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Results 201-220 of 418 for press release

Personalized Customer Care: It’s More Important Than You Think

This includes pulling information from external applications pertaining to the caller's company, the company's industry, tapping into publicly available financial information, recent company news or press releases, and the like This aggregated data which is pushed to the custo...

Russian Court Tosses Out Microsoft Piracy Case

While he is a strong believer in cracking down on software piracy, and has been quoted in Microsoft press releases denouncing bootlegging, Tim Kane, president of Expert Computers in Erie, Pa., told the E-Commerce Times that it makes little sense for authorities to prosecute small-fry consumers...


Systems Integrators and the New Garage issued a press release last week that by now looks rather ho-hum by its standards. The company announced that Deloitte & Touche had signed on as a systems integration partner and that got me thinking about how many things have changed, and how many have not It ...


SAP’s New First Step

According to last week's press release, "CEO Henning Kagermann outlined plans to introduce a new mid-market solution offering breakthrough innovations in faster, lower-risk implementation, continuous adaptability and easier user adoption." Familiar Platform...

Adobe Seeks ISO Certification for PDF Format

Write2Market uses PDF as its standard in anything provided to the customer, Calhoun concluded. "Our custom in-house software, Maestra, uses Word to draft documents, press releases, and the other copy we generate -- but once clients approve a document as final, our system converts it to PDF for storage in their document archive."

Sony to Go Global With PS3 in March

"The fact is, it's in-stock in the U.S. ... and there seems to be lackluster sales six weeks out," said McNealy, who raised an eyebrow over Sony's "over-the-top language" in press releases describing the "massive success" of the NTSC region launch That language can be found in...


Is SAP Really Changing Its Business Model?

As a traditional software company that trades CDs and DVDs for cash, that means the company is moving toward SOA (service-oriented architecture) -- which it mentioned in its press release -- and that will position the company eventually as a pure-play on-demand player That app...

Ultracapacitor Power Cells: Silver Bullet or Lead Balloon?

"The press release is all that EEStor, Inc., wants to talk about at the present time. Thanks for your interest." "We are very proud of the key advancements we have made over the past year," noted Weir in the press release. "In addition to the milestones identified, the company...

AT&T Eyes Revenue From Wireless and Ads

"Deployment is much harder than the press releases make it out to be," he commented Nevertheless, telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times he expects 2007 to deliver increased industry competition....

AT&T Eyes Revenue From Wireless and Ads

"Deployment is much harder than the press releases make it out to be," he commented Nevertheless, telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times he expects 2007 to deliver increased industry competition....

AT&T Eyes Revenue From Wireless and Ads

"Deployment is much harder than the press releases make it out to be," he commented Nevertheless, telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told the E-Commerce Times he expects 2007 to deliver increased industry competition....

Silicon, Solar Power and Corporate Responsibility, Part 1

The EIA report cites silicon supply disruptions at Shell Solar as the cause of a 10 percent drop in PV exports, a problem that led Shell Solar to sell its crystalline silicon solar business and focus instead on thin-film solar technologies. Meanwhile, growing U.S. demand for PV systems caused imports to nearly double, reaching a level nearly equal with exports, according to the EIA's September 20 press release...

Renewable Energy in America, Part 2: Solar Powered Homes

"We share the same values, mission and goals. And the strategic fit is great, because groSolar has strength in the Northeast, while Energy Outfitters has strong west coast and Canadian operations. We are very glad that Energy Outfitters is joining the outstanding groSolar team," Bob Maynard, Energy Outfitters' president, said in a press release...

Dell Delays Earnings as SEC Formalizes Inquiry

Instead, Dell said only that it would release results by the end of November and would do so only through a press release, suggesting that it will not hold the usual analyst call to provide color and field questions about the quarter Reading Tea Leaves...

IBM Sues Amazon for Patent Infringement

Both companies saw their stock prices rise after Big Blue disclosed the suit in a press release. Amazon shares were up slightly in early afternoon trading to $32.60, while IBM shares rose just under 1 percent to $91.18 Neither company is a stranger to patent actions. Amazon's ...

The Role of Media Sharing in the Digital Marketing Mix

"You'd have thought Coke would treat the Mentos/Diet Coke videos as a testing ground for how to use the medium and reach consumers. Instead they issued a press release about how they really wanted people to drink the stuff. What's the difference, as long as they buy it? Contrast their reaction with that of Mentos, who fully embraced the opportunity," Davis argued...

Pressure Mounting on HP CEO Hurd

In a press release, Hurd said Friday's news conference would focus on what HP is doing to address the fallout from the investigation. "We plan to give as much clarity as we can to these matters," he said Investor nervousness about Hurd's future is most likely overreaction. "At...


Post-Jobs Apple, Microsoft’s Garage Games, and the End of Laptops on Planes

While some of the newer jets have incredibly robust entertainment systems, these planes don't seem to fly to Europe from the U.S., and the entertainment available on an old 747 just won't cut it. My other big concern with putting my beloved laptop into a luggage compartment is that when I arrive at my destination, I'll either have a bunch of laptop parts or a space in my luggage where the laptop used to be. A laptop is a valuable item, and luggage isn't handled delicately. Also, luggage theft is relatively high. For many, the loss of a laptop requires a press release and a public report concerning lost data...


Microsoft, Oracle Take Different Approaches

Creating separation is something that other established companies need to deal with as well, and last week provided an example of a company going in the opposite direction in my humble opinion. The company is Oracle and the event was selling off the OnTarget Sales Methodology Division to Select Selling, which is combining the two companies to form The TAS Group. According to the press release, "OnTarget, the creator of Target Account Selling, was one of the largest and most recognized sales methodology providers." Many companies today are increasingly relying on formal methodologies to boost sales performance. This might only be a yellow flag, but it raises my concerns and serves to illustrate another point...

MySpace Named Most Trafficked US Web Site

Hitwise is offering clarity on its rankings. The table included in its press release listed the ranked order of sites based on market share of the individual domains and subdomains as reported from its data, the company said "Hitwise ranks over 500,000 Web sites on a daily bas...

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