
Results 1-20 of 402 for jeff kagan.

Government Regulation Is Killing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

I recently heard a couple of very interesting interviews on the radio -- both with Bernie Marcus, one of the original founders of The Home Depot. They turned out to be two of the most interesting and important interviews I have heard. Marcus said that government regulation has grown so out of contro...


Sprint Nextel and Lightsquared: Uh-Oh

I have been impressed with the recovery that Sprint Nextel has shown over the last few years, but now it has struck a deal with LightSquared that puts the cart way ahead of the horse. Is Sprint making a big mistake while trying to bounce back from another body blow it just took? A few years ago, Spr...


Fasten Your Seatbelts – It’s Going to Be a Wild IPO Ride

It's beginning to look like 1999 all over again. Ten to 15 years ago, the IPO craze was amazing. As I said in many speeches, a great time was had by all. Everyone seemed to win -- workers, investors, executives, even customers. Over the years, these waves rise and fall, and a new wave is beginning t...


Lightsquared Hits a Brick Wall

The June report on Lightsquared that we have been waiting for is in, and it doesn't look good for the company. The technology it uses does impact the spectrum of the GPS industry, the report concludes. So even though we need a solution to the spectrum problem, we cannot allow this company to interfe...


Do Cellphones Cause Brain Cancer or Don’t They?

Last week, I was on CNBC's "The Kudlow Report" discussing the new World Health Organization findings that cellphones may cause brain cancer. Brian Sullivan, the host, asked all sorts of questions about the WHO study and whether this is a major problem for users, companies, investors and the industry...


The Issue Nobody’s Talking About in the AT&T/T-Mobile Debate

The latest news on the AT&T/T-Mobile merger comes from California. State regulators said last Thursday they would launch an investigation into the proposed merger. This is yet another worrisome problem for AT&T to deal with in what is turning out to be a very squeaky deal. This merger propos...


The Issue Nobody’s Talking About in the AT&T/T-Mobile Debate

The latest news on the AT&T/T-Mobile merger comes from California. State regulators said last Thursday they would launch an investigation into the proposed merger. This is yet another worrisome problem for AT&T to deal with in what is turning out to be a very squeaky deal. This merger propos...


The Mobile Merger Domino Effect

The wireless and wire line telecom industry is changing, again. Remember a decade ago, when we had long-distance companies? Then the long-distance giants were acquired by the baby bells. Next, the baby bells merged into three. Then the wireless industry merged its way down to a handful of giants. So...


Visions of Android@Home Dance in Google’s Head

Let's take a peak into the future. Over the next few years, we will see the industry continue to transform itself. Industry leaders may change. We have seen that happen in the smartphone industry already. Are telephone and cable television companies next? Companies like AT&T, Verizon, Comcast,...


Summer Reading: Will Fear of GPS Interference Doom LightSquared?

LightSquared sounds like a great idea. The company sees a growing need and has a plan. It plans on building a network and offering extra capacity to wireless carriers for wireless data usage. Wireless carriers that need wireless data capacity can just partner with this company and get the connecti...


Stroke Survivors Can Come Back Strong – and Tech Tools Can Help

Since May is National Stroke Awareness Month, and since I am a stroke survivor, I want to share with you some important information everyone needs to know -- whether you are a stroke survivor yourself, or have a recovering relative or friend. We hear of quite a few famous stroke survivors -- like ac...


Wireless Health: What’s in It for Doctors?

After listening to countless companies' exciting ideas, I have come to the conclusion that the new wireless health sector has the potential to grow into a booming business within the next five years. The question is, how much am I willing to bet? The potential is there, but can we clear the path? De...


AT&T Sees T-Mobile Merger Through Rose-Colored Glasses

The AT&T, T-Mobile merger is getting lots of attention. Arguments on both sides make sense, but only one side will win. Which side are you on, and why? Have you thought it through? I am not saying this deal shouldn't happen. What I am saying is that AT&T is only looking at the reasons for an...


AT&T Sees T-Mobile Merger Through Rose-Colored Glasses

The AT&T, T-Mobile merger is getting lots of attention. Arguments on both sides make sense, but only one side will win. Which side are you on, and why? Have you thought it through? I am not saying this deal shouldn't happen. What I am saying is that AT&T is only looking at the reasons for an...


AT&T Sees T-Mobile Merger Through Rose-Colored Glasses

The AT&T, T-Mobile merger is getting lots of attention. Arguments on both sides make sense, but only one side will win. Which side are you on, and why? Have you thought it through? I am not saying this deal shouldn't happen. What I am saying is that AT&T is only looking at the reasons for an...


Get Ready to Grab the mHealth Wave

Suddenly, mHealth is very visible in the wireless industry. At the CTIA show a few weeks ago in Orlando, there were many companies up and down the aisles from every corner of the industry. They were trying to capture the attention of the attendees, who were mesmerized by all the bright lights and co...


Note to TV Nets: Steer Clear of Music’s Painful Path

New technology may be cool, but it can also be a double-edged sword. Different industries are starting to overlap, and even though the blending of different technologies can be very exciting, it can also be very confusing. One example is how cable television companies have been starting to use the A...


Prepaid Wireless Has Finally Grown Up

Have you taken a look at prepaid wireless lately? I hadn't, since there is always so much noise to follow in the post-paid world and prepaid is relatively quiet, but prepaid is actually looking better and better over the last few years. Prepaid is becoming a mainstream part of the mix you should con...


Why Don’t Doctors and Patients eConnect Yet?

With the recent growth of eHealth and mHealth, there has been a lot of excitement about tomorrow's possibilities, but doctors and patients aren't interacting very much via the Internet today. While doctors are beginning to post things like test results online, saving the nurse a phone call, that is ...


The Fuse Is Lit for the mHealth Industry Explosion

mHealth is an exciting new industry that blends healthcare and wireless. In the next couple of weeks, I will be meeting with many people representing companies and new ideas in the mHealth industry at the annual CTIA show in Orlando. Some of these are established large companies, while others are sm...

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