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Results 221-240 of 418 for press release

Take-Two Reveals Subpoenas Over Hidden Sex Scenes in Video Game

Take-Two disclosed the subpoenas in a press release and a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) late Monday. By Tuesday afternoon, the company's shares had lost some 18 percent and were trading at US$10.56. That price would represent a new 52-week low for the stock, more than a full dollar below the previous low price for the past year...

Top Microsoft Marketing Exec Abruptly Leaves Post

The timing also raised questions because as recently as Monday, Microsoft press releases quoted Taylor about the launch of Windows Live Messenger -- the first offering in what is to be a broad suite of Web-delivered software and services meant to blunt the competitive thrust of Google and Yahoo...

Profits Elusive When It Comes to Podcasting

"The trick though is knowing what a podcast is and isn't. If it's just someone reading a press release or speaking the party line from a script then it's not valuable," Chapman told the E-Commerce Times. "Listeners want to hear real voices, real conversations. We live in a world now where overly edited news is not what we want. We want honest and instant communications and podcasting allows this."

Pay-Per-Call Struggles to Prove Worth in Internet Ad Realm

The technology is being touted in earnings released by the companies who are using it, however. "The company introduced click-to-call, a new feature for our U.S., UK, German and French Web sites that allows customers to be connected quickly with a customer service representative who often already has the customer's account information in front of them, saving the customer time and increasing satisfaction," stated a recent press release...


Net Diversity Threatened by Neutrality Advocates

Milano, who seemed to be mimicking a press release by Democratic Web site, referred to net neutrality as "the Internet's First Amendment." This characterization is flawed, as the concept of net neutrality would mean greater government regulation of the Net, leading to less freedom...


Building Credibility in Marketing

What was so powerful, and true, about that statement was the acknowledgment that dental health involved a program, a series of interlocking steps that have the goal and end result of a healthy smile. Too often press releases for software companies sound like snake oil promotions in comparison. A few years ago, Al Reiss and his daughter Laura wrote "The Fall of Advertising & The Rise of PR" and their thesis, as you can gather from the title, was that PR works best, in part because it builds credibility better...

AT&T to Buy BellSouth in $67 Billion Telecom Blockbuster

Jupiter Research analyst Todd Chanko said while the merger might appear to create a platform for delivering video, hurdles remain. "While the larger footprint and revenue-generating units provide a great base for delivering video services, there is one catch: deployment," he wrote in his blog. "Mounting any kind of reliable -- and desirable -- video service is harder than press releases make it seem."

AT&T to Buy BellSouth in $67 Billion Telecom Blockbuster

Jupiter Research analyst Todd Chanko said while the merger might appear to create a platform for delivering video, hurdles remain. "While the larger footprint and revenue-generating units provide a great base for delivering video services, there is one catch: deployment," he wrote in his blog. "Mounting any kind of reliable -- and desirable -- video service is harder than press releases make it seem."

AT&T to Buy BellSouth in $67 Billion Telecom Blockbuster

Jupiter Research analyst Todd Chanko said while the merger might appear to create a platform for delivering video, hurdles remain. "While the larger footprint and revenue-generating units provide a great base for delivering video services, there is one catch: deployment," he wrote in his blog. "Mounting any kind of reliable -- and desirable -- video service is harder than press releases make it seem."


Fighting Spam Also Requires Fighting Knee-Jerk Critics

Then there are corporations that are simply worried that Goodmail's system will cost them money. Eric Thomas, inventor of LISTSERV and CEO of L-soft, probably had the most extreme reaction, insinuating in a press release that Goodmail's system might cause harm to those with cancer as they might somehow miss crucial e-mails about their disease...


Don’t Strangle E-Voting With Paper

Bowen's legislation increased the state's commitment to slow, old and inefficient paper voting methods by specifying that "manual recounts of votes" requires that "the paper record copies or the voter verified paper audit trail of the electronically recorded vote are counted manually." In a press release on this issue, she echoed worn out anti-property rhetoric that will ring strange to freedom-loving Californians considering her run for Secretary of State...


Microsoft Plans to Focus on Small Business Software

A spokesperson for Microsoft told CRM Buyer that Microsoft was "unable to participate in this particular interview." But she sent links to press releases that talked about the company's efforts to make software more attractive to small to medium-sized businesses Looking Out fo...

Microsoft Sues Partners in Piracy Crackdown

"When countries take steps to reduce software piracy, just about everyone stands to benefit," Holleyman said in a press release. "Workers have new jobs, consumers have more choices, entrepreneurs are free to market their creativity, and governments benefit from increased tax revenues."


Rooting Out Spyware: Sony’s Lesson

According to TRUSTe's November 16 press release, the purpose of the new program is to provide "market incentives for adware and other software companies to clearly and unavoidably communicate key functionalities and obtain informed consumer consent prior to download." Self-regulation is the proper market response in a free and open society, but there is more to the story than meets the eye...

Computers Get Sober at the Holidays

Police in Bavaria, Germany, issued a press release Monday, warning of the expected outbreak. Sober's writer is believed to be German, and Bavarian police have been trying to track down its author for a year ...

Juniper Hires Cisco Thorn

Indeed, Juniper hired the former ISS researcher for a yet-to-be-disclosed position without so much as a press release or even a public statement to the media that typically accompanies significant additions to the corporate payroll "We can confirm that he works here, but we ca...

NBC Nightly News to Be Available Online

For NBC, the recent changing of the guard also makes a move toward the Web more palatable. NBC noted in a press release that new Nightly News anchor Brian Williams maintains a regular blog of his own on the MSNBC site Williams said the download service "reflects the fact that ...

Oracle Puts Squeeze on MySQL With Latest Buy

My SQL has put a happy face on the move in a press release: "This announcement represents further validation of the open-source movement. The beauty of open-source software and the GPL license is freedom. As with all MySQL code, InnoDB is provided under the GPL license, meanin...

Vonage, Others Sued by Sprint Nextel Over VoIP Patents

In a press release, Sprint said the patents "protect a series of innovations that enable the processing and delivery of packetized voice and data communications, including Voice over Internet Protocol communications." The complaint seeks an injunction against the three compani...

Microsoft Refocuses on Small Business Software

A spokesperson for Microsoft told CRM Buyer that Microsoft was "unable to participate in this particular interview." But she sent links to press releases that talked about the company's efforts to make software more attractive to small to medium-sized businesses Relating to th...

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