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Results 1721-1740 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Will Twitter Be Google’s Next YouTube?

Everyone's talking about Google's next big acquisition, but whether the company will actually make it is far from certain. The services the potential target offers are not quite in line with what Google does -- but then again, Google has never followed a straight linear product development road map. It would be a pricey deal -- even for Google, which is sitting on some US$15 billion in cash. Plus, CEO Eric Schmidt has all but denied that such a transaction is in the works...


It’s All About Execution: Q&A With Journyx CEO Curt Finch

Journyx, a company that provides Web-based time-tracking and project management applications, also offers its customers a back door into customer service. That is, its application lets users track what a customer cost. That is a number that is oftensurprisingly miscalculated or not calculated at all, said CEO Curt Finch. ...

Report: Firefox Security Superiority a Myth

Secunia has debunked a myth held dear by Linux devotees and anti-Microsoft grousers: that Firefox is safer than Internet Explorer. ...

Facebook Redesigns to Steal Twitter’s Tweet Heat

Facebook is revamping its Web site with several new features that give users more information about their networks in real time. The changes have been widely compared to the updates people send and get via microblogging site Twitter, which Facebook apparently now views as one of its competitors ...

Facebook Takes Another Poke at Classified Ads

Facebook has revamped its online classifieds page. Its new look and feel is -- surprise, surprise -- very reminiscent of a Web 2.0-style community, with features that allow for more conversation and networking ...

Will Microsoft’s Kumo Bring New Visual Dimension to Search?

Microsoft has tipped its hand, perhaps intentionally, with the leak of screenshots revealing Kumo -- the renamed, revamped version of its Live Search. ...

How to Use the Web to Track Government Goings-On

The expression, "Inside the Beltway" is often used in a pejorative sense -- as a vague insult referring to an amorphous group of politicians, policy wonks, nonprofits, think tanks -- basically, anybody who revels in the nuts and bolts of federal legislation ...

Amazon: Only Copyright Holders Can Unzip Kindle’s Lips

Amazon has backed off from the brewing legal controversy surrounding the text-to-speech function in its Kindle 2 electronic book reader. The feature allows users to hear the text of a book read aloud, although not in the dramatic -- or even conversational -- style of typical audio books. The Kindle 2 uses a computerized voice translator to deliver a robotic rendering of the material...


Reducing Clients’ Risks Pays Off: Q&A With RightNow CEO Greg Gianforte

You wouldn't guess there's a recession under way -- at least, not if you were going by RightNow Technologies' recent earnings. By any measure, the Software as a Service vendor closed the year on a high note, completing seven million-dollar-plus deals in the last quarter. ...

The PaaS Era, Part 2: Who’s In It All the Way?

Part 1 of this two-part series describes the emerging trend toward Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings and touches on how some vendors are experimenting with this model in the customer relationship management software space ...

Small Biz Bulletin: 7 Tips for Affiliate Networking Success

Mark Amtower -- author, speaker, CEO coach, radio host and consultant -- is very picky about who represents his products and services -- and whom he represents. Still, he is a fan of the affiliate networking model, which is based on third parties or Web sites promoting products or services for a fee. ...

Microsoft Drums Up Patent Charges Against TomTom

Microsoft has filed complaints against TomTom in both the U.S. District Court in Seattle and with the International Trade Commission, alleging that the GPS gadget maker has infringed eight of its patents. Is this another day, another tech patent suit story? If it were any other plaintiff, perhaps ...

Google, Mozilla Join Chorus Against Microsoft in EU Antitrust Tiff

Google and Mozilla have formalized their support for the European Union's current antitrust proceedings against Microsoft by acquiring third-party status in the proceedings. They join several other firms that have also entered the fray ...

Yahoo Hones Ad-Targeting Tools

Yahoo is fine-tuning its online advertising platform with the launch of three new targeting tools. The company introduced them Tuesday morning, during its keynote presentation at the annual conference of theInteractive Advertising Bureau. ...

The PaaS Era, Part 1: Everybody’s Pounding Out Mashups

Earlier this month Zuora, a startup that's less than a year old, launched Z-Commerce, a platform that gives developers access to its applications as well as Z-Force's API (application programming interface) documentation, sample code and toolkits. There is also a sandbox environment, currently available in private beta. ...

Microsoft Aims to Bring Americans Up to Tech Speed

Microsoft has introduced an initiative to provide up to 2 million people with job training on its applications. Called "Elevate America," the program consists of two main offerings: free training available through an online portal; and more elaborate, hands-on training offered in conjunction with several states including Florida, New York and Washington...


Visions of IPO Dance in His Head: Q&A With Xactly CEO Christopher Cabrera

When Christopher Cabrera, president and CEO of Xactly, says his Software as a Service sales performance management company began 2009 with a big bang, he didn't -- as one might assume in this economy -- mean it in a bad way. ...

Judge Scuttles Class Status for Vista Capable Suit

The federal judge overseeing a lawsuit against Microsoft over marketing claims for its Vista operating system has reversed an earlier decision to certify the suit as a class action designation. She also deniedMicrosoft's motion for summary judgment ...

Verizon Preps for Long Term Evolution Leap

Verizon Wireless has picked Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson as its main contractors in its planned deployment of its forthcoming Long Term Evolution network ...

Prosecution Hits Choppy Water in Case Against The Pirate Bay

Swedish prosecutors have dismissed about half the charges brought against defendants accused of copyright violations through their operation of a P2P (peer-to-peer) Web site that connectsusers to content -- mainly music and movies -- on other users' PCs ...

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