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Results 341-360 of 418 for press release

Should Enterprises Dump Outlook?

Also, in recent press releases, Microsoft has emphasized the ease of upgrading to Exchange 2003 -- not a trivial benefit for time-pressed IT administrators, if it proves to be the case. ...


The Case Against Case

In a press release announcing his resignation, Case did not detail his future plans. Efstathiou noted that Case's skills could be useful in starting another company, or possibly entering the venture capital or investment banking fields. It seems relatively safe to say, though, that he will not become head of a UnionPacific Railroad or Dow Chemical anytime soon...

MSN 8 Set To Launch; AOL Battle Intensifies

Meanwhile, AOL is continuing its marketing blitz for AOL 8.0, which launched two weeks ago at its own celebrity-drenched event. On Wednesday, AOL issued a press release touting the popularity of its service since its debut, saying AOL 8.0 has been downloaded 5 million times, surpassing last year's AOL 7.0 record. "The record adoption rate highlights the depth of AOL members' engagement in the service as a central part of their everyday lives," said AOL CEO Jon Miller...

EBay Says Land Sales Strong

In a press release, eBay quoted one land broker who called the marketplace a "21st-century land grab" and others who cited the uneven stock market as a reason why more people are turning to land as an investment EBay said rural areas of southern Colorado are the most popular p...


Memo to AOL’s Miller: You’ve Got… A Very Difficult Job

Of course, AOL, like many Internet businesses, was a growth story for a long, long time. Remember? The press releases were issued every few weeks, it seemed, whenever AOL membership passed another milestone: 10 million, 15 million, 20 million and so on. It now stands at about 35 million...


The Regulation Debate: Why Bother?

Take the Orbitz case, for example. The two sides can't agree on whether Orbitz threatens competition. Also, they have vastly different interpretations of the same document. Last month, Orbitz issued a press release saying a Department of Transportation report found that the company is not a threat and actually helps consumers...

Why E-Commerce Law Enforcement Is an Oxymoron

The group issued a fake press release announcing the planned initial public offering of "McWhorter Enterprises." Those who clicked to the Web site were told that their investments would be multiplied 400 times upon conclusion of the IPO. It asked for credit card and Social S...


How Would You Spend Microsoft’s $40 Billion?

If nothing else, doing so would cut off the endless barrage of press releases about which portal has more unique visitors or unique visits or however they're choosing to measure it this month Besides, Yahoo! does many things better than MSN -- such as stock quotes....

The Dot-Com That Would Not Die

But secrecy is preferable, in a way. It adds a certain amount of suspense. Has truly turned itself around, or is it just one press release away from finally reaching the cemetery, albeit somewhat behind schedule? Public dot-coms die predictable and ugly deaths. First,...

The Online Auction Giant and the Fleas

BidBay only dropped the suit, founder George Tannous said, because it lacked the financial resources to continue fighting it. Tannous, who has never left a bad analogy unturned, predicted AuctionDiner will "rise like the Phoenix" to become the auction alternative. Pretty poetic stuff for a press release.

Who’s Minding the Merger Minders?

Hopefully, a better fate awaits Jupiter, but who knows? Soon after giving up the NetRatings ghost, the company put out the dreaded "exploring strategic options" press release. Not long after that, Jupiter stock fell below the two-bits level. In all, not a good day. ...

Is E-Consolidation Flirting with the Danger Zone?

In fact, the OurHouse purchase didn't even warrant a press release. The company just started directing traffic to the Amazon site, so OurHouse customers found themselves in Amazon's tools and hardware aisle. ... Admits It Overstated ’01 Results

Homestore is also being sued by shareholders who bought company stockbetween July 2000 and December 2001. The investors say company officersbroke securities laws when they issued upbeat press releases regardingquarterly results, omitting disclosures about the company's true status untilafter they had sold at least $16 million worth of their own shares.

Airlines Bite the Web that Feeds Them

Sure, other airlines may well follow Continental's gutless lead -- announced in a one-paragraph press release that concluded with the assurance that the airline would have "no further press comment" on the matter Of course, Continental doesn't want to comment further. What is ...

When Internet Music Gets Tap on the Shoulder

Just as the recording companies were issuing their requisite press releases, claiming that they are acting within the legal limits of the Sherman Act, the gang at Napster was breaking out the bubbly The embattled online music file-sharing service praised the Justice Department...

Tech Companies Lose, Measure for Measure

Not long ago, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) issued a press release arguing that its MSN network had leapfrogged Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO) to become the most popular family of Web sites on the Internet. The news didn't make much of a splash. In fact, it fell so flat that MSN re-issued ...

E-Commerce: Weathering The Storm

Just one day before filing for Chapter 11, Ardent issued a press release touting its "growth and success this year," and announcing the signing of its 20,000th customer. ...

Coming Together on E-Privacy

If online privacy really is a top priority of legislators, company owners and watchdog organizations, that's a good thing. However, the more ink privacy consumes in legislative committee meetings, in press releases and in media, the more confusing it becomes. Suddenly the most unlikely individuals become e-privacy bedfellows... Cuts Jobs, Loses CEO

Audible is also one of many companies now facing class-action shareholder lawsuits following the past year's precipitous decline in technology stock prices. Audible said in a June press release that the suits against it are without merit ...

PayPal Gets Itself Into Hot Water

For his part, Solitto commented that "considering the matter is already being pursued through the legal process, one has to wonder what the intent of this press release is." ...

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