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Results 2021-2040 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Microsoft Shares Down, Dander Up

Microsoft's Q3 earnings report is a mixed bag: Net income beat Wall Street expectations by 2 cents, and the company's projections for fiscal 2009 look solid. However, its Windows and Office sales were muted, and its outlook for the current quarter is disappointing ...

When Disgruntled Customers Attack

After Best Buy lost the laptop Raelyn Campbell had brought in for repair, the D.C. residentfiled a lawsuit demanding US$54 million from the company. That eye-popping claim -- and the publicity it engendered -- was the culmination of a long blog campaign during which Campbellrelated her frustration with Best Buy's evasive behavior and enlisted friends and family to contact the retailer on her behalf...

Amazon Surges in Q1 but Shares Languish

Amazon has posted Q1 earnings of US$143 million, or 34 cents a share, and revenue of $4.13 billion, handily beating analyst predictions of 32 cents a share on revenue of $4.08 billion. These figures reflect the e-commerce giant's continuing sharp upward trajectory, with earnings rising 37 percent compared with the same quarter a year ago ...

Yahoo’s Spry Q1 No Stumbling Block for Microsoft

Yahoo posted a healthy rise in profits for Q1, an increase fueled in large part by a US$401 million gain in the initial public offering of China's Net income rose to $542.2 million -- or 37 cents per diluted share -- from 2007 Q1's $142.4 million, or 10 cents per diluted share ...

Microsoft Ups CRM Ante With Dynamics General Release

It's official. With the general availability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Microsoft is now formally a player -- a big one -- in the online CRM space. Until now, the application was available only through the early access program Redmond launched in September 2007 ...

Is iPhone the Wind Beneath AT&T’s Wings?

AT&T's wireless business unit was the main driver behind the telecom's eye-popping 22 percent increase in net income this past quarter ...

Is iPhone the Wind Beneath AT&T’s Wings?

AT&T's wireless business unit was the main driver behind the telecom's eye-popping 22 percent increase in net income this past quarter ...

Is iPhone the Wind Beneath AT&T’s Wings?

AT&T's wireless business unit was the main driver behind the telecom's eye-popping 22 percent increase in net income this past quarter ...


Is Benioff Stuck in the ’90s?

The big CRM news of the week was's tie-up with Google to embed its CRM application in the search engine provider's productivity suite. Plenty in the industry were wowed by the development -- not all, though ...

Etelos Syncs Offline Data to Cloud

Etelos has released a limited beta that provides access to offline data -- a chief requirement for any on-demand vendor. The feature,called "Apps on a Plane," allows any browser-based application from the Etelos Marketplace to exchange data with any other AOP-enabled app, CEO Jeff Garon told CRM Buyer ...

Comcast Steers for High Ground With P2P Bill of Rights

Taken aback by the intense outcry that arose over reports that it blocked or slowed down traffic to peer-to-peer file-sharing Web sites, Comcast has graciously offered to police itself ...


VRM: Consumers Take Control

If you are in London on April 24th, you might want to check out the next monthly VRM Hub meeting. What is VRM, you wonder? ... and Google: First Comes Love? and Google have announced the rollout of Salesforce for Google Apps, a product that combines Google's budding suite of productivity applications with the ubiquitous on-demand customer relationship management application. The two are already collaborators on Salesforce Group Edition featuring Google Adwords ...

It’s Almost Tax Day: Do You Know Where Your Identity Is?

Spending your tax refund before it arrives? You might want to rethink that plan -- and not just because it's fiscally imprudent. There is a growing chance that this tax season you'll learn for the first time that you were the victim of identity theft at some point during the last year ...

IBM Unveils Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Tools

IBM has introduced a mashup portfolio designed to help line of business users create applications for specific situations ...

EC Group Could Spur Search Privacy Sea Change

AnOpinion issued by the influential European Commission Article 29 Data Protection Working Party could have a major impact on the way search engines do business ...


Barack Obama: First CRM President?

Much ink has been spilled about what, exactly, has been the secret of Barack Obama's overwhelming success. There is no denying his charisma or the appeal of his message, but a behind-the-scenes look at how his political machine operates -- namely, how it empowers its people on the ground to operate -- is worth a look as well ...

IBM Soups Up RFID-Ready Server

IBM is unveiling upgrades to its WebSphere Premises Server at Impact, its SOA (service-oriented architecture) event taking place in Las Vegas this week ...

Census 2010: Rock, Paper, Scissors

When the Census Bureau sends out its legions of employees to count American heads two years hence, the roughly 140,000 address canvassers and 580,000 enumerators won't be armed with custom-built handheld computers. Instead, Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez told a House panel on Friday, the government agency will use a paper-based system ...

Big Blue’s Secure Second Life Fortress

IBM is putting its heft behind a project that could morph into new way of doing business in Second Life, Linden Lab's virtual 3-D community ...

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