Like the St. Louis Rams, HotJobs (Nasdaq:HOTJ), and E*Trade (NYSE: ET)were edged out in Super Bowl XXXVI as AT&T Wireless’ mLife joined the NewEngland Patriots in the winner’s circle.
According to a survey by Jupiter Media Metrix(Nasdaq: JMXI), AT&T cashed in on its Super Bowl ad campaign topromote its new mLife wireless brand, registering681,000 unique visitors on game day, upfrom 34,000 the day before.
Get an mLife
“mLife really came out of nowhere,” said CharlesBuchwalter, vice president of media research atJupiter Media Metrix, adding that the surge in Webtraffic “bordered on breathtaking.”
Buchwalter added that most of this year’s Super Bowl adswere for familiar e-commerce brands that are likely toenjoy longer-term results, but the novelty of themLife ad campaign led to immediate online response.
Of those who visited the mLife site on Super Bowl Sunday, 23percent viewed the registration page and 5 percentactually completed the registration process.
“A 5 percent response rate is a reasonably healthynumber for a brand-new brand,” Buchwalter said.
Pepsi, whichran ads featuring Britney Spears, also saw visits toits site increase during the game.
Also-Ran Ads
According to the Jupiter report, traffic to otheradvertisers — including HotJobs, Monster,Schwab and E*Trade — remained steady ordecreased slightly, which Buchwalter said was “noparticular surprise.”
Monster’s visitor numbers dropped from 652,000 onSaturday to 473,000 on Sunday, and the number of HotJobs visitorsfell from 360,000 on Saturday to 299,000 on Sunday.
Unlike the mLife ads, those developed by Monster and HotJobs were not necessarily meant to driveimmediate visits to their Web sites.
“Monster andHotJobs are destinations that people are utilizinganyway,” Jupiter analyst Patrick Keane said.
Super Bowl traffic to HotJobs was down from theprevious week but up significantly from two weeksbefore the game, largely due to the online ad campaignthe company has been running for the last six to sevenweeks, Keene said.
Monday, Monday
Mark Karasu, director of advertising and marketing atHotJobs, pointed out that because of the nature of careersites, they may have seen increased traffic on theMonday after the Super Bowl rather than on game day itself.
In fact, Monster claimed that in the 24-hour periodafter the Big Game, it recorded more than 28 million pageviews, up 167 percent from Super Bowl Sunday and up 57percent from the same period last year.
The number of job seekersincreased 93 percent the day after the game, according to the company, while resume submissions increased 84 percent.
The only site to show a decline in Web traffic fromlast year’s Super Bowl Sunday was E*Trade, whichthis year used its Super Bowl spots to launch its new brandidentity — E*Trade Financial.
According to Jupiter’s measurements, traffic to theE*Trade site fell to 120,000 unique visitors on Sundayfrom 174,000 the day before the game.
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