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Results 1781-1800 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Bullish on Net Advertising: Q&A With AOL SVP Mike Peralta

A year ago, AOL decided to consolidate its various advertising platforms --, Tacoda and Quigo -- on one Web page. Platform-A was born, followed by a fully integrated sales force and, more recently, a newly designed home page. ...


Bullish on Net Advertising: Q&A With AOL SVP Mike Peralta

A year ago, AOL decided to consolidate its various advertising platforms --, Tacoda and Quigo -- on one Web page. Platform-A was born, followed by a fully integrated sales force and, more recently, a newly designed home page. ...


Bullish on Net Advertising: Q&A With AOL SVP Mike Peralta

A year ago, AOL decided to consolidate its various advertising platforms --, Tacoda and Quigo -- on one Web page. Platform-A was born, followed by a fully integrated sales force and, more recently, a newly designed home page. ...

Satyam Chair Confesses Stunning Financial Fraud

India's IT outsourcing industry received a shock Wednesday with the news that Satyam Computer Services ex-chairman Ramalinga Raju had falsified corporate earnings and assets. ...


Flexibility Rules: Q&A With Beliefnet CTO Jason Rodriguez

If you are a regular visitor to the multi-faith Web siteBeliefnet, or if you subscribe to its e-mails, you may have noticed the site is becoming a little more playful. Something new -- a quiz or prayer tool or connection to a social networking site -- is introduced every month. ...

Logitech Bends to Economy’s Ill Winds

Logitech is retreating from its fiscal 2009 forecast and preparing to trim about 15 percent of its global workforce in preparation for what is looking to be a grim retail year. ...

Where the Tech Jobs Are, Part 2

Part 1 of this two-part series on the tech job landscape points to some of the areas least affected by the glacier overrunning other sectors of the U.S. economy ...

Where the Tech Jobs Are, Part 1

High-tech job seekers should take heart. Despite the daily onslaught of grim economic news, the need for skilled information technology staff remains stable, according to the Robert Half Technology IT Hiring Index and Skills Report, released earlier this month. ...

Obama’s Internet Army Eager to Re-Up

The legions of online activists who mobilized to help Barack Obama win the White House were expected to return to their normal routines after the election, but they apparently did not get the memo. ...


Live Chat’s Not Just for Sales Anymore: Q&A With Conversive CEO Robert Williams

For many e-tailers, online chat is a closer. Packaged and offered up to site visitors as a service, it provides an opportunity to close a sale when an uncertain customer wavers. Retailers were early adopters of this technology precisely because of the distinct return on investment, Conversive CEO Robert Williams told CRM Buyer. ...

Survey: Customers Give E-Tailers Low Service Marks

E-commerce has certainly not been immune from the recession battering the U.S. economy, but for reasons that can only be guessed at, most of the leading e-tailers have not stepped up their efforts to retain customers by providing improved service, according to a recent customer satisfaction survey ...

Bundled Service, Unbundled Customer Service

Memo to telecom service providers: "We never thanked you, but you did a great job offering us consolidated billing. It is hard to remember now, as for the last few years you have been so aggressive in promoting bundled services, but five years ago, this was a major pain point. Three bills for ISP, cable and telephone, and usually three different due dates as well...

UK Official Pushes Hollywood-Style Ratings for Web Sites

Ever since she found out her niece was reading her Web site, Jen Singer began making sure the majority of her content was G-rated -- appropriate for a general audience ...

Small Firm Hammers Heavies With Thumbnail Patent Suit

A small networking company is suing three tech titans for patent infringement. Cygnus Systems has filed suit in the U.S. District Court in Arizona, alleging that Microsoft, Google and Apple have all violated a patent Cygnus received in March 2008 on the use of document preview icon, or so-called thumbnail, technology. ...


Broadening the Contact Center Platform: Q&A With Avaya VP Bob Lyons

This summer, Bob Lyons was tapped to lead Avaya's contact center division. The new general manager and vice president of customer service applications -- a relatively new position at Avaya -- joined the company at a crucial time. It was in the midst of reorganizing its operations around three business units: the contact center, unified communications, and small and mid-sized business applications...


Social Networking and the Peril of Legal Entanglement

This story was originally published on Aug. 15, 2008, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...

Privacy Policies: The Good, the Bad and the Witty

Lorrie Thomas does not "sell, share or whore out" the personal information of any visitor who comes to herLorrie Thomas Web Marketing site -- and she backs up this no-share promise in herprivacy statement. ...

Microsoft to Keep XP in Harness

Microsoft is giving PC makers -- essentially, companies that make build-to-suit computers -- an additional four months to buy the Windows XP operating system. Redmond had originally designated Jan. 21, 2009, as the cutoff for shipping the OS. Now, these manufacturers can take delivery up to May 30. ...

RIAA Abandons Mass Lawsuit Strategy in File-Sharing War

Five years and 35,000 people later, the Recording Industry Association of America has apparently conceded a major battle over music file-sharing. The music industry trade group has decided to stop suing individuals it suspects of illegally downloading music via peer-to-peer Web sites, according to press reports ...


Credit Card Firms Wail, Gnash Teeth Over New Consumer-Friendly Rules

The Federal Reserve Bank has issued new rules that will take effect in 2010, radically changing the way credit card companies treat their customers. Essentially, they are strong protections that regulate interest rates and billing methodologies ...

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