Search Results

Results 1961-1980 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

DHS and the Digital Strip-Search Dilemma

Amir Khan, an IT consultant from Fremont, Calif., and a U.S. citizen, has been subjected to U.S. Customs questioning for a total of more than 20 hours after returning to this country from a number of trips abroad, according to the San Francisco-based Asian Law Caucus. Customs officials have searched Khan's laptop computer, books, personal notebooks and cell phone. Despite filing several complaints, he has never received an explanation for why he has repeatedly been singled out... Adds Instant E-Mail Marketing to the Mix

On-demand business-to-business marketing vendor has developed a new collaborative e-mail marketing module that focuses on lead qualification and prioritization. ...

LucidEra Aims to Link Marketing Analytics to Sales Pipeline

LucidEra, a provider of on-demand analytics for sales professionals and managers, is bringing marketing into its fold with the addition of LucidEra Lead Insight. ...

Google Drops Ad Planner Bomb on Web Analytics Industry

A few years ago, it became clear that Google was gunning for a big chunk of Microsoft's empire. Now, the undisputed king of search is targeting another online category with the release of Ad Planner, a package of free Web analytics, research and media-planning tools. ..., Google Get Friendlier

Google and have rolled out a toolkit for Google Data application programming interfaces that's designed to help developers integrate Google Apps data and content with's database, logic and workflow capabilities. ...


Up in the Clouds

The partnership grows ever more intertwined. The latest development occurred Monday when released a Google Data client library for the platform that provides access to the full suite of Google Data application programming interfaces using Apex code, allowing developers to integrate their applications with Google Apps.

Now It’s Lawmakers Who Are Interested in Yahoo

Though the ink has hardly dried on the ad partnership deal between Google and Yahoo, Congress is already setting its investigative machinery in motion to determine whether the tie-up might violate antitrust or privacy laws ...

US Law Aims to Catch Up With Tech – and Misses

The infamous Internet bully implicated in the suicide of a 13-year-old girl may get some comeuppance in a California courtroom, but it will probably not be enough to quell the fury of her many detractors ...


Slashdot Cofounder Jeff Bates on the Self-Cannibalization of Online Advertising

At one point in the U.S.'s development, there were 1,400 or so railroads. Today, there are three major lines. Admittedly, it is a leap -- but not a big one -- for Jeff Bates, cofounder of Slashdot, to apply that history to what is happening on the Internet today. ...

FCC Poised to Reprimand Verizon for Hounding Customers

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission reportedly is expected to rule against Verizon in a complaint filed by three cable companies against the telco. ...

Workplace Text-Messaging Ruling Wows Privacy Advocates

A ruling by a three-judge panel in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has established new privacy rights for employees who use employer-issued cell phones, pagers and computers to send personal text messages. ...

Homing In on the Healthcare Consumer’s Needs

The launch of Healthline Networks'HealthSTAT last week is one more indication that the Internet ad platform wars are far from over. To be sure, Google remains the giant to beat -- and it looks as though it's settling into its role as the long-term dominant player. ...

Amdocs to Embed IBM’s DB2, Optim in CRM App

Amdocs and IBM have entered into an original equipment manufacturer agreement in which Amdocs will embed the IBM DB2 Data Server and the IBM Optim Data Growth application in its CRM product line. It is the first OEM agreement IBM has inked involving Optim, Steve Tallant, senior manager of product line management with IBM, told CRM Buyer ...

White House Wins a Round in Missing E-Mail Legal Battle

A federal judge has ruled that an administrative office within the Executive Office of the President is not subject to the 41-year-old Freedom of Information Act. The decision is the latest hurdle blocking a many-fronted effort to determine how an alleged 10 million White House e-mails apparently disappeared. ...

Web Security and the SaaS Factor

The online security space has been no different than any number of other software categories in its adoption of Software as a Service. However, until recently most of the offerings in this space have been targeted to e-mail protection. That is beginning to change as more and more vendors begin to roll out Web security applications in the SaaS model...


Marketing’s Forgotten Child

E-mail marketing has long been neglected in the larger marketing world. That's understandable -- e-mail marketing campaigns are easy to design and cheap to implement. Still, any tool worth using is worth using to its best advantage. ...

Pew: The Web’s Where the Political Action Is, and Obama Rules the Web

With more than five months remaining before the U.S. presidential election, the general campaign period is just dawning. Yet more Americans have already gone online to get political news this year than in all of 2004 ...

CRM and the Enterprise 2.0 Challenge

What is the potential opportunity for Web 2.0 technologies in the enterprise space? A whopping US$4.6 billion a by 2013, according to a tally Forrester Research arrives at in a report released earlier this year. Spending on Web-based enterprise technologies, including social networking, RSS (really simple syndication), blogs, wikis, mashups, podcasting and widgets will grow by 43 percent each year for the next five years, the firm predicts...

Do ISPs Stand a Chance Against Child Pornographers?

Virtually no one objects to the concept of adopting laws and policies to stem the tide of child pornography proliferating on the Internet. So, the announcement on Tuesday that Verizon, Time Warner Cable and Sprint Nextel have agreed to block access to Web sites that harbor such content was uniformly welcomed -- even if the end result will be to keep just a small percentage of child pornography offline...

Oracle Offers Sales Pros New Prospecting Tool

Oracle has released the third in a series of small, plug-and-play Web 2.0 tools designed to enhance specific features of its customer relationship management platform ...

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