For the first time, the number of women who used the Internet for holiday shopping outpaced the number of men who did so, according to a study released Monday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Of the 29 million online users who made purchases online during the just-completed holiday season, approximately 58 percent were women, up from 50percent last year, said the report. Moreover, the study concluded thatalmost one-third of female Internet users bought gifts online this season,compared to 22 percent of men.
The Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit group found that the usage shiftregistered during the post-Thanksgiving buying period provides furtherevidence that women are becoming more comfortable with shopping online ingeneral.
“For years, men dominated the online shopping universe,” said the report.”That made sense because men were more likely to be early adopters of theInternet, to feel comfortable providing their credit card informationonline, and to feel there were advantages to the ease of purchasing goodsonline.”
However, Pew concluded, over the past year women began to encroach onthis male-dominated territory as they took to the Internet in greater numbers.
Bigger Picture
In addition to shifting the online retail landscape, the growing strength ofthe online female population is part of a “broader story” about the stridesmade by the e-commerce sector in recent months, said the report.
To this end, the study — based on a survey of more than 2,000adults with Internet access — found that 29 million people purchased giftsonline during the 2001 holiday season and said the average amount of money spent online was US$392 per person.
The figures represent a spike from the 20 million who did so last year, when then average amount spent was $330.
At the same time, the report noted, more respondents indicated theysaved time and money this year by buying merchandise online and fewer had complaints about the potential hassles of conducting online transactions.
Daily Pattern
Breaking down the online shopping numbers for the 2001 holiday, Pewsaid that more than six million people made purchases over the Internet on atypical day, up from about five million in December 2000.
In all, roughly 26 percent of the online population, or 29 million users,bought gifts online in recent weeks, said the report. By comparison, aboutone-fifth of Internet users, or fewer than 20 million people, shopped online for presents during the same period in 2000.
Piecemeal Proposition
According to Pew, minorities and young Internet users between the ages of 18and 29 were responsible for some of the most dramatic increases in theonline gift-buying population this time around.
Despite this uptick, the report still found that affluent users are amongthe most likely to buy holiday gifts online. For instance, about 39 percentof households earning more than $75,000 made purchases via the Web, whilejust 15 percent of those earning less than $30,000 did so.
Putting the overall numbers in perspective, Pew concluded that onlineshopping remained just one part of most users’ gift buying experience, withonly 19 percent of those who purchased from an online retailer reportingthat they bought all or most of their presents on the Internet.
Instead, Internet users seem to view e-commerce spending as a piecemealproposition, with almost half of those surveyed reporting to Pew that theybought only a few of their gifts online in recent weeks.
I can’t believe men were ever more likely than women to “hand over their credit card numbers” on the Internet or anyplace else. Anyway, I too did a lot of my holiday shopping online for the first time–to avoid going into toy stores. But I still don’t like buying clothes online.
I don’t know the accuracy of survery, but I, in deed, bought all of my gifts online for Christmas and New Year’s Day. Yet, I did not buy them online because I became more or less comfortable with the Internet, but it was convenience of shopping at home. ^^