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Results 2301-2320 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Government Customer Service: No Longer an Oxymoron?

Next year, when taxpayers call theInternal Revenue Service for help answering questions as they fill out a return, they will know how many minutes they will have to wait on hold before they can speak with an agent ...

Court Finds Plaintiff’s Argument in Dry Cleaning Suit All Wet

The saga of the US$54 million lawsuit against a Washington, D.C.-area dry cleaners over a missing pair of pants has come to an end, with Washington Superior Court Judge Judith Bartnoff ruling against the plaintiff, Roy Pearson ...

Survey: RFID Development Outpacing Demand

A new survey conducted by theComputing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) shows that while vendors are gearing up for greater use of radio frequency identification applications in the supply chain, customers have been slow to accept them ...

Nuance Expands Product Reach With Tegic Acquisition

Nuance Communications, the lead vendor in the growing speech-recognition software category, plans to acquire Time Warner'sTegic Communications for US$265 million. The acquisition will add $45 million to $48 million in net revenue in fiscal 2008, the company reported ...

The Vista Problem: Can Microsoft Fend Off Another Legal Onslaught?

Earlier this month, it looked for a while as though there might be another wave of multi-jurisdictional investigations against Microsoft reminiscent of the antitrust saga that began in 1998. Google had been complaining -- first behind the scenes, then publicly -- about the lack of access for third-party search engines in Microsoft's latest operating system, Vista...

Carving Out New Privacy Rights for E-Mailers

The three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit Court has upheld a ruling that grants extensive new privacy protections for e-mail users. It is an ambitious decision -- said to be the first for the Circuit Courts -- and one that is almost surely headed to the Supreme Court for review ...

Oracle’s Siebel CRM Enhances Mobility

Oracle is enhancing the mobile options it offers to Siebel CRM On Demand customers through partnerships with best-of-breed application vendors and device manufacturers. Earlier this year, for example, it announced a partnership with BlackBerry maker Research In Motion. More recently, it struck a deal to integrate Siebel CRM On Demand withVettro's portfolio of mobile on-demand sales applications...

Rumblings Over Missing White House E-Mails Getting Louder

Of the 88 White House officials who also have e-mail accounts with the Republican National Committee, some 51 are missing records, according to a House Oversight Committee interim report released on Monday ...

LG Answers Hitachi Patent Suit With Counterclaim

LG Electronics has filed a countersuit against Hitachi alleging that the firm has infringed seven of its patents that relate to plasma display panel (PDP) technologies. The suit comes in response to similar accusations made by Hitachi against LG Electronics in April -- namely, that LG was improperly using Hitachi's PDP patent ...

Salestream Launches Beefed-Up Outlook Add-In

Salestream Software has launched an upgraded version of its e-mail marketing add-in for Microsoft Outlook. PoliteMail 2.0 allows users to craft 1to1 marketing messages instead of generic e-mails. Its major selling point is that users don't have to leave Outlook to use PoliteMail ...

YouTube Presidential Debates – a Sea Change for US Politics?

Given that a swarm of presidential candidates in both the Republican and Democratic camps have participated in several formal television debates, many voters may already be feeling election fatigue some 18 months before the big day. That should not stop viewers from tuning in on July 23, however, when eight Democratic presidential candidates will debate once again in South Carolina. The difference? The event will be sponsored by YouTube andCNN -- and the questions won't be fired by sober-faced, polite journalists; they'll be coming from, well, anybody...

Oncontact Rejiggers CRM App for Vista

Oncontact Software has released a new version of its CRM (customer relations management) suite that is fully interoperable with Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system. This is the first release in a two-part rollout: Oncontact will release an enhancement to its Web offering in August ...

Cyber G-Men Plot to Bust Bots

The FBI is launching a new initiative in the cyber crime wars, taking on the criminal organizations -- the so-called "botherders" -- that have gathered under their control compromised or zombie PCs. The bot herders' purpose is to send out malware or spam and phishing campaigns over the Internet that cannot be traced back to their origins ...

Microsoft’s Latest Patches Include First Vista Fix

Microsoft has released its latest batch of fixes in this month's Patch Tuesday announcement, employing a new format that makes it easier for IT administers to single out areas of risk, according to Amol Sarwate, research manager of the vulnerability research lab at Qualys ...

ATG Adds Affinity Selling to E-Commerce Suite

ATG has updated its e-commerce platform to include automated affinity selling for retailers and other e-commerce providers. It is the biggest update the vendor has made since it rolled out its v. 6.4 platform last summer, spokesperson Tucker Walsh told CRM Buyer ...

What’s Behind Google’s Sneak Attack Against Microsoft?

Another day, another charge that Microsoft has violated its consent decree -- or so it must seem to the software titan, which has been battling such accusations ever since the mega antitrust case against it ended in 2002 ...

Memo Hints DoJ Favored Microsoft Over Google

An e-mail apparently written by a key antitrust enforcement official in the U.S. Justice Department is raising suspicions that the Bush Administration unduly favored Microsoft's positions in an incident that has quickly become known as "memogate." ...

IBM’s ‘Weather Map’ Software May Track Disease Paths

IBM is contributing a processing engine to the open source and public health communities that will make it easier to track the transmission of diseases around the world ...

ACT Releases Financial Vertical

ACT by Sage has introduced its second industry-specific vertical -- this one in the financial industries sector --following its ACT for Real Estate release. Like the first vertical, this release is built on ACT's corebase with the industry-specific features incorporated into the core product line ...

Teacher Gets Retrial in School Pop-Up Porn Case

A former substitute teacher for a Connecticut middle school has been granted a retrial following a conviction that launched a wave of sympathy and outrage ...

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