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Results 241-260 of 418 for press release

RIAA Threatens, File-Trading Grows

"You mean the P2P marketing campaign," he called it in an interview with TechNewsWorld. "Every time they have a press release or there's news about it, the number of P2P users grows." Stop Already...

IBM Creeps Up on Sun in Unix Server Space

Meanwhile, Sun issued a quiet press release claiming Gartner's numbers and IBM stayed out of the media fray altogether Who is the true leader in the Unix market? Analysts said it may take a few more quarters to shake out. The market share of the two Unix server market leaders ...

Cisco, Intel Working on Wireless Suite for WLANS, VoIP

"Business Class Wireless Suite provides an enhanced set of capabilities that makes wireless LANs more robust for the enterprise, supporting enhanced roaming and business applications such as Voice over IP," the companies said in a press release At the same time an industry rep...

Cisco, Intel Ratchet Up WLANs, VoIP

"Business Class Wireless Suite provides an enhanced set of capabilities that makes wireless LANs more robust for the enterprise, supporting enhanced roaming and business applications such as Voice over IP," the companies said in a press release At the same time an industry rep...

Microsoft Reveals Details of Xbox 360 Packages

Despite dueling press releases and announcements from the big console makers this year, Cai said there has been less noise from Sony, which may be studying Microsoft's strategy in preparation for a counterattack "Sony has been kind of secretive because they are going to come o...

Microsoft Unveils Xbox 360 Packages, Pricing

Despite dueling press releases and announcements from the big console makers this year, Cai said there has been less noise from Sony, which may be studying Microsoft's strategy in preparation for a counterattack "Sony has been kind of secretive because they are going to come o...

FCC Criticized for VoIP Tapping Requirements

The FCC ruling, announced last week, has still not been released in detail, Opsahl said. However, in a press release on its decision, the FCC said it found the definition of "telecommunications carrier" in CALEA was broader than the definition of the same term in the Communications Act and can encompass providers of services that are not classified as telecom carriers under the Communications Act, including broadband Internet and VoIP providers...

PalmSource Takes Another Step Toward Linux

"Partnering with MontaVista will enable faster time to market for our mutual customers who want to deliver compelling, cost effective Linux-based mobile phone solutions," Albert Chu, vice president, business development for PalmSource, said in a press release PalmSource last y...

Analyst Recommends Marketers Get on RSS Bandwagon

He noted, "I don't think RSS will be an effective marketing medium for marketers that are using a traditional approach, that view this as another way to send out press releases." "There are few marketers who are more savvy, who understand that this is a new medium that has dif...

FCC Lets SBC, Verizon Off the Hook on DSL Line Leasing

"The changes will enable wireline broadband Internet access providers to respond quickly to consumer demand with efficient, innovative services and spur more vigorous head-to-head competition with broadband services provided over other platforms," an FCC press release said One...


Making Partnerships Pay

Partnerships are increasingly under attack as less than credible in enterprise software, no more so than in CRM. Starting with classic logo and press release swaps between vendors desperate to fuel each other's sales pipelines, partnerships are met with increasing scrutiny in the world of enterprise software in general and CRM specifically. A prime reason: CRM vendors see consolidation coming in specific sectors, and it is much easier to partner with someone you cannot afford to acquire or don't have a chance of being acquired by. The scope of this article includes partnerships between vendors not including system integrators -- which is a completely separate topic...


CRM’s Gaps

When I finally got to read the Microsoft press release, I understood -- they were pre-announcing by six months. The product was scheduled for release at the end of the year. Six months is a long time in our trade and it made me think of the database wars of the 1980s when vendors would routinely pre-announce new products in the hope of freezing purchase decisions. That wouldn't be a bad strategy for the software giant since other vendors currently have better competitive positions than Redmond -- the tacit acknowledgement was made by Microsoft's early announcement and a focus on its upcoming marketing module. But there are plenty of buyers who might prefer to put all their application eggs in one basket, and for them, waiting, even six months, would be prudent...

The Enterprise Server Battle: What IT Managers Should Know

Apparently Novell has done something right. Microsoft lashed out at the company in a press release that announced it, along with its partner Quest Software, has successfully migrated more than 1.5 million Novell NetWare users to Microsoft Windows Server 2003. And so another round of the platform battles begins...

AMD Alleges Intel Monopoly Abuse

"Intel paid Sony millions for exclusivity," said an AMD press release. "AMD's share of Sony's business went from 23 percent in '02, to 8 percent in '03, to 0 percent, where it remains today." AMD also said that when it successfully got on HP's retail roadmap for mobile compute...

Microsoft To Pay IP Legal Fees if Partners Get Sued

"The market is changing and channel partners need to pay attention to what's happening in the software industry in the area of intellectual property management," Stephen Graham, group vice president, IDC, said in Microsoft's press release "Even if a partner believes it is an u...

Liberty Alliance To Create Privacy for Phone Transactions

The newly formed alliance team will focus on SMS (short message service) and MMS (multimedia messaging service) standards, which will make it easier for content providers to offer paid services such as ring tones, skins and wallpaper. The sale of mobile content is growing quickly, especially in Europe, the alliance said in a press release...

Intel Makes Multi-Mode, CMOS Radio for Wireless Chips

"In the next few years, Intel expects mobile devices will contain several different radios so they can utilize many different wireless communication networks," the company said in a press release. "Intel's research points toward a time in the future when one device will use 'smart' antenna systems and a reconfigurable CMOS radio on a single device, making the radio more power efficient, smaller and lower cost. The goal being pursued is the ability to connect to any network, anytime, anywhere on any device."

HP Claims Circuit Breakthrough

HP said the new design method, based on nanotechnology, could produce future electronic circuits that are both tiny in size and high in quality. "The result could be nearly perfect manufacturing yields with equipment a thousand times less expensive than what might be required using future versions of current technologies," said a company press release on the breakthrough, detailed in a paper in the June 6 edition of Nanotechnology...

XM, Audible Team To Offer New Handheld Device

In a press release, Donald Katz, Chairman and CEO of Audible, said, "This announcement brings together the best of XM Satellite Radio and the best of the Audible audio experience. Together, our respective technologies will enable the consumer to listen to the finest in radio programming and the best of personalized, spoken-word listening on their portable audio devices."


Blog Mining Gets Real

What's most interesting about techdirt is their open door approach to having anyone submit stories for publication on the site. It's more like an opinionated news feed than a collection of press releases and shows what a blog can become. See what the Harvard Business School had to say about techdirt here...

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