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Results 1-4 of 4 for Steven Bonisteel

Crackers Cripple RSA Server Twice

With a marketing slogan that reads "The most trusted name in e-security," RSA Security, Inc. (Nasdaq:RSAS) already suffered some loss of face early Sunday morning when it discovered that one of its servers had been compromised by pranksters whose hobby it is to deface Web pages. Then it happened again ...

AltaVista Unveils Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Program

Internet search engine and born-again portal AltaVista is paying a new network of affiliated Web sites for every surfer they send its way ... Buys Chunk of Talking-Book Digitizer

Web retailer (Nasdaq:AMZN) said today it is acquiring a five percent stake in spoken-audio company Audible (Nasdaq:ADBL). In exchange, Wayne, New Jersey-based Audible will pay $30 (US$) million over the course of a three-year deal to see products such as its digital versions of talking books featured prominently on the popular site...

New Microsoft CEO Slams ‘Breakup’ Concept

Becoming chief executive officer (CEO) of Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT) today didn't make Steve Ballmer any more of a diplomat. At a press conference held to announce his appointment to the post, Ballmer addressed rumors that the Department of Justice would press for a breakup of the software giant by describing any such move as "reckless beyond belief."

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