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Results 1701-1720 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Is the Open Cloud Manifesto an Open Book?

A group of large and small IT companies and institutions have signed the Open Cloud Manifesto, pledging to work together to establish and promote open standards in cloud computing ...


The Welcome Challenge of Scaling Up: Q&A With ProspX CEO Todd Young

Every small vendor -- no matter the industry -- dreams of landing at least one big name Fortune 500 client. Such a client, of course, would lend it the necessary street cred -- not to mention revenue -- that all smaller companies need. It also might open the door to new product development and distribution possibilities. ...

Tesla Shows Off Family-Friendly Electric Car

Tesla Motors -- a Silicon Valley startup backed by entrepreneur Elon Musk, the South Africa-born cofounder of PayPal -- is making plans to roll out its second electric car. The company has released the details of its Tesla Model S. ...

New Windows Ad Cheerfully Embraces Cheap Over Cool

Even if you were to limit yourself to the iMac product line -- as opposed to the heavy artillery computer graphics workstation, the Mac Pro -- you could easily spend US$1,600 to $3,200 for a souped-up machine. Mac addicts will tell you the price is worth it. What about everyone else, though? The price is steep, but the Apple brand -- strongly tied to the sex appeal and simply beautiful design of the Mac -- has enticed more than one casual buyer to spurn utilitarian Windows-based PCs...

Are ISPs the Music Industry’s New Guns for Hire?

There are reports that Cox and AT&T have begun cooperating with theRecording Industry Association of America's new antipiracy strategy --first announced in December -- of targeting illegal file-sharing activities through Internet service providers instead of through the courts. ...

Chinese Censors Douse Lights on YouTube

China reportedly has blocked access to YouTube without providing Google, which owns the video-sharing site, with any official explanation -- or even confirmation that it has indeed turned the site dark. ...

YouTube Filled With Sounds of Silence

Failed efforts to reach a licensing agreement with Warner Music have led YouTube to unceremoniously yank thousands of user-created videos from the site. YouTube is required to follow intellectual property rights laws, of course. However, critics of the move contend the creators' use of content in many of the videos is allowable under the so-called fair use doctrine, which has made a regular appearance in digital content lawsuits over the last decade. ...

Oracle Adds Healthcare Muscle With Relsys Acquisition

Oracle has acquired Relsys, a small private company that makes drug safety analytics software for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The terms of the deal were not revealed ...

CRM All A-Twitter With New App has introduced Salesforce CRM for Twitter, a new social media application. ...


‘We Know How to Deal With Hard Times’: Q&A With Epicor CEO George Klaus

Having joined the business software company in 1996, George Klaus, chairman, president and CEO of Epicor, is hardly a newbie by industry standards. However, he tells CRM Buyer that all of his executive team has been with the company even longer -- long enough, in other words, to have weathered several economic downturns, including the tech bubble burst in the early 2000s...

TomTom Slings a Shot at Microsoft

TomTom has responded to Microsoft's allegations of patent infringement with a lawsuit of its own. ...

Google Gives Sony Reader a Leg Up on Library Size

Sony will be offering 500,000 public domain books that have been indexed by Google on its Sony Reader -- an e-book product that is the primary competitor for Amazon's Kindle, now in its secondgeneration.However, the offering doesn't challenge the sexiest feature of the Kindle -- namely, its ability to download books, magazines and newspapers wirelessly...

Dell Reaches for High End With New Adamo Notebook

Dell has unveiled its version of a high-end ultra-thin portable laptop -- the Adamo. The Adamo, which was derived from the Latin word meaning "to fall in love," will be the flagship product in a line that will focus on design aesthetics and personalization choices. ...

Intel Throws Down Gauntlet With AMD License Challenge

Intel's and Advanced Micro Devices' often-rocky relationship is teetering on the brink of open warfare. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Intel has accused AMD of breaching terms the two companies forged in a cross-licensing agreement dating back to 2001 ...


Cheap and Proud of It: Q&A With Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu

Although Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu doesn't describe his company as the Wal-Mart of the software world, he would likely find the comparison apt ...

IBM Dives Into Clean Water Management

IBM is dropping anchor in the water management industry with the development of several new technologies and the launch of a new consulting service targeting utilities. ...

Facebook Puts On a Business-Friendlier Face

Facebook's makeover is now official. The social networking site has rolled out its revamped page with a so-called Social Graph for users to better connect with friends and new contacts and an improved Publisher that now sits on the top of the home page ...

Can SMBs Live Without Unified Communications?

In Italy, Biesse Systems is a manufacturer of substantial size; its American subsidiary, though, is by any measure a small business, with under 200 employees. Still, Biesse America's communicationneeds rivaled that of a large enterprise. It needed to communicate with its parent in Italy regularly, and though its workforce was relatively small, it was spread across six offices in the United States...

Social Networking Leaves Email in the Dust – Sort Of

Social networking and blogging are now more popular online activities than using email, according to a new report by the Nielsen Co. ...

The Cloud’s Emerging SLA Ecosystem

It's been four months since Google announced it would guarantee 99.9 percent system accessibility for users of its Google Apps Premier Edition -- a cloud-based productivity suite of business-oriented messaging and collaboration apps, including integration capabilities and support ...

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