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Results 1581-1600 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Microsoft and Yahoo Tie a Loose Knot

Microsoft and Yahoo have inked an Internet search advertising agreement, finally entering a partnership that seemed to die more than one death over the past two years. ...

It may seem that CSG Systems, a provider ofcustomer interaction and billing management software, acquired marketingcompany Quaero in the nick of time. The deal was announced at the end of theyear -- just as it was becoming painfully clear that the recession was likely to be much deeper than initially feared. ...


The Joy of Customer Satisfaction: Q&A With Veeva Systems CEO Peter Gassner

Not surprisingly, the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries -- and, to a lesser extent, biotech -- are waiting with great interest to see how the health insurance and care plan making its way through Congress will look in its final form. What many probably have not realized is that the companies that sell and market to these entities are just as interested -- and just as likely to have their business models impacted to some degree...


Wielding the Technology Sword: Q&A With CEO Patrick Byrne is a retail site that, similar to, sells products in just about any consumer category, from clothes to electronics to home goods to furniture. Not surprisingly, it hid a major skid last fall when the U.S. economy went into seizure. ...


Wielding the Technology Sword: Q&A With CEO Patrick Byrne is a retail site that, similar to, sells products in just about any consumer category, from clothes to electronics to home goods to furniture. Not surprisingly, it hid a major skid last fall when the U.S. economy went into seizure. ...


Wielding the Technology Sword: Q&A With CEO Patrick Byrne is a retail site that, similar to, sells products in just about any consumer category, from clothes to electronics to home goods to furniture. Not surprisingly, it hid a major skid last fall when the U.S. economy went into seizure. ...

Amazon Sinks Close to $900M Into Zappos Deal

Amazon is making its biggest acquisition yet, having inked an agreement to acquire online shoe retailer Zappos for close to US$900 million in stock and cash. Under the terms of the agreement, Amazon will acquire Zappos shares in exchange for approximately 10 million shares of Amazon common stock, valued at approximately $807 million. It will also provide Zappos employees with $40 million in cash and restricted stock units. The deal is expected to close this fall...

Yahoo May Pack On Email Muscle With Xoopit Buy

Yahoo is reportedly on the brink of acquiring Xoopit, a Firefox extension that lets users share content from their email accounts with social networks. Xoopit works with both Gmail and Yahoo Mail. It can send photos, videos, Web addresses, attachments and links to photo-sharing sites like Flickr or Picasa ...

Security Experts at Home: No Downtime

If you want to reach Jim Walden by email, you'll have to ping him atwork. Three months ago, he ditched his personal emailaccount because he was concerned about the security implications. ...

Adobe Bulks Up Open Source Street Creds

Adobe has released two new platform initiatives for developers and content publishers: ...

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf (Huntress)?

A mini-drama of particular interest to bloggers unfolded in the midst of the hoopla surrounding Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's resignation earlier this month. Having become the standard bearer for the Republican party's ultra-conservative wing, Palin never really left the media spotlight following her unsuccessful run for the vice-presidency. Her abrupt decision to resign created shock waves...


It’s All About Nurturing Leads: Q&A With Manticore CEO Jeff Erramouspe

This is the marketing resource management world, according to Manticore CEO Jeff Erramouspe: ...

Microsoft and Yahoo, Together Again

Microsoft and Yahoo may be close to finalizing details on the elusive search and online advertising deal that the two have been flirting with for more than a year. The news that the duo are finalizing terms was reported by Kara Swisher in the All Things Digital blog ...

Rovi Rises as Macrovision Falls Off the Map

Macrovision, a company that has a number of operations under its roof but is best known for its digital rights management software, has issued a spate of announcements. Two major developments head the list: It is changing its name, and it is embarking on a new product path -- namely the launch of a media guide codenamed "Liquid." ...

Twitter Hack Opens Pandora’s Box of Security Issues

A hack into Twitter's back-end productivity applications earlier this month is raising some serious questions -- not only about password system security itself, but also about some consequences of network intrusion that may have been unforeseen. ...

Kindle Case Could Crack Amazon’s Customer Service Image


Verizon Gives Social Media a TV Spot

Verizon has launched two products that fall into what it is calling the "social TV" service category: the Widget Bazaar application store and Internet Video on TV ...

SpaceX Chalks Up Another First for Commercial Space Travel

Space Exploration Technologies -- or SpaceX, as it is usually called -- took a key step toward providing support for NASA and advancing private space travel on Monday: It successfully launched a small satellite into orbit atop its Falcon 1 rocket ...

Microsoft Tries Something New With Azure Pricing

Microsoft is taking a new pricing approach with its upcoming Windows Azure cloud operating system: It will allow customers to pay on a per-use basis rather than calculating license fees according to number of processors or some other traditional measure. ...

Nokia Chases Social Crowd With New Surge Smartphone


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