
Results 1-20 of 402 for jeff kagan.

Windows Phone 7: Will Microsoft Hit It Out of the Park This Time?

Microsoft has been trying to crack open the enormous opportunity in the cellular industry for a decade. CEO Steve Ballmer always says the company's software is terrific, but it has never seemed to move the needle. Could that be about to change? Microsoft is about to release its newest version, Windo...


Solving AT&T’s Ballooning Problem

I recently gave a speech to a group of AT&T executives in a university MBA program, and during the Q&A afterward I got a very interesting question about the future of the AT&T brand. It grew into an interesting and important discussion that I'd like to share here. The questions after sp...


Solving AT&T’s Ballooning Problem

I recently gave a speech to a group of AT&T executives in a university MBA program, and during the Q&A afterward I got a very interesting question about the future of the AT&T brand. It grew into an interesting and important discussion that I'd like to share here. The questions after sp...


Solving AT&T’s Ballooning Problem

I recently gave a speech to a group of AT&T executives in a university MBA program, and during the Q&A afterward I got a very interesting question about the future of the AT&T brand. It grew into an interesting and important discussion that I'd like to share here. The questions after sp...


The Drivers Steering Motorola’s Comeback

Motorola has been struggling for years to recapture its greatness. Suddenly, it seems to be on the right track, thanks to working with Google's Android operating system and Verizon Wireless. There are so many issues to consider, but the main question today is what are Motorola's plans for the next f...


Catching a New Wave of PR Opportunities

I just gave a speech on the changing opportunities in the wireless and telecom industry. The response was terrific, but I could tell not everyone understood the changes occurring in the industry and the unbridled opportunity that is starting to appear. I updated the group on the growing opportunitie...


How Dan Hesse Is Reviving Sprint

I first met Dan Hesse, the CEO of Sprint, back in the mid 1990s and have since followed both his and Sprint's journey. Let me tell you the backstory of the battle Hesse is fighting to bring Sprint back to life. I will also share a few thoughts about where it is today in its recovery, and what we can...


Windstream and CenturyLink: Riding the Next Wave of Change

I recently spoke at a Windstream meeting and helped them think about the changing industry and what's coming next. Preparing for that speech opened my eyes to how fast this company -- and, in fact, the entire industry sector -- is changing. Windstream and CenturyLink are in the process of transformi...


The Mountain Elop Has to Climb to Keep Nokia on Top

Will Stephen Elop, the new Nokia CEO, be able to turn the company around? That is the question. It all depends on what he does -- this is a big job. He has to focus on transforming not only the technology, but also the brand. He has to reinvent Nokia's image in the mind of the customer. Will it work...


Choosing Your Favorite Smartphone Flavor

I love smartphones, but I have not found the perfect one yet. I have tried countless devices for years. I come close, but I've never settled on the perfect phone -- and trust me, I have tried many. The good news is there are many great features to choose from. The bad news is they are all on differe...


Intel, Infineon and the Winds of Change

Intel has focused solely on the computer business for so long, we forget it can pursue other avenues of growth as well. Tomorrow, all our devices will be connected and talk to each other and share information. In that new world, Intel has been looking around for another business to acquire to help e...


Telecom and Wireless in 5 Years: Who Will Lead and Who Will Follow?

This is one of the times of the year that wireless and telecom CEOs invite me to speak at an upcoming meeting of directors or executives or employees or customers. Over the years, I have learned they have one of the toughest jobs. First, they have to accurately see the changing industry. Second, the...


Healthcare’s Great Wireless Transformation

About 15 years ago, I had an office next door to Barry Green. At the time, our businesses had nothing in common. I was a wireless analyst and he was in healthcare. I recently got a call out of the blue from Barry asking for my help in evaluating an opportunity. When I took a look at what he was doin...


Why AT&T and Comcast Are Changing Their Brands

After giving a speech, I was asked a question that got me thinking. Many of you may be wondering about this too. AT&T and Comcast have two of the strongest brand names in the business -- so why in the world are they both suddenly changing them? What are we, as customers and investors, not aware ...


Why AT&T and Comcast Are Changing Their Brands

After giving a speech, I was asked a question that got me thinking. Many of you may be wondering about this too. AT&T and Comcast have two of the strongest brand names in the business -- so why in the world are they both suddenly changing them? What are we, as customers and investors, not aware ...


Why AT&T and Comcast Are Changing Their Brands

After giving a speech, I was asked a question that got me thinking. Many of you may be wondering about this too. AT&T and Comcast have two of the strongest brand names in the business -- so why in the world are they both suddenly changing them? What are we, as customers and investors, not aware ...


Will the BlackBerry Torch Save RIM?

Research In Motion held an unusual meeting in New York City on Tuesday. What was unusual was that it held the meeting. This is very unlike RIM. It introduced a new device called the "BlackBerry Torch 9800" and a new operating system. This is RIM's next-generation device, which has both a touchscreen...


AT&T Is Winning Its Catch-Up Race

AT&T Mobility and Apple iPhone have been successful together, but every coin has two sides. The other side has been a wireless data logjam. Could that problem finally be getting under control? AT&T has been working very hard to do just that, said Ralph de la Vega, AT&T mobility and consu...


AT&T Is Winning Its Catch-Up Race

AT&T Mobility and Apple iPhone have been successful together, but every coin has two sides. The other side has been a wireless data logjam. Could that problem finally be getting under control? AT&T has been working very hard to do just that, said Ralph de la Vega, AT&T mobility and consu...


AT&T Is Winning Its Catch-Up Race

AT&T Mobility and Apple iPhone have been successful together, but every coin has two sides. The other side has been a wireless data logjam. Could that problem finally be getting under control? AT&T has been working very hard to do just that, said Ralph de la Vega, AT&T mobility and consu...

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