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Results 261-280 of 418 for press release

Paris May Be Hot, But Downtime’s Not

The company admitted in a press release that the site was unequipped to handle the surge in Web surfers trying to watch the ad. The servers crashed, taking the site down for about four hours. Carl's Jr. said the site is now hosted on more robust servers "It was a mixed blessin...

AOL Forced To Patch Netscape Hours After Release

Version 8.0.1 has been released for Windows users. It can be found on the Netscape site, but AOL did not issue a press release on the patches Ed Moyle, president of SecurityCurve, told TechNewsWorld he could see how the mistake happened. "It's understandable because they proba...

Sony Reveals More About Upcoming PlayStation 3

Calling it "a huge launch era" for consoles, Horwitz added that the dueling demonstrations and press releases from the different companies -- something Sony is not used to -- and the release schedule for the new systems is less important than reaching a big enough market to support game development and viral sales among groups of consumers...


Merger Memories

Both the SBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI mergers will need a nod of approval from the Department of Justice (DOJ) before being finalized, but already consumer groups are objecting. For instance, in a press release this week, both Consumers Union (CU) and the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) said they opposed the Verizon/MCI merger because of predicted harm to competition and prices for consumers...

Napster, Dwango Team To Sell Ring Tones

The move comes five months after the companies' press release announcing "Napster Mobile," which was going to offer ring tones and "be the first mobile music content provider to utilize an integrated solution extending from the PC to mobile devices via exclusive device-targeted promotional offers redeemable for PC downloads and subscription service through Napster's PC-based digital music service."

Cisco Rounds Up Security in Newest Appliances

"This adaptive 'single device, many services' approach reduces the number of platforms that must be deployed and managed while offering a common operating and management environment across all those deployments," Cisco said in a press release Loyalty and Integration...


Mendocino: The Reason Microsoft Should Buy Siebel

Now contrast this with the announcement this week of Project Mendocino, where Microsoft Office users will be able to access SAP's extensive enterprise applications and both companies have pledged to use these applications internally, and Siebel has an entirely new global competitive dynamic to deal with. You can find the Microsoft - SAP Web site here. The press release defining Project Mendocino is ...

Microsoft, SAP Link Programs

The companies said in a press release that they will cross-sell the entire solution. That means SAP will offer Microsoft Office and Microsoft will sell mySAP Enterprise Resource Planning licenses. The software will be available to select customers in the fourth quarter, and widely available in 2006. The link is something users have been looking for, Erin Kinikin, vice president, enterprise applications, Forrester Research, told CRM Buyer...

Mandrakesoft Renamed Mandriva in Step Toward Reinvention

"The long-winding trademark lawsuit with Hearst Corporation has reached a point where we decided it is more reasonable for us to move forward. By adopting a new name, we eliminate the liability attached to the Mandrakesoft name and we can focus on what is important to us: developing and delivering great technology and solutions to both our customers and our user community," the company said in a press release...

DRAM Breakthrough Speeds 3D Rendering, Rambus Says

"A typical mainstream DRAM provides a larger amount of data than needed by many applications. As a result, large amounts of memory bandwidth are used to deliver a small amount of relevant data," the company said in a press release. Micro-threading provides only the data needed, and in smaller bits...

Mobile Operators Battle DRM Pricing Scheme

"The GSMA believes that members not only view the 'per device' fee as proposed by MPEG LA as unreasonable and excessive, but they also consider the 'per transaction' fee as unworkable in the market," the organization said in a press release Industry analysts indicated that whi...

Google Doubles Gmail Storage to 2 GB

The original storage size of Gmail was so novel that there was some speculation that the entire idea was a hoax, with Google's decision to announce it on April 1, 2004, through a tongue-in-cheek press release only contributing to the confusion. At the time, many analysts said it would take years of unchecked messages to clock such a storage bin...

Sony Ordered To Stop Selling PlayStation Consoles

Immersion had also sued Microsoft, but the software giant chose to license the haptic, or touch, feedback system for its Xbox consoles in 2003. Immersion did not respond to requests for a comment, but CEO Victor Viegas said in a press release: "We have always believed, and continue to believe, in the strength of our intellectual property. We remain confident of our position in the appeals process."

Oracle Claims Retek as SAP Withdraws

"As a disciplined investor, SAP established a premium price for this nichebusiness. However, we concluded that neither our shareholders nor retailcustomers would benefit from an auction process that would further inflatethe purchase price, and in the long run, not deliver the returns we demand,"SAP CEO Henning Kagermann said in a press release announcing that thecompany would not further pursue Retek...

RIM Settles Patent Suit for $450 Million

In a press release, RIM said $137 million of the settlement comes from anestablished escrow account and that the money is mainly for past damages One of RIM's arguments in its appeal had made many patent holders nervous,attorney Dennis Crouch, who writes Patently-O: Patent Law...


Making Blogs Pay

The best blogs have a voice of truthfulness, sharing the pain and pleasures of a company. You might expect an executive's blog to contain press release fodder, but SAP offers much more, as do the blogs of other CEOs, even some who run privately held companies. Press release blogs quickly die. The best blogs are those that tell it like it is yet respect SOX and SEC guidelines...

Identity Theft Hits Another Data Broker

The information accessed includes names, addresses, social security numbers and drivers' license numbers, but not credit history, medical records or financial information, Reed Elsevier said in a press release The company discovered the breach only when a customer complained a...

CommWarrior Strikes at Mobile Phones

"The virus has potential to spread globally" through SMS, F-Secure said in a press release. "So far, however, it has failed to do so and is replicating slowly -- an anomaly being carefully investigated by the F-Secure Anti-Virus Research Team." F-Secure, which promoted the pro...

Skype, Broadreach Combine VoIP, WiFi for Free Calls

"Wherever there is a ReadytoSurf hotspot, Skype users will enjoy the benefits of their Skype account at no charge whilst away from the home or office," said a press release announcing the venture Obstacles to Success...

Craigslist Beamed to Extraterrestrials

The postings will begin their journey May 15, right after the launch of thespace shuttle Discovery. Along with the postings, craigslist will send avideo message from founder Craig Newmark and a clip from thedocumentary "24 Hours on craigslist." According to a press release, the message is "for the benefit andedification of potential future craigslist community members in the greatbeyond."

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