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While CRM is often seen as a remedial tool -- it cleans up disorganized data, it allows disparate people to communicate about sales and marketing, it gives you a better view of the customer when service issues arise -- it can and should be more than that. It should also amplify the positive traits that already exist within your company, and tap into ideas your staff has had that were never really possible before.
The DHS is seeking to recruit skilled staff from the private sector, Napolitano announced, and she asked attendees at the show who work in the computer security field to make their products more secure and reliable The department is also working on various technological projec...
Part of reaching out is working with the National Economic Council, Schmidt said. Another part is having the national security staff, which consists of representatives from various government agencies and departments, pull together a holistic picture of how the economy and cybersecurity are intertwined...
Even before the contract negotiations begin and before they inform their staff, small businesses should be thoroughly prepared by carefully evaluating the CRM tool, said Zeiss. Test-drive a trial version of the product first to become comfortable with it and understand the technology as much as possible...
Perhaps Palm is sitting up and taking notice. Rubinstein told Palm staff that the company had a fruitful meeting with Verizon Wireless in which the carrier acknowledged that execution of Palm's launch was below the device maker's expectations and recommitted to working with Palm to improve sales, according to an internal memo obtained by The Wall Street Journal...
Part of the problem may lie in unrestrained use of the Web on corporate networks. Such uncontrollable access to the Internet sites can introduce malware into a business's network and allow important corporate secrets escape the company's walls. This week, the Federal Trade Commission warned about 100 companies that their files have been compromised by peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. It's believed staff at many of these companies were responsible for the problem through accessing P2P networks at work.
Company officials closed the deal in January. Paglo cofounder and CEOBrian de Haaff, cofounder Chris Waters and the entire staff joinedthe Citrix Online team. De Haaff is now serving as senior product linemanager for GoToManage Existing Paglo customers will not have serviceint...
The school, for its part, denied that the webcam was used to discipline Robbins or that any of the school's staff -- except two technicians -- were able to access the remote-activated devices. The webcams' monitoring capabilities were to be used only in the event a computer was reported stolen or lost, the school maintained...
"One of the biggest challenges with rolling out VPNs for SMB is, how do you deploy it and train your staff to use it?" Jason Leung, senior product line manager for SMB security at NetGear, told TechNewsWorld Channeling Data...
Former White House cybersecurity advisor Melissa Hathaway said during a Cisco TV Web broadcast recently that government cybersecurity staff need to have further on-the-job training. She also called on Washington to define the skills and abilities required by federal chief information security officers.
"Not all Internet pharmacies are legitimate, a lot of them are pushing counterfeit drugs or drugs from disreputable manufacturers. So let's try to do a substantive appraisal of what's legitimate and what's not," he said. "PharmacyChecker does actual inspections regardless of the country. They make sure everything meets all health and safety standards and there's a licensed pharmacist on staff in all locations. They've just taken a very common-sense, practical but very safe approach that allows people to buy safe drugs from abroad. That, in my mind, is the most reasonable way to approach the issue."
Companies need to educate their staff so they don't click on links in emails untrusted sources or engage in other activities that get their accounts compromised, ESET's Abrams said. "We're going to see a lot more of this kind of targeted attacks, so it's critical for employers to give their staff an antiphishing education." ...
For sales managers, it's critical to present these things as benefits that impact the sales people directly, personally and immediately. It's critical that the CRM champion within a company help sales managers understand how to bring this message to the sales staff. If a CRM ...
Each new device acquisition affects an entire ecosystem of network endpoints, software applications, support staff, and other end-users dedicated to making the company more efficient and collaborative. It is in this context that companies must evolve their mobile strategies, whether it incorporates one platform or six, individual-liable or corporate-owned devices, in-house or outsourced application development, dedicated support staff or self-service Web portal, and every other mobile decision that must be made along the way. As they face these challenges, they will face a number of support, training, and management challenges that provide opportunities to discuss customer needs...
"We recommend that all current Buzz users immediately turn off the public list, and review their friend list before making it public again," wrote Electronic Frontier Foundation Senior Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl on Tuesday, for example "We are somewhat troubled by the manner i...
Government cybersecurity staff need to get more practical experience, she added. "We need to have further on-the-job training and real-life practical exercises where you have to deal with, for example, the Conficker worm in an exercise, or a DDOS attack against your agency," she explained. "What would you do to deal with that, how would you communicate that to your agency, and how would your agency communicate that to your workforce, Congress, the authorities, and internationally?" ...
Workforce Optimization investment growth: Agent workforce optimization and performance management systems also ranked high, significantly outpacing expected growth of other types of technology investments, due to its impact on both increasing efficiency and decreasing customer and agent churn. Customer churn is more important than ever, as companies are painfully aware of the cost of attracting new customers over keeping existing customers. Reducing agent churn is key to putting customers first, as staffing a contact center with experienced agents who are knowledgeable about the organization and its products is critical to providing outstanding service. The study also showed that 81 percent of respondents expect staffing levels to remain steady or increase slightly, with 37 percent anticipating an increase in home-based agents.
"Given the cost pressure on airlines and their overworked headquarters staff, their executives are going to have to see a compelling ROI estimate before they'll even begin to spend money on analytical CRM," Philip Easterling, a consultant at SAS Institute, told CRM Buyer. "If...
That may be what Amazon's angling for with its reported Touchco buy. According to The New York Times, Amazon's folding Touchco's technology and staff into its own Kindle hardware division Some have characterized the move as a desperate attempt to beat back the Apple monster. O...
Amazon will merge Touchco's technology and staff into its Kindle hardware division, according to the Times. Its technology has not yet been developed as a commercial product, and according to its Web site, the company is no longer doing business "as of January 2010." Assuming...
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