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Results 1841-1860 of 2863 for Erika Morphy Adds Web Site Development Layer to Cloud Services continues to push its cloud computing functionality into the enterprise, with the introduction of a new tool that allows users to harness the applications available on and apply them to corporate Web sites. ...

Google Woos Business Customers With Uptime Guarantee

On occasion, Google's Gmail service has gone dark, in some cases for hours at a time. Predictably, users of the free service flipped out and took to the Web to sound off. Google's response, up to now, has merely been to issue apologies and get the system up and running again. ...

Yahoo Crawls Out on Social Web Limb

Yahoo has rolled out a platform for third-party developers to build applications and widgets for its portal. Called "Y!OS," it is part of Yahoo's larger Open Strategy -- a go-to-market approach the company unveiled earlier this year with the goal of becoming a more inclusive -- and more trafficked -- Web site ...

E-Government Climbs Another Rung on Satisfaction Ladder

The U.S. government is getting better at designing Web sites that are user-friendly and provide value, according to the latest E-Government Satisfaction Index, part of the larger American Customer Satisfaction Index released by the University of Michigan and ForeSee Results. ...

Cloud Computing, Part 1: Some Breaks in the Fog

Pity the Patent and Trademark Office examining attorney who gave Dell the green light propelling its trademark application for the term "cloud computing" toward the home stretch this summer. That particular individual was obviously unaware that the phrase had become, over the course of a year, one of the hottest buzzwords in the tech industry. ...

LinkedIn Adds New Collaboration Apps to Professionals’ Toolbox

LinkedIn has added a bundle of new productivity tools to its network. The goal of the nine apps -- all built on the LinkedIn Intelligent Applications, or InApps, platform -- is to facilitate file-sharing, scheduling and other business-oriented activities ...

Ubuntu’s Intrepid Ibex Makes the Leap

Just a few more days. Yes, the U.S. presidential election is a mere week away, but there's another countdown going on. Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition, the Intrepid Ibex release, is set to go live on Thursday ...

Samsung Sinks on Slumping Profits

Samsung reported a steep drop in Q3 profits with the release of its quarterly earnings report. Profits fell 44.4 percent compared with a year earlier -- a number that, not surprisingly, sent the company's share price tumbling by 14 percent. Net income for the quarter was 1.22 trillion won, or US$863 million. ...

Rackspace Ratchets Up Cloud Computing Competition

Rackspace Hosting has significantly expanded its cloud computing offering with the acquisition of two companies and the inking of two new partnership deals. These moves have fundamentally reshaped Rackspace's cloud computing capabilities, prompting the company to rebrand its existing hosting and storage services. ...

Social Disease Networking Lets People Own Up Anonymously

In an era when people routinely deliver life-changing news via text and e-mail -- "I want a divorce," "I'm pregnant," "You're fired" -- it is perhaps inevitable that a service offering to automate and anonymize a personal, painful message is gaining traction ...

Pall Hangs Over Yahoo on Eve of Q3 Earnings Report

As Yahoo shareholders and employees await Tuesday's official release of the company's third-quarter financial report, neither constituency has much to be cheerful about: There are unsubstantiated reports that Yahoo will be cutting some 1,000 employees from its payroll. Its earnings are also expected to be lackluster, at best, given the economic climate of the last several months...

State Voting Info Web Sites Often Fail Constituents

It has been eight years since the 2000 presidential election revealed the many flaws that existed in the mechanics of U.S. voting systems. Despite that debacle, many states have not made even basic improvements to assist voters -- such as providing user-friendly Web sites that tell them how to register and where to go to vote ...

Brain Circuitry Research Offers Hope of Paralysis Cure

Research conducted at the University of Washington in Seattle suggests that clinical applications that can assist people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries or neurological diseases are perhaps five years away from realization ...

FTC Busts Spam Gang

The Federal Trade Commission has essentially shut down the largest spam operation in the world, freezing the assets of two of its accused ringleaders ...

GeoEye Starts New Earth Photo Album With High-Res Pics

Some five weeks after its launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, GeoEye-1, the satellite developed by aerial and geospatial information provider GeoEye, has signaled back to Earth ...

Microsoft Aims to Spread BI Throughout the Enterprise

Microsoft gave audience attendees at the 2nd annual Microsoft Business Intelligence conference a sneak preview of its forthcoming SQL Server this week, code named "Kilimanjaro." It was an appropriate venue for its debut, given its increased emphasis on BI. ...

Oracle Makes Project Portfolio Play With Primavera Acquisition

Oracle is acquiring Primavera Software -- a best-of-breed vendor in the project portfolio management niche. ...

Ads Tiptoe Into Online Games via New Google Beta

Google is expanding its market-making ad platform to reach online gamers, a 200-million-strong constituency, with the introduction of a beta program,AdSense for Games. ...

Dish Stuck With $104M Tab in TiVo Patent Case

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear Dish Network's appeal of a decision that found EchoStar had infringed TiVo's patent for its Time Warp software, which allows users to record television programs while watching a different channel, and also to skip over commercials. ...

Chrome’s Tiny Market Share Dwindles as Experimenters Head Home

Google's new Web browser, Chrome, is key to the company's push to connect its myriad Web offerings and become an integrated online service provider. That said, writing it off a month after its release -- based partly on figures that show a decline in downloads -- seems more Schadenfreude than sober analysis. ...

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