
Microsoft To Unleash .NET Content Management

Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is slated to announce the release of its .NET Content Management Server 2002 at the annual Microsoft Exchange Conference in Anaheim, California.

The new content management offering will let developers more rapidly publish content to the Web directly from Microsoft Word, according to the company. In addition, users will realize an increased ability to personalize the content of Web pages for customers.

The software relies on XML (extensible markup language), which lets developers create customized tags that can be read across many applications and organizations. XML serves as the basis for all of Microsoft’s Web services offerings.

The product will cost US$42,000 per processor and is slated to become available by year-end.

More Add-Ons Planned

Ten additional independent software vendors also are releasing integrated software additions to the content management system, Microsoft said. Those offerings include search features, site migration capabilities and the ability to manage user identity.

Content Management 2002 joins BizTalk Server 2002 and Commerce Server 2002, which were released by Microsoft earlier this year.

In Dire Need?

A Jupiter Media Metrix study released earlier this year suggested that a majority of companies view content management as key to operating their Web sites.

According to the study, 53 percent of surveyed companies said they planned to launch new document, content or media asset management systems by the end of 2002.

The study also suggested that businesses may be paying too much for content management software. Some companies have spent as much as $25,000 per non-technical employee to manage content online.

Web Services Adoption Iffy

But it is unclear whether companies will flock to Web services applications in the near future, even though Microsoft has positioned the .NET integrated suite of services as its core enterprise offering.

“When we talk to customers about Web services, they’re very interested in it. They’re doing research in it, but they’re moving cautiously,” Julie Giera, IT services vice president at Giga Information Group, told the E-Commerce Times.

“I think there is still a lack of understanding about .NET and Web services in general,” she added.

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