
Results 1-20 of 402 for jeff kagan.

How Safe Are Home Security Systems?

I have loved the story of Ring doorbells ever since seeing CEO Jamie Siminoff on TV's "Shark Tank" several years ago. I also loved the story of SimpliSafe with CEO Chad Laurans. These companies, started by creative entrepreneurs, are changing the security industry. However, users need to be aware o...


Hello Streaming Services, Move Over Cable TV

Streaming services -- like HBO Max from AT&T's WarnerMedia, Peacock from Comcast's NBCUniversal, Apple TV+, Disney+, and many others -- are clear examples of the change to a short-attention-span world. What does that mean for investors, workers, and consumers?


Microsoft Takes Another Stab at Wireless

Will the Surface Duo give Microsoft a chance to succeed in wireless at last? While there are no guarantees, and while Microsoft never has been successful in wireless before, I am sensing this might be the right time. I have a great deal of respect for Microsoft and its never-say-die attitude.


Motorola’s Razr Gamble

When word came out that Motorola was rereleasing its hit Razr smartphone, I was excited. Now that it has been delayed until the end of the year, the sizzle seems to be lessening a bit. Razr was hot more than a decade ago, but then it quickly faded away when the iPhone and Android stole the show. Mot...


iPhone 11: Fewer Sales, More Yawns

After having countless conversations with iPhone users in the last few days, I've concluded that Apple will sell loads of these new devices -- but not as many as in the past. There are several reasons I'm expecting a downturn in iPhone sales. Among the top reasons are lack of support for 5G, lack of...


Shifting Cable-TV Landscape Demands New Strategies for Survival

X1 is a Comcast-branded pay-TV service that gives users more control over their television experience. The service recently gained new features that cater to businesses. I spoke with Christian Nascimento, vice president of product and premise services at Comcast, about what the announcement means fo...


Can Cable TV Survive the 5G Wireless Threat?

Traditional cable TV providers will face a big competitive threat in the next decade from the Internet, IPTV and 5G wireless. Cable TV typically lands at the bottom in customer satisfaction surveys. That means there is both plenty of room for improvement and plenty of room for new competitors and ne...


T-Mobile Merger Delay Keeps Sprint and Dish on Edge

The T-Mobile-Sprint merger looked like it was pretty much a done deal a couple of weeks ago, when DoJ gave its approval. It now looks like there won't be a final answer until 2020. This will go down in history as one of the longest corporate merger attempts. The delay will be hardest on Sprint and D...


Amazon’s $10-a-Person Attempt to Wriggle Off Privacy Hook

I have been warning about online companies invading our privacy for years. Some very large companies now are under scrutiny by the U.S. government. As the pressure increases, Amazon seems to have come up with a creative solution. It has been offering to pay users $10 for permission to track them. In...


The Online Grocery Shopping Comeback

Do you enjoy grocery shopping? Some shoppers love walking up and down the aisles, seeing what's new, looking for what's on sale, and getting new ideas. They often pick up things that weren't on their list. However, while many shoppers love that experience, others don't.


The Threat of a Deepfake Fiasco

Over time, it's likely that we will develop new AI technology to identify and label deepfakes, but until then, we are on our own.


Plot Thickens With Dish’s Interest in Sprint, T-Mobile Wireless

The T-Mobile-Sprint merger has been dragging on for quite a long time, but it finally may be in the home stretch. To get the deal approved, Sprint and T-Mobile might have to sell off some of their wireless assets, and many were surprised by Dish Network's interest. What would this mean for the merge...


When Retail Customers Take It on the Chin, Investors Win

I am a reluctant Costco shopper. My wife is one of the many customers who really love the chain. Me... not so much. Seriously -- someone should wake up Costco's top officials to the need to focus on their customers. After all, it's the customers who make Costco successful. When my family owned lots ...


Where CEOs Go Wrong With Brand ID

Brand ID is key to every company's success and growth. Why then do so many senior executives at so many different companies screw it up? When you come up with a winning brand ID, it's OK to build on it and to change it for the better, but not for the worse. Customers buy from you based on your brand...


What Happens to Sprint if T-Mobile Merger Fails?

Sprint's best shot at success is to merge with T-Mobile. Without the merger, I see the company continuing to struggle as a weak player in the competitive wireless battle. Then again, this is nothing new. Sprint has been limping along for decades, for many different reasons. If this merger fails, wil...


How to Succeed With Micro-Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing continues to build steam, and more companies, large and small are getting involved. As powerful and as helpful as influencers can be, it's important to realize that not every influencer is right for every company. Selection of the right influencers to work with your company and ...


What Matters Most in the Race to 5G Wireless

With 5G knocking on our door, a growing number of wireless competitors have been getting on their high-horses and trying to knock down the current leaders. All I have to say is, cut it out! No customer or investor is interested in all this meaningless industry-wide jibber-jabber. If you keep this up...


T-Mobile’s Home Broadband Carrot

Not long ago, T-Mobile COO Mike Sievert said the company would start selling a wireless home broadband service. Now, it looks as though it has begun a pilot program of invited users. However, there is an important catch with respect to this new service: the motive behind it. If it works and is price...


Can Facebook Solve Its Worsening Privacy Problem?

The good news is that of the many troubles Facebook has, privacy seems to be front and center for both CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg. The question is, will the actions they take to address the company's privacy issues be enough? If not, this is the kind of problem that can and will cau...


Google Fiber Missteps Could Tarnish Brand

This winter has been very rough on Google Fiber, Alphabet's high-speed Internet service. An overabundance of snow, ice and water have caused service outages. Why do these issues not seem to hamper competitors? The latest news is that the service is leaving Louisville, supposedly due to a faulty inst...

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