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Results 1521-1540 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Is Dell Getting Its Android On?

Dell is reportedly building an Android smartphone for AT&T. If the rumor, first reported in the Wall Street Journal, should prove true, it would mean significant advances for both companies ... Clips Out New Niche With Coupon Engine

Search engine has introduced a new feature that allows users to search for coupons and product discounts. The feature is embedded in the front page, where visitors find an everyday-type picture -- in today's case, a man holding a camera and wearing a watch; a couple holding a computer box, and so on. Next to the items, are hyperlinked "deal" tags consumers can click on to find bargains.

Smartphones Get More AdSense

Google has developed a new JavaScript snippet for AdSense aimed at high-end mobile phones, giving advertisers yet another option for using its mobile platform. The new feature allows publishers to run larger-scale text and image ads on smartphones. ...


Marketing Automation: A Well-Oiled Machine That’s Ready to Roll

The announcement that Adobe was acquiring Web analytics firm Omniture took many in the marketing industry off guard last month. However, it's less surprising in view of trends that have recently been gaining traction: integration of social media technologies to mainstream platforms; mergers and acquisitions in general; a surge in demand for marketing technology.

IBM Sets Up Shop in the Business-Apps Bargain Basement

IBM has launched LotusLive iNotes, an email and mobile mail service that interoperates with Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange. The package includes calendaring and contact management services. iNotes can be deployed to work with an existing on-premise email application or as a company's sole system. ...


Bing Travel Gets You Where You’re Going, but No Peanuts

I remember when Kayak accused Bing of "borrowing" some of its design features last year. At the time, I wondered if indeed Kayak had a legitimate complaint -- the sites' designs are similar. However, after reviewing four separate travel-planning Web sites,I have concluded that Bing and Kayak could not have sprung from the same ideological source. ...

Cisco to Expand Its Video-Conference Room With $3B Tandberg Buy

Cisco Systems has made a huge play in the video-conferencing industry, acquiring one of the world's largest makers of such equipment for close to US$3 billion. ...

Judge Absolves Microsoft in $388M Patent Saga

For six years Australia-based security software company Uniloc and Microsoft have duked it out in the courts over charges that Microsoft infringed on Uniloc's patent. A jury said it did and awarded Uniloc what was purported to be the fifth largest patent verdict in history. However, in a 66-page decision, Rhode Island's District Judge William Smith overturned the US$388 million verdict and unceremoniously handed victory to Microsoft.

Tommy Hilfiger Adds Sparks to ATG’s Catalyst Launch

ATG has launched a program modeled partly on the now-ubiquitous app store concept and partly on the principle of open source code-sharing. ...

Warner, YouTube Dance to New Music Deal

Warner Music Group and Google have come to terms on a revenue-sharing agreement that will allow content from Warner's full music catalog to be used in YouTube videos, according to a blog post by Chris Maxcy, director of YouTube partner development. ...

EU Sets Out to Save the iPod Generation’s Hearing

The European Union has updated volume standards for portable devices that play music, such as MP3 players and mobile phones. Going forward, new products will be required to maintain their default setting at 80 decibels. ...

Twitter’s $100M Funding Coup Prompts ‘Bubble’ Buzz

After much speculation, Twitter CEO Evan Williams confirmed on the microblogging site's own blog that it has closed a "significant" round of funding. Williams didn't cite the dollar amount, but it has been widely reported that six investors are prepared to pump close to US$100 million into the company, giving it a $1 billion valuation. ...

Mzinga Puts the Community Platform Puzzle Pieces Together

Mzinga, a playerin the evolving community platform space, has relaunched its flagshipoffering with a product that integrates many of its internallydeveloped features with acquired technologies ...


Kayak: A Boatload of Delicious Simplicity

Continuing the E-Commerce Times' exploration oftravel-planning Web sites, I paddled over toKayak this week,and after a few minutes of playing around with the site, I wasinexplicably struck with the desire for ice cream. Specifically,Haagen Dazs' five simple ingredients ice cream. No doubt, you've seen the ads: Thefive simple ingredients are sugar, cream, milk, eggs and chocolate --or passion fruit or mint or brown sugar...

Ellison: Oracle Hearts MySQL

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison can be a wellspring of newsworthy comments. Little wonder, then, that for close to an hour on Tuesday, IT journalists were rapt as he ruminated on the subjects of the day in an interview with Sun Microsystems' Ed Zander at the Churchill Club in Silicon Valley ...

Avaya Caters to SMBs With Kinder, Simpler IP Office Release

Avaya has launched Avaya IP Office, a new version of its flagship product line targeting the SMB space. Changes to the product, now in version 5, include new configurations for certain user roles, such as customer service agent or mobile worker, as well as new functionality. ...

Amazon Links Its Brand Image to CE Accessories Line

Amazon has launched its own line of consumer electronics products, starting with audio video cables and blank DVD media. It plans to add more accessories and other items in the coming months. ...


ERP: The Slumbering Enterprise Giant Is Awakening

A mature market that has served as the backbone for enterprise computing for many decades, the ERP industry is not characterized by rapid change. So, when a "game changer" appears -- that's how Frost & Sullivan analyst David Boulanger characterized SAP's ongoing Business ByDesign rollout -- it pays to sit up and take notice. ...

Palm Washes Hands of WinMo as Losses Mount

It's back to the future for Palm, which is dropping Microsoft's Windows Mobile in favor of its own proprietary platform, webOS, unveiled earlier this year ...


Orbitz Has You Running in Circles

For this week's installment in the E-Commerce Times' series ontravel-planning Web sites, I took a spin around Orbitz, completing my tour of the top three aggregators ...

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