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Results 81-100 of 204 for Paul Korzeniowski

Cellular Carriers Eye Immigrant Population

Startup cellular carriers are beginning to view the United States' immigrant population as an underserved market. "Carriers have done a good job in penetrating most adult demographics, so they are now searching for niche groups that don't rely on their services," said Marina Amoroso, an industry analyst with market research firm Yankee Group ...

Web Conferencing Becomes More Personal

Web conferencing has become a popular communications medium in corporations for its ability to curb costs and improve productivity. Rather than bring a group of engineers together from various locations for a face-to-face meeting, Web conferencing enables them to meet virtually, which eliminates travel hassles and expenses. In addition, top company executives use it to communicate quickly and effectively with shareholders, the press and employees...

HD Gaming Beginning to Take Hold

The battle for market supremacy between Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3 has entered the next phase, one where high definition (HD) features will play a key role in determining the winner. "Console and software vendors are working to take advantage of the new capabilities that high-definition content offers," noted Michael Wolf, a principal analyst with ABI Research...

UWB Standards Breakdown Impedes Product Progress

An inability to reach a compromise in forging an industry standard has delayed delivery of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) products and may make it possible for alternative technologies to usurp its role in supporting Personal Area Networks (PANs) ...

Vendors Look to Balloons to Support Cell Services

With cell phones now becoming popular fixtures among the masses, securing coverage in even the most remote geographic areas has become an important goal for service providers. Cell towers are expensive, however, costing from US$100,000 to more than $1 million to set up, and present logistical problems, such as clearing local regulations and finding suitable placement...

Hackers Change Attack Modes, Seek Financial Payoff

The typical picture of a hacker has often been one of an introverted, misunderstood teen with a great deal of repressed anger. Launching an attack and disabling thousands of computers somehow seems to compensate for those feelings. Increasingly, however, while the hacker profile remains much the same, the ways in which these individuals compensate for their feelings of inadequacy have been changing. "Hackers are now being lured by the promise of financial gains," said Pete Lindstrom, research director at Spire Security, a security consulting company...

Cell Phones May Soon Add Scanning Technology

Handset vendors have been frantically trying to innovate in an effort to keep their products from becoming commodity items. Consequently, they have incorporated a number of new features into their products, such as cameras, and are offering slim, sleek designs available in a variety of colors. Now, their ongoing quest is leading them into a new area: scanning...

Vendors Ease Mobile Device Data Interchange

Businesspeople and consumers are becoming more reliant on handheld devices for the obvious conveniences they offer. "We are starting to see users do more with their handheld devices than simply check e-mail," noted Jack Gold, a principal with market research firm J. Gold Associates. "Increasingly, these products support mission-critical activities, such as exchanging sales information with ERP (enterprise resource planning) applications."

WiFi Suppliers Try to Avoid Big Squeeze

WiFi equipment suppliers are reaching a crossroad: more users are purchasing their products, but at the same time, pricing is declining. To try and prop up their profit margins, suppliers are experimenting with various packaging techniques, such as bundling or unbundling value-added features. For users, some confusion seems likely as they sift though all of the different options, but it shouldn't be too difficult for them to find good deals...

Multimedia Cell Phones Drive Quest for Next-Gen Power Options

Higher data rates and sophisticated features such as digital cameras, mobile video and advanced gaming mean that more on-the-go functionality is now available to cell phone users. These advances come with a dark side, however, as consumers are struggling to make sure that their phones have enough battery power to support these functions adequately ...

Rivals Take Aim at RIM

By focusing on e-mail devices for corporate clients, Research In Motion (RIM) has been able to carve out a small but lucrative niche in the wireless handset market. As competition among wireless device suppliers intensifies, large companies such as Nokia, Motorola and Microsoft have set their sights on loosening RIM's grip. "The handheld device manufacturers have been seeing their revenue and profit margins get squeezed, so they are looking for new opportunities," said Bob Egan, service director, emerging technologies at market research firm The Tower Group...

Enterprises Face VoIP Management Challenges

A growing number of corporations are installing Voice over Internet Protocol applications. While the technology has the potential to cut their telecommunications costs, it also presents new challenges. "IT managers are looking for their vendors to offer them ways to monitor and improve VoIP performance," said George Hamilton, a senior analyst at the Yankee Group...

Satellite Service Providers Struggling for Revival

Satellite voice service providers have been on a roller coaster ride. In the late 1990s, the industry was abuzz with grandiose expansion plans designed to take advantage of the dot-com explosion. When that boom went bust, providers had to scale back their plans dramatically and some were even forced to file for bankruptcy. A number of companies emerged with new, tightly focused business plans that worked well in 2005, but could another dip await these service providers?...

NASA Lends Crime Fighters a Hand

TheFederal Bureau of Investigation and theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration seem like unlikely partners, yet the two have worked together to solve a number of crimes in recent years ...

Companies Look to Broaden Brand Identity With Cellular Services

Looking for a new cellular service? If so, there are more choices available now than just those from traditional carriers, such as Cingular and T-Mobile USA. Increasingly companies like ESPN and its parent, the Walt Disney Co., are entering the cellular services market, too. "Many firms view offering cellular services as a way to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty," said David Chamberlain, a principal analyst with market research firm In-Stat...

Microsoft Wants to Supersize Windows

Times are changing. Microsoft's Windows operating system, which was originally designed for desktop PCs, is being retooled to support supercomputer applications. With the hope of becoming a key player in that space, Microsoft has poured millions of dollars into its Windows Super Computer Cluster, which is slated to become available later this year. "Microsoft has made a few unsuccessful attempts to become a key player in the supercomputer market but the company could be in a better position for success this time," said Gordon Haff, an analyst for market research firm Illuminata...

Searching for the Right Handheld Option

Increasingly, users are working with cell phones and PDAs to access data. Because finding desired information can be a challenge, companies such as America Online, Google and Yahoo developed search services specifically geared to mobile users. "Mobile search is an area of keen interest to both users and vendors," stated Matthew Brown, a senior analyst with Forrester Research...

MIMO Makes WLANS Go Faster, Further

Delivering products that are faster, cheaper, and more reliable is a common goal among technology vendors. That desire has lead wireless LAN suppliers to develop a new networking technique dubbed MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) that promises to boost throughput and increase coverage areas. "MIMO is the most important technical advance that WLAN vendors have made during the past few years," noted Craig Mathias, principal with wireless market research firm Farpoint Group...

US Government Pushes Banks to Tighten Up Online Security

Next year's holiday season will be different in at least one small way than it was in 2005: The U.S. government recently mandated that financial institutions enhance their online security systems by supplementing the traditional technique of passwords and user IDs with another form of user authentication. "The government initiative gives a clear and loud wake-up call to a procrastinating U.S. banking industry that has not moved beyond relying on single-factor reusable password authentication," said Avivah Litan, an industry analyst with Gartner Group...

Blueprint Drawn for Mobile Device Security

Mobile phones have been gaining more and more functionality, which makes it easier for users to access information, surf the Web, and receive key messages. Along with these new features has come the ability of hackers and unauthorized users to tinker with sensitive information. "Right now, security is a major concern for companies that are using handheld devices to improve employee productivity," said Neil Strother, an industry analyst with market research firm The NPD Group...

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