial management and accounting application. ...

Aggressive Antipiracy Firm Snags Dolphin in Tuna Net

Revision3, an entertainment network for the Web, had planned to release its two most popular shows last Friday evening in time for the Memorial Day weekend. Instead, chaos struck, and the Web 2.0 company found itself unable distribute videos or advertising or respond to clients' requests. ...

Viacom v. Google Wends Its Way Through Legal Fog

The patchwork system of digital commerce laws adopted in recent years is showing signs of wear as Viacom's US$1 billion suit against Google moves forward ...


The Other CRM

We've all seen the promotions: Brand X donates a portion of its sales to a worthy cause, which can be anything from support for a local school to breast cancer research. It's called "cause-related marketing," and it is rapidly becoming one of the best ways for businesses to embroider their brands, writes Alden Keene & Associates principal Paul Jones in his blog by that name...

Vodafone CEO Gets Out While the Going’s Good

"Quit while you're ahead" is one nugget of conventional wisdom that few CEOs appear to heed, at least judging by the number of executives who have left companies at the behest of shareholders -- or, worse, regulators ...

RightNow Adds Chat to Feedback Offering

RightNow is adding chat to its expanding Feedback feature set. The new functionality is part of the application's May '08 update to its flagship CRM product ...

Yahoo Postpones Shareholder Meeting to Get Its Ducks in a Row

Yahoo has postponed its annual shareholders' meeting, which had been originally scheduled to take place on July 3. Now, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), that meeting will take place at the end of July in order to give regulators time to review paperwork related to the proxy challenge one of its shareholders has launched.

Economic Woes Bode Well for was created during cloudy economic times, and its business model -- per-user, per-seat pricing when the market offered nothing but million-dollar enterprise-based pricing -- took off, precisely for that reason ...

Facebookers Sneak a Peek at Profile Page Makeover Specs

Facebook is introducing a tabbed interface as part of its ongoing effort to keep its profile page fresh-looking and streamlined, in contrast with many other social networking sites ...

SugarCRM Bundles Functions for Resellers, Enterprises

SugarCRM is repackaging its functionality to target both companies that wish to resell SugarCRM to their own customers as well as large-scale enterprises that wish to manage multiple instances of the application through one console ...

Survey: Airlines in Customer Satisfaction Tailspin

Results of a customer satisfaction survey released this week are timely for one industry in particular, as it faces a perfect storm: the collision of potentially stringent new regulations affecting customer service with a host of economic factors that are driving perception of that service deeper into the ground ...


New CEO’s Sage Advice: Listen

Sage Software owned the CRM vendor conference spotlight this week, with Insights 2008, held in suburban Washington, D.C. Sage updated attendees on its product road map and better acquainted users and partners with the new CEO Sue Swenson. ...

Microsoft, Yahoo Circle Game Goes Another Round

The never-ending Microhoo saga has left many investors feeling downright whipsawed as they watched events careen from one extreme to the other -- and that was after the merger was supposedly dead in the water ...

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