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Results 2281-2300 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Epicor Revamps Contact Center Offerings

Epicor has released its first major overhaul of its CRM application since the company shifted its product line to the .NET platform. At that time, in 2002, Epicor introduced new CRM functionality that played upon the benefits of moving away from a client-server environment. This release focuses more on integration with third-party productivity applications as well as connectivity with such functions as computer telephony...

NetSuite Brings CRM Apps to iPhone

NetSuite is the first of the Software as a Service (SaaS) vendors to introduce support for Apple's vaunted iPhone. Called "SuitePhone," it provides native support for Safari, the iPhone's browser, as well as NetSuite's own product line and its role-based dashboards ...

Sony ReGroupers to Take a Crackle at Talent Search

Sony Pictures Entertainment has recast Grouper, a video-sharing Web site it acquired last year for $65 million, to attract a more professional caliber of contributed content ...

Warner Music: Imeem a Better Friend Than Enemy

Warner Music Group has settled a federal copyright-infringement lawsuit it filed in May against the social networking Web siteImeem. Warner alleged that Imeem had allowed members to illegally download copyrighted material and was operating its site without any sort of copyright compliance or filtering software in place ...

Interactive Intelligence Appliance Boosts VoIP Calling Features

Interactive Intelligence has released its second-generation session initiation protocol (SIP) Interaction Gateway, an appliance that enables connections between traditional T1 and E1 trunk lines and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks. The new version includes support for global protocols, fax support and a more scalable eight-span model that can support 1,000 or more users...

Military Secrets Discovered on Unprotected Web Sites

Dozens of documents containing classified information that could affect the safety of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have been posted on unprotected servers by military agencies and related companies, according to a survey by the Associated Press ...

Mapping Mashups Give Googlers Layers of Content

Google is building on its popular My Maps tab by releasing application programming interfaces (APIs) that can overlay third-party content onto Google Maps ...

11g Release Has Oracle Database Geeks Gushing

Oracle has rolled out the next iteration of its core database product line. Oracle Database 11g, the company proudly claims, is the result of 15 million test hours and 36,000 person-months of development ...

Microsoft Aims Low With Dynamics Live CRM Pricing

Microsoft tipped its hand just a little bit more about its forthcoming on-demand CRM initiatives at its Worldwide Partner Conference now underway in Denver ...

FrontRange Targets SMBs With VoIP Upgrade

FrontRange Solutions has made available version 5.1 of FrontRange Voice, an IP telephony software application that can be installed on the desktop without the need for other equipment. It targets small and medium-sized businesses and offers upgrades in functionality and integration over previous versions ...

Live Earth Sets Net Record With 10 Million Live Streams

Live Earth -- a series of nine concerts held in cities across the world and streamed live across the Internet -- exceeded its founders' most ardent expectations ...

Live Earth Concert Plays Everywhere, Anytime

Rock concerts for causes took off in the 1970s, with the Concert for Bangladesh, No Nukes, LiveAid and FarmAid electrifying audiences worldwide. However, Live Earth, a series of concerts beginning on July 7 aimed at combating climate change, will go them one better. With the advent of the Internet and time-shifting television technologies, viewers won't have to be glued to their sets in order to catch the show...

DVD Jon Wins Bragging Rights for iPhone Activation Hack

The notorious Norwegian hacker, Jon Lech Johansen -- better known as "DVD Jon" for releasing code that broke DVD copy protection in the late 1990s -- has drawn first blood with the iPhone ...

Is ‘Sicko’ Post a Chink in Google’s Armor?

"Does negative press make you Sicko?" That's the title of Google ad rep Lauren Turner's post in a new company blog for the healthcare industry. "Sicko" is a reference to Michael Moore's latest documentary, now out in theaters, which examines access to healthcare in the U.S ...

NetSuite Moves Ahead With IPO Plans

NetSuite made its long-anticipated move toward becoming a public company, filing the necessary paperwork on Monday. The company plans to raise up to US$75 million with its initial public offering of common stock. The filing did not state the number of shares or the expected IPO price, however ...

ATG Commerce Service Center Debuts

ATG has introduced a service center application for its e-commerce suite, ATG Commerce, that builds on some of the company's previous acquisitions. The Commerce Service Center contact center application integrates e-commerce functionality with back-end order administration, sales support and customer care ...

Oracle Releases Contact Center Anywhere 8.1

Oracle has released Contact Center Anywhere 8.1, an application that builds on its acquisition of Telephony@Work, an on-demand provider of IP-based softwareinfrastructure for hosted contact center services, made exactly a year ago ...

Web Site Content Extras: Beyond Bells and Whistles

Political Web sites abound on the Internet. A recent visit to just a few of them turned up a couple of polls asking variations of the question whether Dick Cheney should be impeached for violations of several U.S. laws ...

FTC Dampens Net Neutrality Hopes

Another voice has chimed in on the controversial and complex debate over net neutrality ...

Does Google Have Another Move in Vista Chess Game?

Google has been ratcheting up its campaign to compel Microsoft to further open its Vista operating system to third-party search engines ...

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