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Results 1381-1400 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Leaked Docs Suggest Dell’s Plotting a Mobile Blitzkrieg

Dell has plans to release five smartphones and two tablet-style PC devices, according to detailed specs and photos of the products that have been leaked to Engadget. ...

Google’s Tablet Plot Thickens With Agnilux Buy

Google has acknowledged its acquisition of tech firm Agnilux but has not provided any details about the transaction or even hints as to its purpose. ...

SC May Take Employer’s Side in ‘Sexting’ Privacy Case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments in City of Ontario v. Quon -- a case that could significantly expand employees' privacy rights in the workplace. Questioning by the justices led some court watchers to conclude that the Court will decide it on very narrow grounds and likely side with the City of Ontario. If that does happen, employers will breath a sigh of relief, said Devjani Mishra, a labor and employment partner with Seyfarth Shaw...

Cisco Closes $3.3B Tandberg Deal as Videoconferencing Gains Steam

Cisco will have completed its acquisition of Norwegian video company Tandberg once the compulsory acquisition for the company's remaining shares is closed. Cisco is acquiring the firm for US$3.3 billion -- after its initial offer of $3 billion was rejected by shareholders. ...

Partners Propel NetSuite’s Cloud Strategy

There's a growing trend among companies to use the cloud to manage and store not only simple business processes like email, but also higher-end, more sophisticated ones. Indeed, in some cases demand for such functionality is outstripping supply. In response, vendors are turning to a long-standing tradition to build out functionality -- forging partnerships -- in order to get to market sooner.

FCC Chair: Broadband Plan Won’t Be Derailed

The Federal Communications Commission believes it has the authority to implement its National Broadband Plan -- a wide-ranging initiative that calls for nationwide Internet services, greater availability of wireless connectivity, and improved rural access to such services -- despite a recent court ruling that clouds the issue. ...

Seagate Hawks Movie Tickets, Even if All You Wanted Was Storage

Seagate and Paramount Digital Entertainment have launched a limited promotion for a Seagate portable hard drive that has been on the market for about a year-and-a-half -- they are now offering it preloaded with Paramount movies. ...

Twitter Takes a Flier in Developer Territory

Twitter has made a number of moves in the past few days that have jangled the nerves of third-party developers who fear the micro-blogging site is about to make a big push into their territory. ... Cuts Ribbon on Chatter App Exchange has launched ChatterExchange, an app marketplace for Chatter, the enterprise collaboration platform it introduced earlier this year. It is built on "Cloud 2" -- the company's name for the next generation of cloud computing: social, collaborative, and capable of delivering real-time access to data and information across new mobile devices...

Google’s Ears Still Ringing Over Buzz Brouhaha

Google has become the target of another lawsuit alleging privacy violations in connection with the February rollout of Buzz, its social networking application. ...

Net Neutrality Takes One on the Chin

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has issued a ruling that could spell the end of Net neutrality -- or merely redefine the battle terms a little. It's a matter of perspective ...

T-Mobile Offers Fat Trade-In Credits to Switch From iPhone to HD2

T-Mobile has launched a promotion offering credit toward the purchase of its high-end HTC HD2 to anyone willing to trade in an iPhone. ...

Nervous Amazon Knuckles Under on E-Book Pricing

Amazon has reportedly agreed to new pricing terms with two major publishers on e-books sold for its Kindle ...

Coalition: New Laws Needed to Curb Government Access to Private Data

Google, AOL, AT&T, the ACLU, Microsoft, and other members of a newly formed coalition called "Digital Due Process" are proposing that the federal government update laws on government access to email and private files stored by third-party service providers in the cloud -- or any other storage system. ...

Facebook Privacy Changes Draw a Little Concern, a Lot of Apathy

Facebook is proposing another round of changes to its privacy policy. ...

Judge Imposes Stiff Sentence on Heartland Hacker

U.S. District Judge Patti Saris sentenced computer hacker Albert Gonzalez to 20 years in prison for his role in stealing 40 million debit and credit card numbers that resulted in an economic loss of US$200 million, according to the U.S. government's best estimate. The sentence closes what was the largest credit and debit card theft in U.S. banking history.

Here Comes Google to Save the Sale

Google has introduced a feature that gives advertisers another bite at the apple -- that is, it gives them another shot at potential customers who interacted with their company somewhere on the Google Content Network but didn't make a purchase. ...

‘Heroic’ GoDaddy Defies China’s Customer Data Demands and Network Solutions have discontinued their domain name registration activities in China in the wake of stepped-up requests for detailed information on customers. The news came to light earlier this week in Congressional hearings focusing on Google's decision to stop censoring its search results there -- and the subsequent fallout from that decision.

Samsung Aims for Stars With Galaxy S

Samsung has given the audience at the International CTIA Wireless trade show a sneak preview of its forthcoming Galaxy S smartphone. At less than 10 millimeters, it is expected to be the thinnest Android phone on the market. It also has a 1-Ghz processor and sports a 4-inch, 800 by 480-pixel AMOLED screen that offers better outdoor visibility. ...

AT&T Deal Not Likely to Pull Palm Out of the Muck

Palm is expanding the distribution of its smartphones, the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus, by making them available through AT&T. While the move isn't likely to hurt Palm's fortunes, it's not clear whether it can do much to help the flailing company. ...

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