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Governments, international development organizations and transnational corporations are looking to technology transfers and the growing number of budding green IT initiatives to address economic and social development, as well as concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and environmental degradation resulting from industrial processes, as was discussed in Part 1 of this series...
Vendors and developers have invested large sums in RFID (radio frequency identification) and heavily promoted its use, especially in the retail, credit card and transportation industries, as well as across sectors for supply chain and inventory management ...
Improving RFID (radio frequency identification) systems for specific applications and industry sectors -- along with mandates from governments and large companies with extensive supply chains and logistics needs -- is spurring adoption by a wider range of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the public and private sectors ...
The sharing of new technology -- particularly in the high-tech sector -- is taking place faster than ever before, yet economics, political and socio-cultural differences, vested interests and national agendas remain obstacles constraining the potential benefits ...
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) has been a highly touted technology in recent years, but concerns -- particularly among small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) -- about high costs and actual benefits have hindered its adoption ...
Mayors and city governments around the U.S. bought into citywide WiFi project plans, which often included unsupportable performance claims and grossly inflated forecasts for the numbers of users they would attract. Those decisions have come back to haunt them and have led to some abrupt reversals of fortune in cities large and small, as was discussed in Part 1 of this series...
In their eagerness to bring the benefits of wireless internetworking to their cities, mayors in Chicago, Houston, San Francisco and other U.S. cities have bought into untested, inflated claims. Now, they are revising their plans to roll out municipal WiFi networks ...
The stakes are rising in the race to develop multimedia search engines capable of searching, indexing and cataloging the growing amount of music, images and video available on the Web ...
Making use of distributed computing, such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) and integrated Web application services, means greater complexity and security design challenges for organizations and IT managers ...
Software designers and developers are being challenged to build efficient security measures into their project work as computing is increasingly distributed via Web application services and service-oriented architecture (SOA) ...
The open source model of developing software is making a significant impact, not only in the software development and broader high-tech community, but more generally within corporations, other types of businesses and organizations around the world, as Part 1 of this series describes ...
Open source software -- think Linux, Firefox, Wikipedia, Apache, Ajax and a host of other projects -- has introduced a radically different development model -- and mindset -- to the stream of high-tech innovation. It is one that is having repercussions in the corporate world that go beyond how software, telecommunications and other information technologies are developed...
While use of on-demand Software as a Service (SaaS) is expected to grow rapidly in the next few years, many organizations continue to prefer in-house application development and on-premise deployment to support a range of key business functions and processes, as is discussed in Part 1 of this series ...
From all indications, the Software as a Service (SaaS) model of developing and distributing applications is gaining traction and is poised for a phase of rapid growth, whether it be in small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) or large-scale enterprises ...
Opposing tensions are much in evidence in the legal wrangle over individual privacy rights and security in the digital environment. The dizzying pace of technological innovation continues as individuals and organizations public and private struggle to come to grips with its implications and ramifications ...
New laws and regulations inevitably follow massive and profound technological changes as societies come to grips with how new technologies may be used ...
The number of consumers downloading music from authorized sites could exceed that of peer-to-peer (P2P) users this year, according to research conducted by the NPD Group ...
When consumers buy software, they typically don't spend much time reading through the rather long, tortuous legalese that makes up the end user licensing agreement (EULA) or terms of service (TOS) agreement that users must agree to before getting access to a product or service ...
The growth rate for illegal downloading of copyrighted material via peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing services slowed during 2006, while use of their legal counterparts picked up, according to recent research ...
Although in its infancy, the market for on-demand application systems, including software as a service (SaaS), is taking root and growing rapidly in East Asia, as was seen in Part 1 of this series ...
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Investment Scams Skyrocket, Victims in US Fleeced for $4B in 2022
Job Seekers Targeted by Scammers in Mobile Phishing Campaign
Surefront Unified Toolkit Modernizes CRM and Retail Management
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Updated Settle Platform Helps CPG Brands Optimize Operations
AI-Powered Open Commerce Network Could Disrupt Online Retail
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