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Results 1-20 of 102 for Paul Greenberg

A New Era of Customer Service

Toward the end of last year, I was a guest on one of Paul Greenberg’s and Brent Leary’s shows on their new streaming network, PPN. There’s a lot of CRM content there, naturally, and I am always amazed at how they can coax executives from competing vendors to discuss big ideas and be nice to each other...


Zoho Desk Pairs People and Bots

As an analyst, I am a generalist -- you almost must be unless you're Paul Greenberg, who captures and manages a hellacious amount of data about nearly every company in the space. Hat's off to my buddy Paul! I take a different approach, trying to understand and define industry ...


CRM in 2023

I was recently part of a series of panels on CRM Playaz, a streaming show from my friends Paul Greenberg and Brent Leary. The show consisted of a panel of CRM industry executives, another panel of analysts, and a third of customers. I was part of the middle panel. I don't think we accomplished much, but that's not the point. Sometimes it's good just to see how others ponder complex issues...


I Might Differ

Last week my good friends Brent Leary and Paul Greenberg opened up their online show, CRM Playaz, to an executive roundtable discussion with some of the movers and shakers in our CRM world. On hand to discuss the future of CRM were: ...


Trying Times for Employee Engagement

We make a big deal of engaging the customer, and in most CRM circles, engagement outranks simple customer experience. Authorities like Paul Greenberg have made a crusade of engaging customers -- and rightly so An engaged customer is far more likely to have a positive impressio...


G2’s Revelations

I am most interested in CRM, naturally, so I went to the CRM report where I had what might be an aha moment. The list is extensive, but many of the names on the list are only passing acquaintances. Only Paul Greenberg can know so many emerging CRM companies! At any rate, the ...


Thinking Different at Salesforce Connections

There will be more news coming out of Chicago, but haven't we been talking about a 360-degree view of the customer and customer engagement for a long time? Did Paul Greenberg write a book about it? Yes, and Yes! ...


Social Media’s Next Act

I wrote a paper in 2004 forecasting that social networking (there weren't yet products, really) and analytics would be tightly interwoven into the fabric of the vendor-customer relationship. Paul Greenberg invented a cottage industry on social, and others followed A lot of thi...


Top CRM Blogs of 2018: Countdown, Part 2

This year, Paul Greenberg showed that he would have been a good editor. He recruited a lot of top talent, including numerous people who finished below him in this list, to write guest posts for Social CRM: The Conversation. That exposed his readers to a lot of important ideas explained by notable leaders in the field, but it limited the amount of Paul they got...


10 Blogs That Could Change Your CRM World

1. Paul Greenberg, Social CRM: The Conversation: Engagement, Engagement, Engagement I know the busy, busy Paul Greenberg would like to slow down. Don't tell his brain that, though.


Silo Buster: Salesforce Attacks the Data Sprawl Problem

Things happen that you don't capture in the data, as CRM at the Speed of Light author and all-around smart guy Paul Greenberg has pointed out. They get divorced, their dog dies, they get a really nice birthday gift. Those things can affect customers' buying behavior. If you get a 240- or 250-degree view, you're doing pretty well.


Wheat and Chaff

Nothing much happened in the social space for a couple of years after I wrote that paper, but eventually, social took off. Paul Greenberg also caught the idea and wrote voluminously about it. His observations about social media culminated in an edition of his essential tome, CRM at the Speed of Light. Then, as if scheduled, social became a thing, followed by big data and eventually analytics...


What I Learned at the Conferences

Following are some things I learned during show season, but as you read this know that no person goes to all the events, and other people -- like Paul Greenberg, Esteban Kolsky and Brent Leary -- are well worth reading on the subject. So are Jon Reed and Phil Wainwright CRM Is...


SAP Discovers CRM

All of that has been CRM dogma since Paul Greenberg published the fourth edition of CRM at the Speed of Light in 2009. So it just doesn't square. The ERP market is mature, and CRM will double in size to US$66 billion between 2016 and 2021, compared to ERP's growth to $39 billion in the same span, Gartner has predicted. Clearly, SAP is looking for new markets.


The Top 20 CRM Blogs of 2017: Countdown, Part 2

1. Social CRM: The Conversation - Paul Greenberg I know the busy, busy Paul Greenberg would like to slow down. Don't tell his brain that, though.


Reasoning in CRM

It gives some measure of the importance we give to AI that I went to two conferences last week and sat through two panel sessions on the subject. At CRM Evolution, I was part of the discussion in a breakfast session Paul Greenberg organizes each year. Then I flew to Las Vegas for the Oracle CX show. There executives involved in the adaptive intelligent applications product line tried to define the basics in a session for analysts and reporters...


Top CRM Blogs of 2016: Countdown, Part 2

The so-called "Godfather of CRM," Paul Greenberg's Social CRM: the Conversation slides out of the top spot for the first time in years into a strong second place. He didn't post as often in 2016 as in the past, he had a number of guests (including others on this list!), and m...


Social’s Turning Point

It's amazing to think that just about 10 years ago, social networks were getting going amid significant hoopla. Paul Greenberg made social the foundation of CRM, and Salesforce christened itself as "reborn social" -- then everyone else piled on. Today, CRM depends a lot on so...


The Top 20 CRM Blogs of 2015, Part 2: The Top 10

With blogs two through five nipping at his heels, Paul Greenberg retained the top spot this year by developing a winning formula. The blog featured 13 installments exploring Paul's Watchlist awards, with very detailed evaluations of crucial vendors in CRM and related fields, and another seven posts were in-depth accounts of the major industry events Paul attended...


Salesforce’s Message to Europe

Paul Greenberg and the team atCRM Idol (of which I have been a part) have been doing the same thing -- trying to discover interesting emerging companies in the CRM space for several years now, minus the money Even without millions of bucks at stake, the casting call always bri...

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