Search Results

Results 2061-2080 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Negroponte Goes Fishing for an OLPC Chief

In Search Of: CEO to turn IT organization that operates like a terrorist group into a Microsoft-like outfit. Vision and big-picture mentality not required. Management, administrative and detail skills sorely needed. Ability to deal with a chairman who occasionally goes off reservation during press interviews a big plus ...

Brain-Scanning Tech May Reveal Mind’s Secrets

Through a study using brain scanning technology called "functional magnetic resonance imaging," which records mental activity, neuroscientists at the University of California at Berkeley have gained greater insight into how the human brain "sees" objects ...

Reports: RFID Ripe for Supply Chain

RFID, or radio frequency identification, has gained ascendancy in the corporate world more by fiat than through efforts to persuade suppliers that the technology could deliver internal returns -- at least, in the beginning. With the requirement to deploy it or lose contracts handed down by such entities as Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense, partners scrambled to comply...

Facebook Gets Sandberg, Google Loses Face

Facebook has a new honcho. The Web upstart-turned-conglomerate has lured away Sheryl Sandberg, Google's ad platform guru, to join its team as chief operating officer ...



PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Siebel and a host of others succumbed to the pull of its tractor beam. Could be next on Oracle's list? ...

Shareholders Suits May Thwart Yahoo’s Strategic Maneuvering

Ever since Microsoft made an unsolicited takeover bid for Yahoo -- a US$44.6 billion proposition -- Yahoo has been beset with distractions, which the company readily acknowledged in making its annual report ...

EFF Sues DoJ for Stonewalling on Google Hire

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for not responding in a timely manner to a request it made six months ago under the Freedom of Information Act. The organization had asked for any communications between former DoJ attorney Jane Horvath and Google ...

NetSuite Takes On With New Open Standards Dev Platform

NetSuite has introduced its own version of a development platform -- direct competition for the raft of initiatives and platforms has designed to entice developers to its product line ...

Free Speech Advocates Mount Legal Battle to Unchain Wikileaks

TheAmerican Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation,Public Citizen and twelve media groups are asking a federal court to lift an injunction against the global whistleblower Web ...

RightNow Launches February ’08, Gives Customers More Context

RightNow has updated its flagship Software as a Service CRM product with new agent desktop functionality, customer-tracking abilities, enhanced analytics and chat features ...

Yahoo Buzz Lets Readers Rank the News It Chooses

Yahoo has launched it own version of a social media Web site -- that is, one that publishes a selection of articles from a variety of online sources every day and gives users the chance to rank them ...


The Customer Is Sometimes Always Right

The customer is always right -- except for, of course, when he or she isn't ...

Can Google’s Midas Touch Turn Health Record-Keeping Golden?

Through a joint venture with the renownedCleveland Clinic, Google is entering yet another software category: electronic personal health records ...

Oracle Adds Single-Tenancy to Siebel CRM Mix

Oracle has introduced a new single-tenant option for its Siebel CRM customers ...

RightNow Buffs Up Retail App

RightNow has enhanced its retail industry-specific app with chat and feedback functionality -- changes that give users more outreach options to customers using self-service channels ...

Mad-as-Hell Best Buy Customer Files $54M Lawsuit Over Laptop Loss

A frustrated Best Buy customer has filed a US$54 million lawsuit against the electronics retailer in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Her complaint? Best Buy lost the laptop she had brought in for repair; the tech staff was evasive about its whereabouts; and the store refused to compensate her fully for her loss ...

House Rejects Telecom Immunity as FISA Clock Ticks Down

A measure to extend amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for three weeks failed to pass in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday. The failure is a setback for Democrats who had been hoping for the extra time to hammer out a solution to a politically explosive issue: that is, whether and how to extend retroactive immunity to the telecom companies that cooperated with the federal government's program of eavesdropping without warrants...

eBay Seller Revolt Gaining Traction

eBay will be introducing its new fee schedule for sellers, along with some other administrative changes, on Feb. 18. Some sellers are so incensed over what they perceive as a raw deal, they're planning to boycott the iconic online auction site from Feb. 18 through 25 ...

BlackBerry Outage Heightens Customer Angst

On Monday, some BlackBerry users experienced their second outage is less than a year. For three hours, many -- but not all -- users were unable to access their e-mail accounts using their handhelds ...


If You Build It, Measure It or Blog About It, Will They Come?

"Opportunity computing" is a term that Danny Kolke, founder and CTO ofEtelos, has coined -- or at least introduced into general use in the CRM community, thanks to his recent post,"Utility v. Opportunity." ...

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