
Results 1-20 of 402 for jeff kagan.

How Nokia and Microsoft Can Make It Work

Through the late 1990s Motorola led. It missed the change from analog to digital, though, and over the last decade, Nokia grew to become the No. 1 cellular handset maker. During the last several years, the tide began turning again. Nokia tried just about everything it could think of, but still could...


Telephone Company Investors Are Baffled

Where should you invest, what should you avoid, why and when? These are the basic questions every investor wrestles with. There are so many companies in the wireless, telecom and healthcare industries, and they are no longer on the same track. Some are strong and growing rapidly and leading, while o...


mHealth: A Funny Thing’s Happening on My Way to CTIA

As I prepare to attend the CTIA show next month, I am getting calls and emails from healthcare companies wanting to meet with me. That is amazing. The lines that separated healthcare and wireless are blurring. We are in the early stages of the healthcare industry working with the wireless and teleco...


And Now It Begins: The Media Will Sour on the Verizon iPhone

Watch today as Verizon Wireless sells its first Apple iPhone: The media will change its focus from writing positive stories to negative stories. Over the next several days and weeks, we will read startling pieces about what is going wrong. This is the same news we have been so thrilled with over the...


AT&T, Verizon and Sprint Tell Different Truths

Which wireless provider is doing the best job? Listening to them gets confusing. It's like me saying that I am the slimmest, healthiest and best-looking wireless analyst on this airplane (I'm flying to the west coast to give a speech). Now that line has as much truth in it as a load of horse manure ...


AT&T, Verizon and Sprint Tell Different Truths

Which wireless provider is doing the best job? Listening to them gets confusing. It's like me saying that I am the slimmest, healthiest and best-looking wireless analyst on this airplane (I'm flying to the west coast to give a speech). Now that line has as much truth in it as a load of horse manure ...


AT&T, Verizon and Sprint Tell Different Truths

Which wireless provider is doing the best job? Listening to them gets confusing. It's like me saying that I am the slimmest, healthiest and best-looking wireless analyst on this airplane (I'm flying to the west coast to give a speech). Now that line has as much truth in it as a load of horse manure ...


How IT Is Changing Healthcare for Better and for Worse

Healthcare technology has really made incredible advances over the last several years. However, while there is an app for almost everything, much still seems to be stuck in the Fred Flintstone era. Doctors still carry around thick folders with years of patient history. Yesterday, this was the only w...


Riding the Wave to Success

As I travel and speak at meetings around the country, one of the key topics that has been capturing a lot of attention is something I call "the Wave." This seems to be as interesting to the audience as it is to the executives who invited me to speak. In fact, I am often invited back to spend some on...


4G Wireless: Truth or Fiction?

Now it's official: All four major wireless networks are now claiming they are 4G. Oh really. Aha. Baloney. I really have learned to admire wireless marketing over the years, but there are a few parts that are just wrong. This is one of them. The wireless industry is crossing the line. If the carrier...


CES: Being There

The annual giant Consumer Electronics Show is happening this week in Las Vegas, and once again everything new in the electronics world is on display. I've been to a number of these CES events, and each seems bigger than the last. It is held not only in the very large Las Vegas Convention Center, but...


The Internet Taxman’s Mouth Is Watering

Taxes on all of the great new tech we just got? I was a guest on the Fox News show "Your World with Neil Cavuto" on Monday, and Brian Sullivan asked me about all the new taxes we better get ready for on all of our new holiday gifts. That's right. We better get ready for taxes galore. In fact, it's w...


Should Companies Focus on Investors, Customers or Workers?

Which should companies focus on first -- investors, customers or workers? This is a question we have asked and answered so many times, you would think the answer would be obvious. However, we always see companies either doing well or struggling because they just don't get it. A look at a few of toda...


How Best Buy Can Make a Comeback

The consumer electronics marketplace is changing. Will this year be better or worse, stronger or weaker? So far, the reports of holiday technology shopping sound pretty strong this year, with a few bumps in the road. One big bump comes from Best Buy, which delivered some disturbing news. While the r...


Crystal Ball Gazing: Guessing the Next Big Technology Phenom

Every opportunity has a life span. Think about its course like a line or a wave that goes up then it comes down again. Fortunes are created, then lost, then created again. New technologies replace old technologies, and then they are replaced by newer technologies. If you know what's coming next, and...


Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday: No Contest

All I wanted to do was save a little money. Is that too much to ask? So I decided to try something I never tried before. I went to check out the Black Friday sales at the local stores the morning after Thanksgiving. Yes, before sunrise. Actually in the middle of the night. Someone should have braced...


How Cable Television Can Stop Losing Customers

Competition has been increasing in the cable television world in recent years, and we have been expecting prices to come down, but they haven't. I have been scratching my head wondering why competition from satellite and telephone companies wasn't working. Well, it's taken years, but apparently the ...


A Whiff of Trouble Brewing at Verizon

Verizon has shown solid growth in recent years, but there could be signs of weakness in its quarterly numbers. I saw this a few months ago and decided to keep my eye on it. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe this is nothing. Maybe it is a temporary blip that won't keep repeating itself -- but something doesn't...


Trouble at Clearwire Could Spell Trouble for Others

We have watched Clearwire build its 4G wireless Internet service from scratch over the last few years. It has successfully won a few million customers and has looked like one of the hot new companies and technologies. But now it is suddenly struggling with the enormous investment costs and is thrott...


Where to Look for Wireless Innovation

When you think of wireless networks, which companies do you think of? Companies like AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile, right? Next question: Which do you think are the marketing innovators in that same space? Would you believe it's not the big four? Instead, it is companies like U.S. ...

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