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Results 161-180 of 418 for press release

Oracle Teams With Amazon, Intel in Cloud-Seeding Deals

"It says deployment of these applications -- granted, it's a limited set of Oracle's portfolio -- on clouds are now OK and will be supported deployments. Before, customers had to use MySQL or JBoss or other free software for their cloud deployments when their corporate standard might have been Oracle DB and WebLogic, although Fusion was specifically mentioned in the press release, not WLS," he told TechNewsWorld...

Study: Mature-Rated Games Worry Parents More Than Beer, Porn

"It's been interesting, the conversation that the press release has sparked. It's certainly one of the intentions. For us, we want to create dialog amongst parents. We certainly didn't set out to be hyperbolic about it. We just simply wanted to report some of the findings we had in our community," Sarris said...

A Voice for Tech: Carly Fiorina’s Political Ambitions

"Fiorina is a remarkable American success story and one of the nation's great business leaders," read a March 7 press release from the RNC. "Her business experience will be vital to Senator McCain and the RNC as we travel the country talking about the Senator's plans to create jobs for working families and set the conditions for economic growth."

Catching the Micro-Blogging Itch, Corporate-Style

"The concept of conversation scares most large companies because it's a lot less controlled than issuing a press release or a spokesperson's well-considered statement," he noted. Companies that stick to a script, however, are overlooking many of the benefits of micro-formatti...


E-Commerce and Brand Protection: A Two-Way Street

"It is clear that eBay has become a focal point for certain brand owners' desire to exact ever greater control over e-commerce," eBay said in a press release after the French court decision. "We believe that the [court's] overreach manifests itself through an attempt to impose, in France, a business model that restricts consumer choice through an anti-competitive business practice."

NFL Finally Gets Into the Digital Game

If it seems like the NFL is reversing field faster than Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, consider this statement in the league's press release: "Sunday Night Football Extra is a one-year experiment which will help the NFL gain insight into fan viewing habits." What does ...


Giving Your Site a Social Life

One-stop shop tip: PRWeb is an affordable solution for press release online distribution that is fully integrated with social media tools. A business can increase visibility and search engine ranking by enhancing the standard press release with indexed images, contents from YouTube, Technorati keywords and search engine optimization tools. The RSS feed automatically generated can be used as an online newsroom in any external Web site. ...

Samsung, Sun Give NAND Devices 5 Lives

The real test for the two companies, StorageIO's Schultz said, will come when it's time to shift from the press release and slide decks to spec sheets and actual customer deployment comparison scenarios to see how the resulting solution stacks up "Certainly the potential benef...

Your Reputation Online, Part 2: Repairing the Damage

It's not just individuals who need to protect and build their online reputations; it's also products and companies. Some online repair businesses, such as ReputationAdvisor, specialize in these kinds of repair jobs. In their work as brand builders, they intersect with the work traditionally done by PR and corporate communications professionals, doing everything from writing press releases to event and viral marketing...

Icahn, Yahoo Heighten Drama in Play for Shareholder Votes

"Both sides need to go beyond letters and press releases," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Right now, all each side is saying is that the other lacks a credible plan to [move] Yahoo forward. If Yang has a real vision and strategy for moving forward, he should lay it out. If it's worthwhile, investors will rally behind it."

Survey: Internet Plagued by Needle-in-Haystack Syndrome

The most common search was for troubleshooting specific applications (47 percent). Other popular research topics included project management information, technology integration, product information and reviews, and competitive and potential new business partner information, according to Safari's press release...

B2B in a Web 2.0 World, Part 3: TV Media Relations

VNRs are video versions of printed press releases, and typically include a first look at new products, manufacturing footage or behind-the-scenes footage of a company or other organization. News reports may incorporate a VNR in whole or part if the station news producer feels it contains information appropriate to the story or of interest to viewers.Critics of VNRs have called the practice deceptive or a propaganda technique, particularly in cases in which the segment is not explicitly identified to the viewers as a VNR. Firms producing VNRs disagree, saying that a VNR is simply a press release in video form.

Icahn to Yahoo: Prepare to Be Boarded

While it is my understanding that you do not intend to enter into anytransaction that would impede a Microsoft-Yahoo merger, I am concerned thatin several recent press releases you stated that you intend to pursuecertain "strategic alternatives." I therefore hope and trust that if thereis any question that these "strategic alternatives" might in any way impedea future Microsoft merger you will at the very least allow shareholders toopine on them before embarking on such a transaction...

B2B in a Web 2.0 World, Part 1: Digital Media Relations

Traditional media relations activities involve pitching stories to editors, issuing and following up on press releases and monitoring key publications and media outlets Specifically focused on online media, DMR seeks to engage in conversations in the blogosphere and communitie...

EA Won’t Take Take-Two’s No for an Answer

"We do not have any comments on the EA amendments. Any further comments we have on the matter are reflected in our March 26 press release," Meg Maise, a Take-Two spokesperson, told the E-Commerce Times A Game of Brinkmanship...

Icahn Sues Motorola to Unlock Docs

"Over the past 12 months, the statements and predictions of Motorola's management and the board about mobile devices business have too often proven to be wrong," Icahn said. He will seek documents relating to the preparation of company press releases, earnings forecasts and conference call statements...

SEO Tricks of the Trade

Once your blog is set up, start posting articles. Articles should be 400 to 600 words in length, and should not be self-promotional --in other words, the opposite of a press release. They should be general interest articles on topic related to your industry or field. How-to articles -- such as this one -- can be wildly popular. Product reviews are also excellent blog fodder...

ANALYSIS, Google Take Baby Steps Toward Integration

There are those partnerships where the companies swap logos and do joint press releases and that's about it, and then there are partnerships where true integration happens This latter type of partnership is starting to emerge between and Google, and that's a ver...

E-Marketers Getting Crafty in Spam-Flooded World

"The most innovative techniques are those where the people don't realize that they arebeing marketed to," Dave Taylor, the founder of Web marketing firm Intuitive Strategies, told the E-Commerce Times. "Most marketing campaigns underestimate the critical power of storytelling. Instead of sending out yet another boring press release, why not have an engaging story or case study?"...

The Case for Open Comments on Corporate Blogs

It's 2008, and if your company doesn't have a corporate blog, it might as well not even bother having a Web presence. Of course, not all corporate blogs are created equal. Some are clear byproducts from marketing departments -- glorified platforms, in other words, for press releases...

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