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Results 1-3 of 3 for George A. Pieler

Roaming Fee Break No Holiday for Europeans

Viviane Reding, Europe's info-media commissioner, has skillfully staked out her position as champion of consumers who want it cheap and now (rather than better, if later). ...


Protection or Freedom: Europe Must Choose

Europe's longest-running show moved to the Court of First Instance in Brussels last month. The Court heard Microsoft's appeal of the EC's antitrust judgment against it. The questioning from judges raised serious doubts about the legitimacy of Europe's order to artificially separate out the Explorer browser from Windows, and delved deeply into Microsoft's claims that the EC wrongly ordered it to disclose valuable patented information about its source code...


Europe and Consumers: An Imperfect Match?

Microsoft has been promised a late April hearing in Europe's Court of First Instance for its appeal of the European Commission's antitrust sanctions. At the same time, the software giant has agreed to open its source code to competitors in the latest installment of its long-running dispute over how much proprietary information it should surrender under pressure from the Eurocrats...

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