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Results 281-300 of 418 for press release

European Commission Refuses Request for CIID Rewrite

The Danish social democrats responded with a press release stating that "blackmail shall not dictate Danish policy." Microsoft has denied the claim Lee said those following the situation might find it useful to take a look at Europe's patent landscape and compare it with the o...


OpenSolaris: Beyond the Rhetoric

The IBM patent pledge is problem-free, as I wrote in an earlier column; however, Ravicher has a point that there's a gap between Sun's press release and the legal documents releasing the Sun patents Free But Shackled?...


An Uncommon Commons

The fun begins when we look past the media reports to IBM's own press release and its published statement including a list of the patents. IBM promised not to sue any open-source developer, distributor or user, and stated clearly that IBM is legally bound by that promise. However, the statement contains disclaimers that limit IBM's promise in two ways...

Who’s Number One? Who Cares?

I got an interesting press release the other day. Headlined "SalesForce Loses CRM Lead," the release said that a new hosted CRM company,, claims 13,500 customers to's 12,500. Hence the leadership change. As you might expect from the name, this company has amassed its considerable hosted CRM community by giving away its product...

IBM’s Patent Pledge Leaves Unresolved Issues, Say Analysts

IBM's pledged patents cover operating systems, databases, methods for testing programming interfaces and cursive text recognition. In a press release, IBM specifically mentioned patents covering dynamic linking processes for operating systems and one related to file-export protocols...


Omniture CEO Josh James on Web Analytics

James: We have customers that use Web analytics to track press releases, tradeshows, job postings, digital music, cell phone usage and even free CDs that are sent via postal mail. This insight allows them to optimize their business for success. I find these types of applications fascinating because some folks still think of Web analytics as measuring hits on a Web site. There's simply so much more to it than that...

MPAA Slaps P2P Networks with Lawsuits and Arrests

The MPAA, in a press release, also said it was working to shut downDirectConnect Gunning for Big Targets...

Siemens Clocks Record Speed in Wireless Race

"Without any qualification, I would say it's just a press release," Dulaney added ...


Why ‘Socialized’ Broadband Won’t Work

"The San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is the No. 1 market for wireless Internet accessibility in the United States. From Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco to San Jose's San Pedro Square to Oakland's Jack London Square, Bay Area residents have greater freedom to communicate, be productive, and entertained with notebooks PCs and wireless Internet connections," says Intel's April 2004 press release...


High-Tech Companies and Formula One Racing

In closing, I'd like to leave you with the two key points I've made. Companies that respect all of their employees and focus on the market are worth favoring. Also, if you're going to do a partnership, put some real effort in picking the partners and in making the effort successful. Too many are entering into shallow relationships that generate little more than press releases. The outcomes are not pretty...

Dell, Microsoft Join To Speed Server Software Upgrades

"Enterprise customers want comprehensive solutions that span management of both hardware and software, and reduce complexity and cost," Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said in a press release A free downloadable version of the first merged product -- called the SMS 2003 Inventory ...

PeopleSoft Board Rebuffs Oracle Yet Again

PeopleSoft may not be finished with Ellison, either. In its press release on the rejection, it reiterated its claims of unfair business practices against Oracle. An Oakland, Calif., jury will begin hearing PeopleSoft's case Jan. 10. PeopleSoft is seeking more than $1 billion in damages...

New Intel Itanium Inside Unisys, HP Servers

To coincide with Intel's announcement, Hewlett-Packard -- long Intel's partner in the development of Itanium -- and Unisys released servers that use the new processors. Intel said in a press release that more than 70 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) now ship Itanium products...

IBM Puts Blue Genes on the Shelf

IBM said in a press release that it is working with many national labs and universities to develop HPC applications in areas such as life sciences, hydrodynamics, quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, astronomy and space research, and climate modeling. The company also foresees commercial applications for financial modeling, grid computing, business intelligence, risk and compliance, aerodynamics study and testing, and manufacturing processes...

Intel Intros ‘Extreme Edition’ P4 Chip

Intel, responding to market demand for ever-faster computers -- and the recent introduction of new 64-bit processors from competitor AMD -- plans to introduce a new Pentium 4 Extreme Edition (P4 EE) processor in mid-November. The P4 EE will be enabled by Intel's new 925XE Express chipset, which the company calls an extension of the 915/925X Express released earlier this year...

PalmOne’s New Treo Tweaks Winning Formula

Gadget geeks got a rush today when PalmOne officially announced its latest smartphone, the Treo 650, a year after its Treo 600 debuted and a week after it accidentally leaked its own press release on the product Despite the interest in the new device -- rumors of its features...

Cybercrime Marketplace Shut Down, 28 Arrested

The suspects allegedly operated a sophisticated identity-theft marketplace that trafficked in counterfeit credit cards and false identification documents. The Secret Service said in a press release that financial institutions estimated their losses at more than $4.3 million from the theft of 1.7 million credit cards...

NASA-SGI Supercomputer: Tops in Speed and Research

"In fact, scientists from NASA centers and universities throughout theU.S. used new Altix systems within days after they arrived at NASA," SGIsaid in a press release Thigpen told TechNewsWorld the agency had been providing access toColumbia to "targeted groups" of researchers ...

IBM Adds Open-Source Agility to Transaction-Processing OS

Users of Transaction Processing Facility (TPF), IBM's mainframe operating system, seem to have both pride in the OS and an inferiority complex, often referring to it as "IBM's unknown operating system." Even IBM called it "little known" in a press release for its latest version of the system, z/TPF...

UC Berkeley Hack Not Unusual, Analyst Says

Even if each person's information is valued at $1, that's a $600,000 loss. Berkeley has said in a press release that there's no evidence the information was actually taken. The information was stored on the computer of a visiting scholar at the Institute of Industrial Relations who was doing a statistical analysis examining provider pay and the quality of home health care in California, the university said...

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