Search Results

Results 2621-2640 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Microsoft Builds on Social Networking With Windows Live Spaces

Microsoft is steadily advancing its plan to make Windows Live an entertainment and communications hub with its rollout of Windows Live Spaces. The next generation of the company's blogging service, it now focuses heavily on social networking ...

CIM Forum Opens Doors to New Members

When designing a Web page, where exactly should one place the icon to let the consumer know Live Chat is available? On the home page? In the service section? Should that icon be flashing? What color should it be? ...

Opponents Fear DOPA’s Effect on Blogs, E-Mail

On July 27, by a vote of 410 to 15, the House of Representatives passed the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA), which will restrict access to social networking sites such as and other interactive services at schools and libraries that receive federal funding. The rationale behind the DOPA is to keep teenagers and children away from these Web sites, many of which have become stalking grounds for pedophiles...

Governments Turn to Benchmarking for Back-Office Processes

Governments are turning to private sector techniques -- namely benchmarking -- to ensure that their back-office processes meet industry performance standards, according to a new study by Accenture. The resulting savings are, at least in theory, being applied to constituent-facing processes ...

Fee for Microsoft Office Beta Could Signal Strategy Shift

Microsoft is going to start charging users who download its Office 2007 Beta 2 version US$1.50, starting August 2. The application, which has been downloaded by some 3 million people over the last two months, has been available for free ...

Looking at SMB Integration With Enterprise Eyes

Assemble Connect may be a small company -- but because it is a distributor of custom-manufactured products, its operations are complex enough to rival the largest of manufacturers ...

Microsoft Makes First Foray as Industry-Specific Provider

Microsoft traditionally has focused on building industry-generic productivity, communications and collaborative software ...

Kazaa Settles With Record Labels, May Go Legit

Kazaa, an Australia-based peer-to-peer Web site that managed to elude the legal reach of the music recording industry for many years, has agreed to an out-of-court settlement of US$100 million ...

CRM Mergers to Continue Through 2008

The high level of mergers and acquisitions in the CRM market will continue through 2008, research firm Gartner predicts, with one in three CRM software vendors involved in such a transaction each year ...

SCO Group Claims IBM Destroyed Evidence

As part of its appeal against a decision by a district court judge, SCO has filed a claim purporting that IBM destroyed certain software code, thus making it impossible for the Utah-based company to detail how IBM had infringed its Unix code ...

Nontraditional Users Gain Easier Access to BI Technology

Like most retailers, supermarket conglomerate Ahold has a customer loyalty card program, and like most retailers, it mines that data as much as it can to help it sell more products. The data it has gathered over the years range far beyond what a certain customer buys every week. It can also determine, for instance, a customer's price sensitivity to a certain item -- that is, how much he or she is willing to spend on it...

Google Enhances Search for Visually Impaired

Google has launched a new service for the visually and learning impaired designed to make search easier by ranking search results according to how clean, or easy-to-read the Web pages are ...

SAP Q2 Revenue Increases 9 Percent

German software giant SAP said Thursday its net profit rose 43 percent in the second quarter on higher U.S. revenues and better margins. The company reported net income of US$519 million, or $1.69 a share, compared with $366 million or $1.18 in the same quarter last year ...

ATG Upgrades E-Commerce, Customer Care Functionality

ATG continues to build out its e-commerce platform -- an area into which it has been pouring resources for the last two years -- with the introduction of three separate but related sets of e-functionality ...

Amdocs Acquisition Builds Its Telecom Functionality

Amdocs, an erstwhile CRM stalwart that has increasingly transformed itself into an end-to-end provider of communications industry software, has filled in missing functionality with a new acquisition ...

Microsoft Ramps Up Anti-Piracy Efforts

Microsoft announced it has filed 26 lawsuits against alleged dealers of illegal software. These suits are more than double the number of cases Microsoft has filed on any one day -- in fiscal year 2006 it filed 10 cases at one shot. The suits represent the launch of Microsoft's latest and, it says, most fierce pushback yet against software piracy ...

Salesforce Strikes Back Against SAP With R/3 Connector has released Summer '06, the quarterly update of its flagship on demand CRM application. Improved lead tracking is one of the enhancements in this version, which happens to be's 20th release. Also, new scripting features for sales beef up the application's sales guidance functionality ...

Chinese Engineers Reportedly Crack Skype’s Code

The blogsphere is buzzing with a report made by a Skype competitor -- who also helpfully provided screenshots illustrating the event -- that Skype's protocol has been cracked by a Chinese engineering team ...

Homeland Security Tests Mobile Alert System

The Department of Homeland Security is testing a new digital emergency system that, once implemented, will deliver alerts to any device that can receive a text message ...

Microsoft Outlines New Plans for Dynamics CRM

Microsoft has announced plans to write Dynamics CRM Live -- its own Software as a Service CRM offering -- on the same code base used for earlier versions of its on-premise application and for the hosted offerings of its partners ...

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