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Other judges of the contest: Paul Greenberg, Brent Leary, Esteban Kolsky, Jesus Hoyos, Silvana Buljan, Mark Tamis and Laurence Buchanan. Sorting Through the Details...
As many of you know, I've been a judge in the CRM Idol competition organized by Paul Greenberg. Most of the heavy lifting (it's still ongoing) was taken care of before Dreamforce. For instance, we all took about 40 briefings in a two-week period, and our brains are tired. But the confluence of these events has left me with a unique perspective on the marketplace enabling me to look forward and back about 10 years in each direction...
I have the pleasure of hanging with some of the sharpest minds in the analyst world, including Paul Greenberg, Esteban Kolsky, Brent Leary, Jesus Hoyos, Josh Weinberg and a slew of people I only know by reputation inside an ad hoc group called the "Enterprise Irregulars." If there's good analysis coming out of Dreamforce or anywhere else where we converge, it's because of them...
It's the brainchild of Paul Greenberg, who is no stranger to the speaking circuit and a believer in making CRM entertaining. Idol, as the name implies, is a competition focused on emerging companies, and its purpose is to identify one of the hottest emerging CRM companies on the planet, much like its namesake looks for entertainment talent...
Luckily, a movement has started to do the kind of analysis that will yield the results that encourage later adopters to jump in. Paul Greenberg has begun agitating for us to roll up our sleeves to produce the kind of gold standard research that's needed to guide the industry in the adoption of this very important technology. I think that's great, and it's long over due. Sign me up!...
Luckily, a movement has started to do the kind of analysis that will yield the results that encourage later adopters to jump in. Paul Greenberg has begun agitating for us to roll up our sleeves to produce the kind of gold standard research that's needed to guide the industry in the adoption of this very important technology. I think that's great, and it's long over due. Sign me up!...
This hesitancy is giving the analytics side of the equation a chance to catch up. It doesn't hurt that some of the significant voices in the space -- especially Paul Greenberg and Esteban Kolsky -- are strongly advocating the development of a coherent approach to analyzing social CRM data as part of your initial social CRM strategy.
The question came to me via Paul Greenberg's blog, and I find it curious that I am not in agreement with much of the discussion or, more to the point, I might agree with the conclusion but not the underpinnings The discussion -- and there is a lot of it to wade through -- and ...
Service is becoming perhaps the most important leg of CRM. It's not just me saying it -- it's many others, including Paul Greenberg, who literally wrote the book on CRM. With the economy in the state it's in, that makes sense; keeping the customers you already have has never been more important. However, service has some internal cultural hurdles to clear before it gets the respect it deserves. Luckily, technology and the customer landscape are both shifting in ways that will allow more companies to realize the value of service and give it the priority it has long deserved...
Finally, Paul Greenberg's new edition of CRM at the Speed of Light hit the streets last week, and with it, my description of him as our Walt Whitman remains intact. To promote the continuing franchise, the fourth edition's cover has the same design as the third edition but with a different color scheme. But that's about the only similarity between editions; everything between the covers of edition four is new...
Luckily, most of the companies singled out for this recognition over the last five years are still around and doing pretty well. Many are established companies today, but there was a time when names like Eloqua, NetSuite and even Salesforce.com were household words only at my house -- and at the houses of a few other people who track emerging companies, like Paul Greenberg. ...
I am fond of Paul Greenberg because he's smart and knows a heck of a lot about CRM -- most importantly, he's a good judge of whether a company is for real or just playing around. I am also grateful to him for pointing out that I was the fortunate one to identify on-demand technology as a disruptive innovation. ...
Indeed, the health sciences space is going to be a major focus of investment for software vendors, if it isn't already, Paul Greenberg, author of CRM at the Speed of Light, told CRM Buyer "Healthcare is going to be one of the biggest national issues for at least the next four ...
Surprisingly -- given Salesforce.com's track record of being first in the industry to jump on Web 2.0 trends -- SAP was the first vendor to incorporate Twitter into a CRM application, Paul Greenberg, author of CRM at the Speed of Light, told CRM Buyer "SAP has one that they do...
Welcome to business in the 21st century. The widespread acceptance of social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIn is changing the way individuals communicate. Friends lists have become prime currency in cyberspace today. "Since so many consumers have adopted social networks as a new way of interacting, businesses are trying to catch up and use it to increase awareness -- and ideally sales -- of their products and services," Paul Greenberg, president of The 56 Group, a strategic CRM consulting services firm, told CRM Buyer...
For several years, people like Paul Greenberg, Brent Leary, myself and many others have spoken and written about the changing marketplace. Perhaps you have seen the same things that we have -- today's customers are better educated, experienced, richer and more time-starved than any prior generation. Certainly, you have heard it before if you read this column even occasionally. ...
In his fifth -- and probably still counting -- post of the day, an equally terse Paul Greenberg wrote, "Lots of 2008 innovations -- 10 new Siebel 8.0 products; 366 enhancements; E-Business Suite 12 - 1466 enhancements, 2 products. E-Business 12.1 preview out. -- Adding supply chain, mfg., HR modules which 12.0 enhanced financials. Common dashboards, recruiting, etc. Social CRM is a hosted CRM offering -- Web 2.0 enhancements to allow salespeople to communicate with each other and customers. Siebel 8.1 includes loyalty apps. Now onto middleware strategy which I'm going to let slide because my hands hurt. Ahhhhh. Rest is blissful. ...."
This year, it was actually worthy of the "2.0" designation, remarked Paul Greenberg, a perennial speaker and attendee at this event. (He demoted it to "1.85" in 2006.) "While I'm writing this, Dan Gilbert, Harvard Prof who specializes in social psychology, is doing a session e...
Meanwhile, Paul Greenberg has released excerpts of his soon-to-be-published CRM at the Speed of Light, 4th Edition. In true Web 2.0 custom, commenters and collaborators are welcome ...
Last week, and for many other weeks, I discussed CRM 2.0, but today I am thinking more about the world beyond 2.0. Maybe it will be CRM 3.0, or maybe some wise guy like Paul Greenberg will change the numbering and call it "CRM 20xx," who knows? My reading and research tells me...
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