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Results 2461-2480 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Flurry of Earnings: Tech Firms Go Gangbusters

During the last quarter of 2006, Cingular Wireless' profits jumped fourfold and Sun Microsystems registered a profit for the first time in more than a year; however, Seagate Technology's (NYSE: STX) earnings dropped by about 50 percent ...

Kana Launches On-Demand Service App

A year and a half after its first foray into the on-demand space, Kana has introduced the third leg of its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) CRM suite -- a self-service application. This release is available as a stand-alone product or as part of an integrated suite of previously released SaaS applications that have been based on Kana's on-premise product portfolio, including Kana Response and Kana Response Live in 2005...

Linux Heavyweights Form New Foundation

Two main representatives of the Linux community -- Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) and Free Standards Group (FSG) -- have merged to form the Linux Foundation. The group is supported by several major firms, including Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, NEC, Novell and Oracle, which serve as founding platinum members ...

AT&T Unveils Mobile to Wireline Phone Plan

AT&T is offering customers that subscribe to both its wireless and fixed-wire services free calling between the two ...

AT&T Unveils Mobile to Wireline Phone Plan

AT&T is offering customers that subscribe to both its wireless and fixed-wire services free calling between the two ...

AT&T Unveils Mobile to Wireline Phone Plan

AT&T is offering customers that subscribe to both its wireless and fixed-wire services free calling between the two ...

Oracle Upgrades Self-Service Application

Oracle on Tuesday upgraded its self-service offering with the release of Siebel Communications Billing Manager 5.1.1 and Siebel Communications Billing Analytics 5.1.1 -- applications built on Siebel's acquisition of eDocs in 2005 ...

2006: A Look Back at CRM, Part 1

In a nutshell, here's a look back at the CRM industry's last few years: ...

Recording Industry Reaches $2B in Digital Music Sales

The good news, according to a new recording industry report, is that record labels around the world registered US$2 billion in digital sales last year -- either through music online or mobile phones -- nearly doubling the market in the previous year ...

SAP Upgrades Mid Market Application

SAP has introduced the next version of its mid marketing application, All-in-One. In this version, mySAP ERP 2005 has been used as the platform allowing for better implementation and integration of the CRM and SOA tools, Doug Merritt, executive vice president and general manager for suite optimization, told CRM Buyer ...

Cell Phone Combusts, Severely Burns California Man

A Northern California man was badly burned when his cell phone spontaneously combusted ...

Microsoft Readies Major Update to Dynamics CRM

For this summer, ...

Year of the Tech Patent Lawsuit, Part 3

For better or worse, 2006 is going to be remembered as the year the U.S. court system should have set up a special turnstile for patent cases; litigation in this usually less-than-sexy body of law seemed to continually challenge once-established points of law ...

SAP to Miss Revenue Targets

SAP will miss revenue targets for the 2006 fourth quarter, according to its preliminary review of the quarter's results ...


OpenNet Partner Ronald Deibert: Internet Censorship on the Rise

A few weeks ago, Wikipedia inadvertently blocked users in Qatar from amending posts to the collaborative Web site as it hurried to respond to a spike in spam ...

Yahoo Wades Into Hyperactive Mobile Search Space

Consumers -- at least those that own either Motorola'snew MotoRazr maxx V6 and MotoRazr V3xx devices -- arestarting to downloadYahoo's beta version of its Go For Mobile 2.0, whichlaunched this week at the International CES (Consumer Electronics Show) ...

Dell Urges Industry to Go Green

Dell on Wednesday introduced its new "Plant a Tree for Me" program, in which customers can donate a small portion of the purchase price of a Dell product to funds that plant trees around the world ...

55 Percent of US Teens Use Social Networking Sites

More than half of all American teenagers network online, according to new research conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project ...

Automotive OEMs Must Further Tighten Supply Chains

Auto manufacturers face stark choices over the next five to seven years, a period that is likely to see increasing bankruptcies and consolidations, according to KPMG's annual global automotive survey ...

Survey: Customers Want Flexible Return Policies

When Matthew Card tried to return a ski jacket toL.L. Bean's flagship store in Freeport, Maine, he was pleasantlysurprised ...

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