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Results 2641-2660 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Google to Set Up AdWords Shop in Michigan

Google is planning to open a new, 1,000-employee facility in Michigan that will handle its highly profitable AdWords operations -- but Google watchers using this particular decision to augur the company's direction are likely wasting their time ...

SAP Business One Adds E-Commerce, Boosts CRM

SAP Business One will incorporate new e-commerce and CRM capabilities from the company's recently completed acquisition of Praxis Software, a privately held SAP Business One partner whose software allows users to set up online stores ...

IBM Introduces Lotus Notes for Linux

For the first time, IBM is making Lotus Notes available for Linux. The initial offering, part of version 7, supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, Update 3 ...

Text Mining and Other Next-Gen BI Tricks

Business intelligence applications have always delighted company executives -- at least as they watched simulated exercises on a sales rep's laptop. Real-world execution, though? Until recently, that has left much to be desired ...

It’s Official: ‘To Google’ Is Grammatically Correct

The minute he heard someone use "I googled him" in a sentence, Robert Beard, president of Lexiteria, which publishes, knew the word was likely to be a keeper ...

TechWhale Solutions Preps for 3.0 Beta Program

Erstwhile open source CRM vendorTechWhale Solutions is getting set to launch its beta 3.0 version of BlueWhaleCRM in August, which the company says will significantly leverage AJAX and ATLAS technologies. In preparation, TechWhale has rolled out an interim release, version 2.0, based on the .NET framework ...

Microsoft Slammed With Second Class Action Suit Over WGA

Two class action lawsuits are targeting Windows Genuine Advantage, one of Microsoft's initiatives to stem the massive piracy of its applications. Both suits claim that WGA, which is just a year old, functions essentially as spyware on licensed Microsoft users' PCs in violation of California and Washington's consumer protection and anti-spyware laws...

SCO’s Future Murky Following Legal Blow

A district court judge has dismissed the majority of the claims the SCO Group filed against IBM in 2003, which purported that IBM had committed copyright infringement by contributing Unix code to the Linux operating system ...

Channel Partners Train Their Sights on CRM

Channel partners serving U.S. small and medium-sized businesses can expect their sales to this group to rise by 17 percent to US$154 billion over the next year, according toAMI Partners ...


Aprimo Marketing Chief Michael Emerson: Riding the Momentum

Earlier this month,Aprimo released Marketing 7.5, a milestone for the company in many respects. It is the first release that incorporates Ensemble, a product acquired from DoubleClick, and it provides business-to-consumer (B2C) campaign management capability for the first time ...

Business Intelligence Meets the Real World

Sprint had a problem ubiquitous to all retailers: a percentage of customers unhappy with its products and services. However, for Sprint -- one of the nation's largest wireless telecom providers with a complex supply chain that touches upon numerous and overlapping related customer service processes -- the original problem quickly mushroomed to affect other parts of its organization...

New Research Center to Combat Identity Theft

Stung by the unprecedented number of identify thefts and data losses that have occurred in recent months across academia, the private sector and the government, a group comprised of representatives from each of these areas has formed the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection ...

Oracle Replaces IBM Tech for Siebel OnDemand

Oracle is replacing the IBM tech stack that has supported the Siebel OnDemand application with, not surprisingly, its own tech stack, according to statements made by executive vice president Charles Phillips during a recent conference call ...

Microsoft Dumping WinFS, Suggests Blog Post

A post made to Microsoft's blog, IT BlogWatch, indicates the company is quietly abandoning WinFS, its once-heralded search and data management technology for Vista ... Broadens Reach to Partner Network is venturing into the partner relationship management space with the release of Partnerforce, Salesforce Partner Edition ...

Buffett to Hand Over Personal Fortune to Gates Foundation

Billionaire investor Warren Buffet is donating the bulk of his formidable personal fortune to charity, and the Reverend Cecil Williams could not be more pleased ...

Customer Care Outsourcing Industry Faces Hurdles

There are a few challenges facing the North American customer care outsourcing industry that may dampen growth in the coming years, according to a new Frost & Sullivan report that projects earned revenues to reach US$20.1 billion in 2012 from $19.5 billion in 2005 ...

Who Owns Customer Data?

Once again, AT&T's actions have sparked a national debate over customer privacy. The company deliberately kicked off a new round of debate with its announcement last week that it was changing -- or as it said, "modifying" -- its privacy polices for Internet and video customers ...

QuickBase Expands Sales Team Functionality

QuickBase, a division ofIntuit, has upgraded its hosted-model product to make it easier for sales reps and sales executives -- two user groups that often have competing application requirements -- to use the sales module ...

Novell Ousts CEO, CFO

Novell has fired its CEO and CFO after several quarters of anemic growth during which its main competitor, Red Hat, has grown significantly ...

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