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Results 1361-1380 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

HP Cuts 9,000 Jobs With One Hand, Adds 6,000 With the Other

HP has announced it will lay off 9,000 employees over the next three years, trimming approximately 3 percent of its total workforce. At the same time, it will add 6,000 new jobs in global sales and delivery operations ...

Google Wraps AdMob Deal – Mobile Apps Onslaught Ahead?

Google has completed its acquisition of mobile advertiser AdMob, after what was apparently a very close decision by the Federal Trade Commission, which had been vetting the buy for antitrust purposes. ...

Symantec Sends Norton on Mobile Mission

Symantec is planning to introduce two mobile apps and a Software as a Service security application under an initiative dubbed "Norton Everywhere." ...

Ballmer Takes Tiller in Foundering Entertainment and Devices Division

There has been a reorganization at the top of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division: Its president Robbie Bach, who has been with Microsoft for 22 years, is retiring. Also departing is J Allard, senior vice president of design and development for the division. A 19-year company veteran, Allard will maintain ties with Microsoft, serving as a strategic advisor for CEO Steve Ballmer...

Privacy Advocates: Facebook Has Fooled Us Once Too Often

Complaints about Facebook's privacy practices and policies have been building toward a new crescendo, with growing interest on the part of Congress and regulators, as well as a budding viral movement to quit the network. In an effort to cut through the din, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg decided to address his company's attitude toward consumer privacy head-on in an editorial in The Washington Post.

Twitter Subpoena Stand-Off Ends With a Twimper

A brewing battle between Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett and Twitter is apparently over. Following Twitter's refusal to comply with a subpoena demanding identifying information on two of its account holders, the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania rolled up its sleeves to prepare a defense. However, Corbett, who recently won the Republican nomination for governor, has decided not to pursue the matter...

Forecast: It’s Going to Be Raining Tablets

The new breed of tablet-style computing devices typified by Apple's iPad -- "media tablets," as IDC calls the category in a new report -- are projected to grow at a compound annual rate of 57.4 percent between now and 2014. That is an increase from 7.6 million units in 2010 to more than 46 million four years from now, according to the firm ...

Microsoft Lowers Patent Lawsuit Boom on

Microsoft has filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Seattle against, alleging that the company infringed nine of its patents. ...

Microsoft Brings Hotmail Into the 21st Century

Now close to 15 years old and used by some 360 million people, Microsoft's Hotmail is getting an upgrade. The revamped email service is expected to roll out in July or August ...

‘Hurt Locker’ Prods to Launch Legal Barrage Against Downloaders

The producers of "The Hurt Locker" have reportedly signed up with the U.S. Copyright Group in order to sue thousands -- perhaps as many as tens of thousands -- of individuals who illegally downloaded copies of the Oscar-winning movie from the Internet. ...

Facebook’s Curious Social Monopoly

Facebook reportedly held a company-wide meeting Thursday to discuss how to deal with the negative publicity surrounding its privacy policies. ...

SAP Puts Its Money Where Its Mobile Ambitions Are in Sybase Deal

SAP has inked a deal to acquire mobile and database software maker Sybase for US$5.8 billion in cash -- or $65 per share. That translates into a purchase price that is more than 55 percent over Sybase's trading price before rumors of the deal became public, which was $41.57 per share. The deal, which still requires regulatory and shareholder approval, has prompted much debate: Do the benefits of acquiring Sybase's mobile application functionality justify the premium SAP is willing to pay?...

Microsoft Turns Office 2010 Loose and Holds Its Breath

Microsoft launched Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 for business customers Wednesday morning in an event held in New York City ...

Android Elbows iPhone Out of Second Place in US Market

The Android operating system has moved past the iPhone to capture the No. 2 ranking in smartphone operating systems in the first quarter of 2010, with 28 percent of the U.S. market, according to the NPD Group. The Research In Motion OS was still No. 1, with 36 percent marketshare, based on unit sales to consumers. Apple's iPhone OS held steady with 21 percent.

Smartphone Market on a Tear

The smartphone market is back in hyper-growth mode, according to the latest IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, which reported this piece of the mobile market posted a 56.7 percent increase in growth for Q1, shipping a total of 54.7 million units ...

FCC Finds New Way to Bring Broadband Under Its Umbrella

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has laid out a proposal that establishes the agency's authority to regulate Internet broadband providers much as it does telecom service companies. The FCC has always claimed to have this authority -- but it was not put to the test until Comcast challenged an order by the FCC to change its network management practices...

Every Twitterer Can Be a Pundit Now

Twitter is rolling out a new tool for embedding tweets directly into third-party websites. It will provide a snippet of HTML code for the purpose, the micro-blogging site announced on Tuesday ...

BumpTop Buy Could Give Google New Perspective in OS Efforts

Google has acquired Bump Technologies, a company that has developedan application that transforms a computer desktop screen into a 3-D display. ...

Pegasystems Embarks on Chordiant Integration Mission

Pegasystems will demonstrate examples of simple integration between its BPM applications and the CRM functionality it will inherit from Chordiant at its upcoming trade show. ...

Is Palm’s Future in Nokia’s Hands?

Rumors about contenders for troubled smartphone maker Palm continue to circulate -- fueled in part by comments from Palm's CEO. ...

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