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Results 1-8 of 8 for Anton Denissov

What’s Lighting the Fire Under Mobile Broadband?

Growth of the mobile broadband market happens along two major dimensions: subscribers (adoption rate) and traffic (use rate). Specific growth drivers for both of these categories vary by geographic region, but in general, drivers can be divided into three major categories that are applicable to all the regions: ...


Are Web Video Providers on the Wrong Track?

The market to distribute premium video content (mainly TV episodes and feature-length movies) is currently going through one of its most dynamic periods, as experimentation with business models, delivery mechanisms and consumer tastes is in full swing. ...


Is Comcast Barking Up the Right Tree?

In the age of online entertainment, consumers get virtually unlimited choice of content and unlimited means to entertain themselves. They can stream their favorite episode of "Lost" from, watch full-length movies on Hulu or even download episodes of shows like the "The Office" from NBCDirect, and they can do it all for free ...


Is Blu-ray a Smart Buy?

Consumers have long exhibited a preference for physical forms of media, and they just love those shiny round disks, said Anton Denissov, another Yankee Group analyst "Disks are very versatile. They are very easy to use. They are very portable. I can take a disk to my friend's ...

Qik Lets Video Cell Phones Broadcast to the World

"There are never too many things you can imagine to do with a cell phone. It's a very interesting concept because it fits into the idea of sharing. It fits into the next evolution of the social norm with people putting their stuff on Facebook and MySpace. It's definitely an interesting idea," Anton Denissov, a Yankee Group analyst, told TechNewsWorld...

Is Blu-ray Worth It?

Consumers have long exhibited a preference for physical forms of media, and they just love those shiny round disks, said Anton Denissov, another Yankee Group analyst "Disks are very versatile. They are very easy to use. They are very portable. I can take a disk to my friend's ...

CBS Mounts Online Offensive With Cnet Acquisition

The deal will help CBS make gains in its three-screen (television, Web, cell phone) strategy, said Anton Denissov, an analyst with the Yankee Group, and help it cater to consumers' desires "to get their content in any way that they can." Plus, Cnet's properties will give CBS a...

Zune Gives Marketplace a Makeover

Anton Denissov, a Digital Media Content analyst at Yankee Group, pointed out that even for Apple, video downloads have not been nearly as lucrative or as a big of a draw for consumers as music. The proliferation of Internet sites such as that provide many of the same...

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