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Results 2201-2220 of 2863 for Erika Morphy, VCs Create Seed Fund for Future Clients

Silicon Valley venture capitalists Bay Partners and Bessemer Venture Partners have pooled resources with to roll out a fund that will invest in companies' development activities on's platform ...

Social Networking and CRM Finally Hook Up

The big news when released its latest version of what is hot in the CRM space -- Winter '08 -- was The immediately understood subtext was that had officially begun its migration to a platform on-demand company, launching the first salvo in what Denis Pombriant, managing principal of the Beagle Research Group, wrote could be the next platform wars...

Google Beckons the Enterprise With Bolstered E-Mail Security

Google has added functionality from Postini -- its recently acquired on-demand security provider -- to Google Apps Premier Edition, further leveraging its ambitious acquisition and development platform ...

IBM Continues to Push RFID Open Standards

IBM made several developments in its RFID (radio frequency identification) partner and product platform that should make software and hardware integration of the technology easier for firms, the company said ...

Gartner Summit: State of CRM Is Strong

Gartner provided welcome news to the CRM industry earlier this month when it released estimates that overall CRM revenue would rise by about US$1 billion annually through 2011; for this year, CRM software revenues were projected to exceed $7.4 billion -- a 14 percent increase from 2006 ...

Microsoft Lets Vista Users Trade Down to XP

Less than a year after its much-ballyhooed rollout of Vista, Microsoft is giving in to the demands of manufacturers and business users who want to switch back to the XP operating system ...

Patent Reform Debate: Tech Industry vs. Everyone Else

Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, and Steve Perlman, who developed Apple's QuickTime video technology and WebTV, were among the people who descended upon Capitol Hill to protest the Patent Reform Act passed by the House of Representatives at the beginning of September ...

SAS Releases Decision Hub Tool for Businesses

SAS added a new application to its lineup of customer service analytical offerings. SAS Real Time Decision Manager embeds analytically driven decision logic at every customer interaction ...

Cell Phone Cacophony to Invade NYC Subway Stations

Transit Wireless, a joint venture that includes Nab Construction, Q-Wireless, Dianet Communications and Transit Technologies, won the right to wire for cell phone use New York City Transit's 277 subway stations in a 10-year contract valued at US$46.8 million, according to news accounts of the closely watched bidding ...

SAP Weaves New Design in Business Software

SAP, which has developed and acquired a number of applications for small and medium-sized companies, added yet another to its line up. SAP Business ByDesign is an on-demand enterprise suite aimed at companies with 100 to 500 employees that do not have strong internal IT support ...

Verint Rolls Out Recording App for Small Biz Call Centers

Analytic software provider Verint released the first update of its Audiolog application since its acquisition of Mercom last year ...

MySpace Tests Deeper Targeted Ad Waters

MySpace is tapping into its rich universe of content -- that is, its users' profiles -- to bulk up its advertising platform ...

Google Ratchets Up Fight for Desktop With PowerPoint Rival

Google has added the third leg to its online suite of office applications. The new addition, dubbed "Presentations," is analogous to Microsoft PowerPoint. Now that Google has a full-fledged productivity suite, it has shortened its name from "Google Docs and Spreadsheet" to simply "Google Docs." ... Debuts Dev Platform in Winter ’08 added two functional areas to its CRM and introduced its platform with the rollout of its Winter '08 release ...

Cyber-Crooks Ape Business Best Practices

A software tool is released with a performance guarantee and the promise of periodic updates. Another commercial application for the market? Not quite. Rather, this is emblematic of how malware writers are doing business these days ...

Google Sounds Clarion Call for Global Privacy Standard

Google -- the company that championed the concept that no piece of information was too small not to be indexed for public consumption -- is calling for the development of a global privacy standard ...

Bank of America Raises ATM Fees to $3

Bank of America has quietly raised ATM fees it charges noncustomers to $3. The bank has more than 16,000 national branch location machines; of these, some 6,000 are located in such public places as malls, movie theaters and stadiums. Fees to use these ATMs will remain $2 ...

MySpaceTV Resuscitates Left-for-Dead TV Series

MySpaceTV will relaunch "Quarterlife," a network television pilot about a group of recent college graduates that aired briefly on ABC in 2005. Accompanying the show's Nov. 11 resurrection will be a social networking site for fans, complete with the usual Web-related content, such as character profiles. The television show's reappearance on the Internet is unusual, in that most original online entertainment content is presented with an eye to making the leap to network television or general theatrical release...

Web 2.0 Portal to Link CRM Job Seekers

A CRM consultancy will be launching what it describes as the first CRM Web 2.0 portal for executive recruitment and career development in this industry ...

Microsoft Light on Fixes This Patch Tuesday

Microsoft has provided "important" updates for vulnerabilities in MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger and Windows Services for Unix 3.0 in its monthly Patch Tuesday release. Its most important fix -- a critical vulnerability -- is in its Windows Agent animation services. This is the agent that displays animated characters for internal use, such as the Microsoft Office "talking" paper clip...

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