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Results 501-520 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Dotcom Fights the Law With New Mega Site

Kim Dotcom on Sunday opened the doors to the new file-sharing website Mega. The site is making a splash in the file-sharing world with its promise of exceptional privacy and security. ...

OkCupid Snafu Raises Online Dating Privacy Alarm

OkCupid this week debuted a new mobile app that sets up blind dates by supplying likely matches for users who plug in a time and venue ...


Appboy Helps Devs Re-engage Lapsed Users

What's the biggest customer-related problem for mobile app developers? A good guess is that it has something to do with one-time downloads by users who lose interest almost immediately ...

Cnet Reporter Refuses to Work in Shadow of CBS Boot

Cnet tech reporter Greg Sandoval resigned Monday, protesting parent company CBS' ban on the publication's planned review of Dish's Hopper DVR service. ...

2013: The Year of Mobile CRM, Part 2

2013: The Year of Mobile CRM, Part 1 ...

Netflix Could Get Smacked With Higher Postal Rate

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday weighed in on a dispute between video game company GameFly and the U.S. Postal Service, siding with GameFly's position that the post office has been practicing price discrimination among its customers ...

SAP Gets Real-Time With HANA-Powered Business Suite

SAP last week released SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA (High-Performance Analytic Appliance), which marries its popular integrated applications with its high performance business analytics platform ...

Jettisoning Java: Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is urging computer users to disable or uninstall Java due to a serious flaw in Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 ...

Nokia Gets Its Mojo Working

Nokia posted a banner fourth quarter on Thursday, fueled in large part by brisk sales of the Lumia smartphone.The news was a pleasant surprise to shareholders as the company had forecast a loss as recently as October ...

RIM’s Best Shot at Redemption May Be Doomed

B-day is looming for Research In Motion: On Jan. 30, the BlackBerry maker will debut its new BB10 platform. Over the past several months, RIM has been steadily revealing information about the OS and the devices that will run it. More information about its strategy came to light at CES, where CMO Frank Boulben spoke to FierceWireless earlier this week...


Zoho Update Gooses Sales Productivity

Although Zoho routinely updates its CRM application every few months or so, its latest release is far from routine, according to Zoho Evangelist Raju Vegesna, who described it as a step forward in collaborative productivity ...

The Pebble Is a Stone’s Throw From Delivery

Pebble is poised to start shipping its smartwatch, company founder Eric Migicovsky announced at CES on Wednesday. The device -- a wristwatch that connects wirelessly with Android smartphones and the iPhone -- was a sensation when it was featured on Kickstarter early last year, raising more than US$10 million ...

Target Fights Showrooming With Price-Matching Scheme

Target has announced that its brick-and-mortar stores will extend the company's holiday season price-matching policy year round. It has promised to match the prices customers find on identical "qualifying" products at Amazon, as well as the e-commerce websites of Walmart, Best Buy, Toys 'R' Us, Babies 'R' Us and others ...

The Steady Drumbeat of the Global M-Commerce Revolution

The next-gen e-commerce player is globally minded and logistically savvy, with an eye firmly fixed on the opportunities presented by mobile. If you think this sounds like Amazon, you're right. However, it also applies to countless other etailers and service providers positioning themselves for growth in 2013 ...

Amazon’s Big Wheels Keep on Rollin’

Amazon's stock price reached an all-time high of US$268.98 per share on Monday -- a far far cry from its debut at $16 per share 16 years ago. The stock was off only slightly on Tuesday, closing at $266.38 ...

2013: The Year of Mobile CRM, Part 1

Mobile CRM is decidedly one of the hot trends for 2013, but just what new permutations can we expect as the year unfolds? ...

AT&T Makes Video-Streaming Splash

AT&T on Monday announced a new service to compete with such video-on-demand offerings as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime ...

AT&T Makes Video-Streaming Splash

AT&T on Monday announced a new service to compete with such video-on-demand offerings as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime ...

Hulu Honcho to Hit the Road

Hulu CEO Jason Kilar bid a fond adieu to the company's employees, announcing in a blog post Friday that he and CTO Rich Tom will be leaving at some point during Q1 2013. ...

Besieged Bank Clues In Customers About Disrupted Service

PNC Bank took an unusually open approach with its customers recently. It sent a letter apologizing for any inconvenience they might have experienced recently when the bank was battling denial of service attacks assumed to have been launched by the hacktivist group Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Cyber Fighters ...

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