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Results 361-380 of 418 for press release

Amazon to Gotcha

In's press release -- yes, Amazon even got to announce its intentions to offer free shipping to the world, making it that much harder to retreat or change course quietly -- pointed out that it was not raising prices. The statement was a shot across the bow at Amazon, who customers say factored in shipping costs in re-stickeringmany items.

E-Commerce Laughs at the Half

- A rather humble e-mail from Jupiter Media Metrix, responding to a request from a reporter to pursue a press release that the research firm itself issued, May 1st "We love the catalog division. They are our favorite best buddies."

Lawyers Ready to Exploit Bursting Internet Bubble

Haggerty said he was recently involved in a case in which a dot-com issued a press release bragging about a "victory" in court. That victory? A routine continuance "The press saw it, the investors saw it and eventually the judge saw it and was not happy," Haggerty said. "These...

As E-Commerce Vultures Circle Overhead was one of the first e-tailers to swallow hard and wade intothe California rolling blackout fracas with a press release and a gimmick Ourhouse used the early days of the unfolding power crisis -- a crisis that seemed at the time to be on course to crash the high-t...

Danger: E-Commerce Spin Ahead

Anytime a company crams that much information into a single press release, there's spin on top of spin. This was no exception. Amazon was waving the big flag of profit so furiously that it successfully distracted attention -- for a while at least -- away from the fact that th...

Is Big Talk a Big Pain for E-Commerce?

Since you've been paying attention, you probably know the answer is around US$10 billion. Every research firm with a calculator and a fax machine has released a press release saying so. Some even expanded the time frame to the last three months of the year so they could lay a...

Ex-Priceline Exec Flees to Old Economy

In announcing Miller's hiring, Marsh & McLennan barely acknowledged her dot-com experience. In fact, Miller's eight months at Norwalk, Connecticut-based Priceline got merely a one-sentence mention at the bottom of Marsh & McLennan's press release, which focused on her tenures at other financial services companies, including Citigroup, Travelers and Solomon Smith Barney.

Analyst Confidence Lifts InfoSpace

According to wire reports, Wedbush Morgan analyst Scott Sutherland said that InfoSpace's IQShopper software is being used to power American Express' ShopAmex portal. The companies had not put out press releases announcing the deal InfoSpace, a Bellevue, Washington-based compan...

Different Year, Same Net Tax Debate

As the conflict continues, some online merchants have already made their statement, albeit quietly and not in a flashy press release. It seems that a considerable percentage of retailers that also play in the online arena are routinely charging tax on online purchases Last wee...

When Will E-Commerce Stocks Rebound? (Cont.)

"Right now you're fighting press releases, and that's hard to do," Fuller said. ...

Suspect Charged in High-Tech Stock Hoax

The grand jury determined that Jakob "knowingly and willfully" committed fraud by fabricating a press release about high-tech firm Emulex Corp. and sending it to an Internet news wire. ...

Napster’s Priceless Publicity

The first order came within 20 minutes of the broadcast and 100 more followed during the next 24 hours. It didn't come as a total surprise to Lemire, who has long believed in the power of the media. (When his company was young, he and his staff sent out 100 press releases each and every Thursday, knowing that even a few tiny articles would generate orders and help to build a customer base.) ...

Interactive TV: Giant Leap or Goofy Gimmick?

For example, here's what a recent press release said about SCM Microsystems and Microsoft "revolutionizing" home entertainment: "With its conditional access signal decryption capabilities, St@r Bay is designed to be the vital receiver gateway module that allows PC-architected home entertainment systems to access a wealth of premium TV and other entertainment services..." ...

On the Internet, Speed Kills

The "Emulex Hoax," as it's now being called in journalistic shorthand, began last Friday morning when Internet Wire received what was supposedly a press release from a public relations firm. The release carried a rare trifecta of bad business news: resignation of the company's CEO, a restatement of past earnings, and a sketchy reference to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation.

Arrest Made in High-Tech Stock Hoax

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested a 23 year-old California man on Thursday for issuing a phony Internet press release that sent high-tech firm Emulex's stock plummeting by more than 60 percent last Friday Mark Jakob, a student at El Camino Community Colle...

SEC Says Net Tutor Misled Investors

In press releases, the company has described itself as "the world's first live, interactive tutoring service offered over the Internet." Online tutors offered help with English, math and science, as well as preparation for standardized tests. Some tutors, though, have been di...

Privacy Group IDs Microsoft ‘Bugs’

The foundation said the bugs can be used to detect and track such things as leaks of confidential documents from a company; copyright infringement of newsletters and reports; and distribution of a press release. ...

Napster Shutdown Robs the Masses

The ruling has already sent shock waves throughout the peer-to-peer world. The well-heeled, but equally besieged -- another popular file-sharing site -- issued a nervous "too early to comment" press release following the ruling. ...

Galli Leaves Amazon for VerticalNet Post

In a brief press release, founder and CEO Jeff Bezos said, "We'd like to thank Joe for his hard work and accomplishments over the last year. I believe he is making the right decision for him and his family circumstances. We all wish him the very best." ...

North American E-Tail Sales Still Soaring

Labatt's advice to smaller niche players is to "develop partnerships that drive revenues, not press releases." ...

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