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Results 100-120 of 120 for Enid Burns

‘Going Native’ Boosts Mobile Ad Outlook

The U.S. mobile advertising outlook is a bit rosier, according to eMarketer's latest forecast. Native display ads running on sites such as Facebook and Twitter are leading the charge for the mobile channel ...

IBM: Computers Are Going to Start Making a Lot More Sense

IBM listed technologies based on the five human senses in its 2012"5 in 5" -- five innovations that will change lives within five years. The predictions include advances in cognitive systems to unlock the door to touch, sight, hearing, taste and smell ...

Fans Willing to Pony Up for M&M’s Tasty Advergame

Those delectable M&M's characters seen in commercials are making their way to the iPhone. An advergame app titled "M&M's Brand Chocolate Factory" recently became available on iTunes for US$0.99. ...

Fans Willing to Pony Up for M&M’s Tasty Advergame

Those delectable M&M's characters seen in commercials are making their way to the iPhone. An advergame app titled "M&M's Brand Chocolate Factory" recently became available on iTunes for US$0.99. ...

AOL’s Marketing Shuffle May Reflect Brand Uncertainty

AOL is shifting toward decentralization of its marketing efforts. The online company this week named Allie Savarino Kline as chief marketing officer of its unit. In the newly created position, she will have global oversight of and will handle marketing strategy for the group's advertising solutions for publishers, advertisers and agencies...

Google Lets Users Think Twice About Mobile Ad Clicks

Google has come up with a way to reduce the number of accidental clicks that occur when "fat fingers" meet the small screen. ...

ICE Thaws Over BlackBerry 10

RIM is getting some positive government attention for the yet-to-be-released BlackBerry 10 platform. ...

Burst of Loyalty Could Sew Up US Market for Samsung

Apple may get more mindshare from consumers, but Samsung currently holds the lead when it comes to market share. The connected device market, which includes PCs, tablets and smartphones, grew 27.1 percent year-over-year in the third quarter of 2012. In that time Samsung maintained the top position with 21.8 percent market share based on shipments ...

Video Game Market Sees Pallid November

Video games, often a hot seller during the holiday season, are seeing softer sales this year. That's according to data released by NPD Group that shows video game sales down 11 percent for the month of November, compared to sales figures from the same period last year ...

The Rise of the Mansumer

This year men are doing more of the shopping, and they're not the befuddled dads TV shows project. They're purposeful shoppers looking for the best deals. This newly emergent breed is dubbed the "mansumer" by IPG Mediabrands agency BPN in its 2013 Retail Trends Report released this week. The report covers emerging trends for the 2012 holiday shopping season, and looks forward to shopping trends for 2013 as well. ...

Zynga Plays TV Everywhere Platform With Synacor Deal

Zynga signed a deal with TV Everywhere provider Synacor that gives Zynga currency in pay-TV and high-speed Internet consumer bundles. The move puts Zynga games seamlessly on all screens for more stickiness potential. ...

Study: Many Shades of Like in Brand-Consumer Engagement

A Like on Facebook goes a long way. Seventy percent of consumers who engage in social media make purchases from brands they are connected to, according to a new study released by SocialVibe ...

Report: The Big Money Is on Social Ads Going Native

Social media advertising revenues will double by 2016, and native ads -- such as sponsored stories on Facebook and promoted tweets on Twitter -- will be its fastest-growing segment, according to a forecast from BIA/Kelsey ...

Lytro Ups the Tinkering Quotient for Living Pictures

Lytro, the new darling of the digital photography world, has added a perspective shift feature, plus nine filters to create effects in Living Pictures. The software update will be available on Dec. 4, and will work even for photos previously taken ...

Courting the Prized Omnichannel Shopper

Holiday shopping this year will take place on multiple channels, with many shoppers doing research and buying online or on mobile devices. ...

Report: Mobile Game Devs Need Out-of-Band Marketing

App developers, and especially developers of mobile games, are familiar with the cutthroat world of the app store. To get attention, developers must deploy marketing campaigns. However, it's essential for developers to do more than just app store promotions to drive mobile game downloads, concludes a report released Tuesday by Inside Network ...

AT&T to Start Hawking Samsung Galaxy Camera

The Samsung Galaxy Camera will become available on Nov. 16 for US$499.99, AT&T announced Monday. The 16-megapixel camera runs Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, which opens the lens on a new category for cameras and wireless services ...

Sensewhere Goes Hyperlocal With Social Advertising

There's no better time to get an offer than a few steps into a store -- or so believesSensewhere, a company focused on hyperlocal interactions with consumers. It just released Adwhere, a location-based mobile application that can position consumers who are indoors and otherwise out of reach of GPS ...

Amex Teams With Halo 4 on Master Chief Incentives

Master Chief is going after some real world conquests in the newly released Halo 4 from Microsoft. ...

FTC Furrows Brows Over Facial-Recognition Tech

The Federal Trade Commission hopes to nip facial-recognition problems in the bud before things go too far. The agency offered guidelines for companies developing the technology in a staff report released this week ...

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